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Friday's Mail

... LOXDOX, (Thurlday,) Dec. 26. PARIS Pipers have been received to the t'.th mli. Upon the irh, B nii'ay, _V la Mearj'-e, in the name ot the Settion f the Con- ftitutifM. prefented to the CommilTion of the Cuunu oi Five Hundred the plan of the new Conlliiuti«n ; which was accepted. Every Commune o» the Republic, within ?? _rt-r the promulgation of this aft, mutirf- ?? in a Ilegitter to be opened ...


... UNA ?? _>by threa*. tmmov'd by force, My i'::adj foul purfuet her comic, C_!c_rd, calm, relign'd ; Siv *c w*io fe.rch with curious eyes, _ :il C>i_«_ whence Imman afti..-n_ rile, $,y »ticn«.e thi* turn ut mir.d -* •l ti .Arttucr ! Lenient Goor.-f., Uu,l On ! 1 tU J votary's vows prevail, -jhv thie.ten'd flight lo Itsy ; Long halt thou been a welcome eerft, ?? rei.n'J an inmate in my bieait, ...

LDXDOX,—C Monday,) Dec. 33

... For fom. tirre it has been reported, thit arm. ther expedition is to be undertaken. tesders have feen, that levers! frigates hay within the ?? five or fix weeks failed to the coaft ?? France vvith arm . amm un .ion ard money for the infurgems. T_o__ore proceeded upon a fimilar mdiion a (eve d sys •CO. Wiir-n thefe lupp'ie-. have enabled lit Choti'n Chiefs to cr,Vc(\ an** o-gan'm* ...


... Who i'.ti zl i c-«nf jir-j-tron at the Hot- V. ?? Briftoi. UY LORD I'ALMERSTON. ' •tsrllOE'Eß , like mc, with tiemblmg angu'lh brirgs * Histie-rt'a wtiole treafure tofair Urriol'- iprin^. ; j NS'h.-e'cr, like me to footbe aift.ifc and pair., fcliall pour thele falutary fpiin^s in vain ; Conucinn'd uke me, to heart c faint reply. To m«:k the t.,di«g cheek, lbs finking eye ; ] From v.c chili ...

1 _-_■___—■ 1 - -- VLRSLS

... 1 _-_■___—■ 1 - -- VLRSLS Written partly in im.tation of the French Anacreontic, by the Regent Duke of Orleans, bcginni-g •• j t full nepme lis fia jits.'' t> V Nature form'd for ev'rv joy, *•*■*■' Pleafure only is my aim ; No other fche _c my thoughts employ, 1 fcorn the f.-ols of we.lih and t-nie j Where'er I go, 1 play niy part. And bring a focial. jovial hea it Since fleep'* a tribute we ...

Friday's Mail

... LONDON, (Thurfday,) Jan. 2. THE Vienna of the ijth-ult. an. ?? thit the KuTwn army HK- . anew in L'*iiu_ni-, will traverfe G-l lie ia in cijiht co units, ati- that thele trips wii! repair ?? to Autiria, Moravia, and Bohemia, where tiny will take ?? winter quarto f, ana ; .inthe army ot Geo. Saw irrmv. j According to the lame arcour.i., tfte firit co- i Jumn ot tt-cfe _*_nfor - ...

Friday's Mail. i

... LONDON, (Ti.ur'duy,) Jun. 9 . ?? T ERI MY evening we teceived tiie I 'an; Journals to the sth '1 heie is no ?? occurretire ?? any imput-unce i.n ti.cfc | .urra',. _ he army 'if Prince Charles iia; made a ?? r..cit to approach nearer to the Rhine ; sr.d it ' is n.w generally aci-no-vlcd^e 1 that the Rulii ii Arn-.y i_ to retire no turthcr into il.e Hereditary Dominions tnan is neceflary ...

Saturday 6c Sunday's Mails

... LO SDO ?? -..10—11. ACCORDING to advices received on ' Thurlday by Government ir.mi the Mediterranean, we i_*,e capture •r.f a Trench nal'.nii c rvette from ! Alex in.-ifM, with diipitcnes nv. b^ard from | General ICI-hcr xo teve Buonaparte, rand | tiie Xx Drc.t. ity —The purport of l_e*.e in- ; terccptcd communication, is highly _ry. ; They .late the ncner.! diftrefles ...

LONDON,—f Monday,J fan. 12

... LONDON,— f Monday, J fan. 12. !We yefterday received Pari*. Papers to the Sth j inft. The Debates which took place on tne sth ! the Tribunate, on the Meli'agc, and on the Plan of the Decree tranfmitted by the Confulate, for determining the relative connexion ot the different Conftitution .il Bodies, form the moft interefting contents of thele Journals. This Plan of the Decree ...


... His Majesty— Was dreffed in a beautiful light bluecoa', elegantly embroidered with gold, and em- broidered fatin waiitcoat, wearing a diamond ftar, and the collars ot the Oroeis of the different Knighthoods. The DtKES Of YOKK, CLAKLNCfc.CuMBKHLAM), and Pi ince William of Gtaacisraa, were in their Regimental Uniforms. Mr. Pitt was fuperbly dreffed in blue velvet, richly embroidered with liiver, ...