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... During the ensuing TVeeh. DAYS. NEWPORT. CHEPSTOW. PASSAGES. JANUARY Morning! Evening Morning Evening Morning Evening H. M. N. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. II. M. Sunday ..31 11 25 11 37 11 it FEBRUARY Monday.. I 0 32 0 5 0 44 0 31 Tuesday.. 2 in 1 55 1 23 2 7 1 13 1 57 Wednesday 3 2 39 3 17 2 51 3 29 2 41 3 19 Thursday 4 3 55 4 20 4 7 4 38 3 57 4 28 Friday 5 4 57 5 22 5 9 5 34 4 59 5 24 Saturday.. 6 ...


... NORFOLK—Lord Tenterden, and Mr. Baron Vaughan. ivr°ME—^or(^ Chief Justice Tindal, and Mr. Justice Bayley. MIDLAND—Lord Chief Baron Alexander, and Mr. Baron VJ arrow. NORTHERN—Mr. Justice Park, and Mr. Justice James Parke. OXFORD—Mr. Justice Littledale, and Mr. Baron Bolland. WESTERN—Mr. Justice Gaselee, and Mr. Sergeant Bosanquet. Mr. Sergeant Bosanquet is appointed in the room of Mr. Jus- ...


... PORT OF NEWPORT. A List of Vessels which have entered Inwards and cleared Outwards at this Port, in the week ending the 2d Feb. 1830. INWARDS. VVrrH POTATOES.—Duke of Wellington, De Gruchy, from Jersey. J WITH OATS AND FLOUR.—Merchant, Rosewall from Youghal. WITH FLOUR.—Pacinc, Ellis, from Waterford. WITH OATS.-—Friends, Nicholas, from Cork. WITH SLATES.—Catherine, Richards, from portmadoc. ...


... INSOLVENTS. John Miles Patterson, Union-row, near Bow-bridge, and Bear- Binder-lane, Old-Ford, Middlesex, rope maker. Thomas Creed and Thomas Keen, Fore-street, Cripplegate, haberdashers. P) \NN Rl'PTF. Edward Dubbins, Brighton, plumber and glazier. Charles Henry Darby, now or late of Cheapside, tailor and draper. John Powell Bannister, Henrietta-street, Cavendish-square, stable-keeper. ...

[No title]

... SHERIFFS APPOINTED BY HIS MAJESTY IN COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1830. Monmouthshire—William Jones, of Clytha, Esq. Herefordshire—Richard Blakemore, of the Leys, Esq. Gloucestershire—David Ricardo, of Gatcombe Park Esa. Worcestershire—John Scott, of Stourbridge, Esq. Breconshire—William Lewis Hopkins, of Aberanell, Esq. Glamorganshire—William Williams, of Aberpergwm, Esq. Cardiganshire—Thomas Hugh ...


... INSOLVENTS. John Snow, Worcester, scrivener. Peter Tessier, Ringroore, Devonshire, merchant. James Bowie Hunt, Great Charlotte-street, Blackfriars-road, hat manufacturer. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. Antonio Lopez, Copthail-court, merchant, from January 29, to March 12, at eleven, at Basinghail-street. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. Nicholas Thompson, Dartmouth, master mariner. James Hucker. Glastonbury, ...

Account of Wheat, fyc. arrived in the Port of London, from the I'oth to the 3Qth of January, both days inclusive :—

... Wheat. Bar. Malt. Oats. Beans. Flour. Qrs.. 3097 9071 5676 4898 2230 7384 sks. Imperial Average Price of Corn and Grain, for the week endlilg January 29. Wheat 56 2 j Oats 21 1 Beans 31 3 Barley 29 4 } Rye .36 9 Pease 35 2| Aggregate Average of the Six Weeks, which regulates Duty. Wheat 56 3 [ Oats 21 5 Beans .32 3 Barley 29 6 Rye 32 10 Pease 35 H Duty on Foreign Corn. Wheat 30 8 [ Oats 15 3 ...


... FOUR O'CLOCK.) Bank Stock 219| 4 per Cent. 1828. 100% j 3 per Cent. Reduced. 034 Long Annuities 3 per Cent. Consols 92a India Stock 232 3t'; per Cent shut Ditto Bonds 3^ per Cent. Reduced 99| Exchequer Bills New 4 per Cent .101J Consols for Aseount S2* ...


... AT NEWPORT, CHEPSTOW, AND THE OLD AND NEW PASSAGE^' I the During the ensuing Week. I DAYS. NEWPORT. CHEPSTOW. PASSAGES' FEBRUARY Morning Evening Morning Evening Morniug Eveni'[ H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. B. H Sunday 7 6 31 6 50 6 43 7 2 6 33 6$■ Monday 8 7 9 7 27 7 21 7 39 7 H 7 2» ■ Tuesday.. 9 7 45 8 1 7 57 S 13 7 47 8 3 H Wednesday 10 8 17 8 32 8 29 8 44 8 19 8 34 ■ Thursday U 8 48 9 4 ...


... HIGH WATER HIGH WATER AT NEWPORT, CHEPSTOW, AND THE OLD AND NEW PASSAGES. H During the ensuing Week. During the ensuing Weid,. DAYS- NEWPORT. CHEPSTOW. PASSAGES. FEBRUARY Morning Evening Morning Evening Morning Evening O M- H- H* M- H. M. H. M. H. M. Sunday ..14 10 31 lo 51 10 43 11 3 10 33 10 53 Monday.. 15 11 12 U 3S 11 24 11 48 11 U n 38 ■ luesday.. 16 0 1 0 13 n 3 Wednesday IT 0 34 1 7 0 ...


... PROVNCAL. j B5ZmZ!h 6.-Wheat, 60s Od to 66s Od Barley, 26s 4d to 30s 0d; Oats, 00s Od Beans, 00s Od per ro- H penal quarter. Abergavenny, February 6.—Wheat, 62s 8d Barlev 33s did; H Oats, 22s 8d Beans, 00s Od Pease, 00s Od per mperial quar- H ter. Gloucester, Feb 6—Wheat, 7s Od to 8s 6d Barley 4s 6d to 5s 3d Beans, 5s Od to 6s Od Oats, 2s 6d to 3s 6d per bushel; H Qu'rternlo?9?d 8eC°nd8' ...


... TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 9. Foreign Office, Feb. 9.—It has been notified by the French Minister for Foreign Affairs to his Majesty's Ambassador at Paris, tha,t the French Government having been informed that doubts existed on the subject of the blockade of the ports of the Regency of Algiers by the naval forces of his Most Christian Majesty, think it right to declare that that ...