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Devon, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... ('SURACY WANTED, itt Devon, or C C. a married rMna, a graduate ift Ox- ford, er' inie2 -Ins.; next. No fitation or hhtaiiiomi dvutr, n'$eeaed to; but if near the fea, mvrc agreeable, and ar, adcquate falary annexed. Apply to th- printers. If by lhtter, pol-praid. \%1ANTED a partner to emba& in the V V DRU G TRAD, .who can commnsand front 500 to 1(030.-There will be another profiable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 0 be SOLD at Havnc, n ar Lifton, a T rcr -a'zbly finr chcfiut COLT, 3) vcar' old. maf- ter rf ycir, go. by Hvperion, fr of I fightvcr, dam bv y oTn1 Babr aair, fon of old Babraham, fon F. 6iirCc. To prevent trouble, tht price i5 ojguireas. Fnouire for Richard Drw-ne, H1yre. 16 CITY ot EXETER. 'VTIIERE-S the prefent contratt for re- v V mol inr the A5. s, Dirt. Dung, and Filth2, from. thc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEnobility and9Si; Hotel, Exeter, 22a j lace N. B. Turtle ?? duringth., ?? be SOLD byt AtYTO, a. WEBiB, ait his repohjitoro on Friday the a7th day of J o Upwards of 20 lots of AR0 Eec, The f ale byl at- i 'TOP HAM fo be SOLD ift FE, by private - T 9MOliNT WEAR HOUSEith fui pleafant and healthy, twmiles tre*Ezete&T^~ Applyto W*. Spicn, ef. Wtear. EXETER TH4ATRpW7-- rItMOE ~ul iti riefpe'&folly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CR3O-W N OAIK STAVES,9 1 ONIF c n .ipe,' og ead, and Baxtvl S AVS plf Pto 1B. rollca and Co. Thptham, JuV 1 2th, , 1804. [97 To be LET, FURNISH ED. O be Lrr t&om the 3oth of Atwuft nIItJ lace rnear 0;i' warren;- the hoclff Contains tnndfomvr r UN (. 'LLO W, fietet' in a mote delighttul njing and fittin' r roors fti e bcl th roo ai and -. frat acr glod kitci-cr wih , liv bi~, - lt'. - h&C. aih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R A M S. - R. WNRBFCORD, of Clannaborough, has i Ti.Ten clofo-bred LEICESTERSHIRE RAITS, he will difpoft of by, rivatc contra&, at any tree between th's and the '20th of thL infiant. Any pc.fon defirous of imptooir.n his 'dock, may depend on the quattws of tl efe fheep. Clannaborourh, lft Aug. S-04. V E V 0 N. 0 be LET, and entered on immediately, T for three or fveycars, a very convenient ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'iiur:-h-vard, 1.xt tr ?? 4uvxrd'. ir16o4 i H-.;E1,REBY IGIVE N'OTIGE, that the; r: -e t rc;: _n r!-t d ill o , ot this DIioclce, teritds t' ft an otin:r.ti ou atini;t l.xcter, on Sunday the 7th of' ')ctohr ncY!?, that ?? gcntl.tnen vwho r oui to ipiv for het f!-cndr. hont'id ?? t.cir papers to w oflicc vxtwrity-onr ;w dav. at the leaft, previous to the .idiniatain, for hi i or infp's ipcction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, in the gramwar-fchool at , VV Honirun, ?? no~al eha- racer, who is qiualified to teach writing and arithme- d tic. A liberal falary will be allowed. d Particulars may be kown by an application to the e mafter of the fchool. c p HORSES for SALE. WIE STOUT DRAfT HORSES, with c F their harnefs, to be fold near Oakharpton. a For further paiticulars, apply to Mr.John Carpenter, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... k ToPAlENT1 and G1l~A~ N APBENTCJE WANTED bk* a | fr} ?? ivlneD at- qURGEON and AOTli IE CA1RY,1 iii Ct;i ~tcinIpe5ordbire. As ileYVOUIY gntleman~t il toiced an one of the farmily, none1 Uuut thoffe of I C- tsratM as Ine F p . if by lettcr, pofl-paid, to Ml e¶. rr 'trabiltlknedt tr Mr RogerS, drugilft, Tioniton. URAC'~WANTl.D, ill Devon, or Cornwvall bya rnatli'd inan, a graduae ?? J at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLY M O J T II. OR SALE by public aution, at the Lon- F don !avern, fi l.-firect, Plymouth, ol Firday the ?? of Augult inflant, at ten o'clock in th- fir:- nioon, fuildrvyvaluahle SNIIPS STORES, confiffill, of mats, top-enais, y:.rbl, lehis, hawfers, anchors, beansi and knees, of great length and fize; oak and fir planK, copper bolt, iron flaodards, breall booh.s, t:nces, bolts anmi nails, o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f - ?? ?? OtA K TIME111B. 0 be SOLD, about TTvo 11trvnRi - IT Ioad, of capitall feaftiuue '.NA't TUMBItE. Apply to Mr. I lick,, Exeter. Ju lei13th, 1804. * HORSES for SA.LE. EVE STOUT DRAFT HORSES, with F their harnet. to be fold ncar Oakhanmwon. For further particulars, apply to MNlr.Joho Cxapenter, at Oakhampton atbtcfaid. Oskhalinpton, July- 28th, 1804. 26S GLOBE INN. EXNIOUTI. tT5HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEA -SIDE, DEVON. pO be SOLD, or LET, furniffhed, and en- T tered on imnmt~i-ditciy, a ncat genteel DWE11G HOUSE, fituated at Starcrofs, widh good garden, coach. houle, fetable, and every coilvenienpv. The houl; is moft leaitanfll fiuatai, and commuad$ an extenve view.v oi fka and land. For particulars, apply to l rwl. m Trewotan and~o. Exeter. NORWAY DEALS and BATTENS.- 0`hN SALE, for ready ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be LET'T for a tcrfl, a gooa ana com- ino.JiiiS DWELLLiNG-li)JlSk, confittivig of a bmikfaUorSi7 fit t.g and dinin-patrlours, a very br.~l';'aod 'raoirooi foitr ?? lugitng-roomns, and firrii good gawrgf~t tor tiervants; with a good kitchen and ?? olls', 'ad a gaiden. ApplY to 'Mr. lhiiiton, attorneY, in Exeter. [r3D12 f o ~~thle l;A C ll IX.T ANTED, Wa PARTNER by a gentle- tiiiail of the p ...