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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... THE COURT-MARTIAL UPON COLONEL CR AWLEY. (Sappleentart y to Telegraphlc Suemary.) NINETEENTH DAY. AI)DEn5uOTT, Tuusnsry MonSeIoG. TuE Court re-assembled this morning shortly after t ten o'clock. Colonel Piros said the Court had considered the question put at the close of the proceedings yester- day, and the objection of the prisoner. The Court were of opinion that if the objection were pressed ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-SATunRDAw. [Before Dr. M, tLrE, J.1., Saud EDwmrD Omnira, E~q. ABSENT ro02 A croese: AND CAPT. Thomas ]ailoy was fined in 1OR and costs, or to Ie n imprisoned fourteen days, for being drunk in Bally- maacarrett whilst in charge of a horse and cart. : Thomns Richmond was lined in 5s and costs for a similar offence. MISCONDUCT IN SEnVICE.. W William Kelly, Felix iI Cool, and ...


... THE ASSASSIN.ATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. Br the China we have particulars of the assassina- tion of President Lincoln in addition to those pre- viously received. 1ttJOlt tTEBUHN'S ACCOUNT. Major Itathbnrn, who was in attendance on the President ;when he was assassinated, describes theI circumstauces as follows I The President's box at Ford's Theatre is a double one, or what ordinarily ...


... - BELFAST POLICE COURT-YEsTERD&A. Before J. C. O'DoN'xLa, asq., Bitt; E. CRasr | Esq., ?? iDr. MGEE, J.P.; and Major EsI MIONDE, J.P.] Dv :rw CUELTY. Daili Kerr las Charged- by Constable M'Nieholl with worring a hcrsa %hich had a number of sores on its back. MXr. Voang prosecuted on behalf of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. AtNiacholl said he arrested the prisoner, who ...

Legal Intelligence

... ,Ftgal :411f el kq en. ce. COURT 01 QUEEN'S BENICIH. Dunux, TuEsDYs. t:rrom OUR SPECIAL REPORTRn.T| [Before tha full COURT.] EULLAGHAS V. ]UrLLAGC S. Tna action was brought to recover possession of a stall piece of land in the Commons of Carlinglord. The defendant put in an equitable ?? that be had held the land in conjunction with another piece ad- joining it. and had given up the latter on ...


... LFODU OUB OWEr NEPOnSLJ.] ON Saturday the Quarter Sessions for the hearing of civil bills were opened for the first time at Ban- bridge, by ROBBRT JORNSTON, Esq., Barriste-Mt- Law. Lord A. E. Hill-Trevor occupied a seat on the Bench for the greater part of the day. CIVIL BILLS. JOS!PrE MONTGOREBX V. JACOB HALLIDAY. The plaintiff in this case was a farmer, and the de- fendant a seed merchant ...


... CONSOLIDATED CHAMBER-DUBLIN, TuSDAYI [EROI OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.] [Before Baron FIszERsALD.] CUNNINGHAM V. FRANELIN AND OTHER3. MeD. Wn. D. Axootrmws moved, on behalf of Mr. Hill Hamilton, of Bel1ast, that hi be at libarty to talts defence to the action, which WaE see of ejectment on the t~tle, broeght for the recevery of certain premises situate in tke tewn of Belfast. The motion was gronuded ...

Legal Intelligence

... . ti! I ililligail ?? COURT OF QV, Ih. BbNF'-ie-st :1 V 9. [B i-: r Jioet!Oc O'6BIEa J a, w. nsunc-lEt4. S , 3sE the ortlLi4 tr, biifnEsE of the Cor.:t was en- t~red ?? tie gt stozen called to the B:r this cenu took the onnO nthe c, allegcimoa and supre- T115 QUREN v. QUINN Mr. MhBnntN, i_ ito hit oi the aielaudart, moved to make absouate a c0nditttieui order obtained on the 15th of Jone last, ...


... T'HE FENIAN TRIALS.I FOURTH DAY. DuBuaN, TnRsnDAt.-The trial of Thomas Clarke 1 Laby was resumed this morning. 6 Mr. Jastiee Keogh and Mr. Justice Fitzgerald v took their seats on the beach at ten o'clock pre- cisely. The first witness was Hermann Schofield, ex%. mined by Mr. MularvY-I lived for some time in o New York. I left it on the 1st November. I knew i there John O'Mahony, who lived at ...


... ?? C6UAtT OF :PROB~ATE DUBLIN, TUESDAY. (FROMT OUR SPECIAL REPOOUTER.) (Before the Right Hon. Judge KEATINGE.) SINCLAIR V. SINCLAIR. Tfis Was a suit instituted for the purpose of trying whether the deceasead Mri. Thomas Sinclair, of the Falls, near- Belfast, was of sound mind) and under- ,standing.,when he executed! aspaper-writing, dated 6tb.April, 1858. By. a previous will, dated in 1850, ...


... FIGHT WITH KNIVES-SAD RESULT OF A I DRUNKEN SCUFFLE. A vrnE sad occurrence was investigated on Tuesday by Mr. W. J. Payne, Coroner for the Duehy of Lancaster. A young man, aged 24, named Edward Leigh, commoner of Jesus College, Oxford, who has been residing in Dane's Inn for some time, but was about to return to Oxford to take his B.A. degree, lost his life in a drunken scuffle, as it appears, ...


... WARWICK ASSIZES-MAkicII 28. [Before Mr. Justice WILLES.] Henry Carter, 20, brass founder, was charged with the wilful murder of his sweetheart, Alice Hinkley, on the 4th of December last, in Bissell Street, Bir- mingham. The deceased was a young woman who had lived with her grandmother in Artoun's Buildings, Bissell Street, Birmingham. On the night of December 4, deceased was seen by her ...