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South West, England


Devon, England

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... ?? -- Stewards-Earl Poulett, Earl Buchan, Lord Cardrass, Admiral sup .t tbon:EO. Sir . Keppel, G.CB., and Major Trist. Seoretary-Mr. etat ?? eU, joUi. Clark of the course-Mr. Riohar eath. pr Starter-Mi. JefferyeMiebelmore. Judge-Mr. E. Soobell. fas This popular race'rmeeting 'was held on Thursday and ett Friday on the old couree adjoining* the Ralway Station. and On the fiiet da? the weather ...


... THE UNIVERSITY BOAT RAdE. I jar, V a The University Boat Rsce was rowed on Saturday, under ti especially favourable ciroumetances. The tide served at tC two o'olock, the wind wasligbt,and thesun shone1billitatly. FP As a natural osnsequence, the crowds at every available point were immense, and the Thames wei covered with a small craft. Everybody was mare or less blue, but fron the ...


... WHITESTON?E FARMERS' CLUB. The annual ploughing match of this society was held yesterday in a field on Hurston Farm, occupied by Mr. White. There were fourteen competitors. The arrange- ments were most successfully carried out by the committee. The judges wvere Mlessrs. Adams (Maminhead), Kemblo (Cheriton Bishop), and Mfatthew~ Miilton (Coide) uexcllenit luneheon ~c'ss provided by Mr, W~hite ...


... MWATCHlES TO COME. August 8, 9.-Cutn Vale v. North Devon, at Instow. August 10,11.-Devon v. Somerset, at Culm Vale. August 14, ?? v. Cornwall, at Plymouth. August 10, 17.-Plymouth v. Bocounoc, at Plymouth. August 10, 17.-First Eleven v. next Twenty-two of Culm Vale, at Culn Vale. August 21, 22.-North v. South Devon, at Culm Vale. August 28, 24.-Teigubridge v. Bocoanoc, at Teigubridge. August ...


... T -E NATIONAL R -IFLE -SOIAIN FIRST DAY.-.TUESDAY, Rifle 1. The third annual prize meeting if the National hits 00 A~ssociation commenced at Wimbledon Common on Tuesday, matd July 1st, and, taking all circumstances into considertAtion, thiema ten days' campaign, looked certainly more auspicious than the at 6 lueeting of either of the two preceding years. h Ths number of entries for all the ...


... &ug. 3, at Exmonuth-Exmouth v. South Devon, return. DEVON v. TIE. CIVIL SERVICE. Owing to disappointments at the last moment Devon did not send a very strong team to Battersea, and were, more- over, unfortunate ; hence the result of the match with the C. S. Several good men lost their wickets for little or nothing, and one wee stupidly run out by the man who wae allowed to run for him. Thetotl ...


... . . PAIGNTON v. EXMOUTH. This match was played at Exmouth on Wednesday. Wickets were to have been pitohed at eleven o'clockneot a minute too soon for a oue-day match-but there was nearly an hour's delay, owing. to three of the Paignton men stop lug to lunch at the Globe. One of the lunchors was, bow d i-rt balt; a second was bowled for a duck. about the fourth ball, whilst the third added ...


... ee ca 3Es, be et, gof ad 3W re, -nt iW. ;.1 in ,a, Wn Illy 'he me raf by ty- ty^si lide bis bis Aty %te, rds out day Dn- sea ?? an, lar., tho Lsed ,ene 32te on 'ent The Ize- ,ude [on . and H.B and Cpe, Mr 4ra. hold juire Mr. Iiam ssed as a was was 'was yhee rmerr artily eaw 3und Ousee : de- grweew time inued a thl rep] THE TonBEY WANDERERS a. NEWTON COLLEGE, wwi Flayed at the South Devon ...


... INEWS BY BLECTBIO TELEGBAPH. I 'iTxIp -N S- M _ _ _ reed and St. red the sted Ma11 the the this nteb iage !roa pith- med Hthe ;the aens ally livil Mr dd, ord om- tant. rein rin. ime th. ,at- mi74 ,000 sad ttes, sea hut eod, ethe f in and h at for and Peak. on- e of sank The now hese took The Bjo. Che 3 of ood, on the ub- esr- moon for- lof urn rk- irds as 'ram t- ty- THE UNIVERSITY BOAT RACE. ...


... BRAIIrD'oRD SPExB v. STOKE Va.iSON.-ThiE return match was played on Auguet 27th, at Bra mpford Spoke, the players being residents at each parish. The battiog of F. Browne and of Li. Staddon was good. Seven of the Stoke wickets were taken by seven consecutive balls- three by F. Browne and four by H. Staddon. Two good catches worn made by G. Halse on the Stoke side. The score is appended;- ...


... I -A dense fog prevailed yesterday in Exeter, and causad considerable inconvienee to pedesatians, who made the streets animated by their presence. The influx of visitors was very large, and the day was observed as a general holiday by the eitidzkn. The Great Western and London and South Western Railway Companies ran cheap' excursions to Exeter in connection with the Devon v. Lsanelly match, ...


... HURST PARK MEETINGI-THIS DAY. I Q-COURT OPBN ;SBLLING HANDICAP HURDLx, RACE of 100 oVa., Two miles. Mr Ma-trruittn'. GuIpS ?? (A Nightingall) I Oar ic Wooiilanjlo' berena ?? (E Woudburst) 2 Mr Allingtun'e S'cylla.. (Barker) 3 Also ran: Gie..hubler, Sanctuary, Juliet, Ultimus, Gold Leaf, WVoomlan. Betting: 7to 4 ngst Scylla, 100 to 16 Gales, 7 to I Sanctuary, Serena, 10 to I (iesahuble-, G.ld ...