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Devon, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... D EV ON. T ISV- of GAMIE Cl;UtTWICATES ilrued E ,n th. taid dCoUie, 1nitn the e2itb nda of Auous'r, ti) r Ihe 4th day of' septi nerI 15e4. ielu.ipie. [(7o~ltnaec~i wto Oaf tttJ'i. A Angwin Robert H. efq. Nla,church Ateher Samuel, efq. plymptqin Alhford John, jun. gent. Shaiugh-houfe Adne John, cfq. North Devon militia Aflffiurol Mark, gent. Brcasdclit: !.nundell Jamcs, gent. Exeter A(liusis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he - SEA-SIDE, DEVON., ?r- C0 be SODI), or LET, furnifled, an4 P- f 7 tterd cin !fin 'diaely,aneat enteelDWs',UI er HOUSE, fituatd at Starcroif, Ivith ?? !Weo, co k houle, fa6ble, anid very conveiencnv. - - The houet is nior ?? Gtuaied, and enmi _ n extenfive view of f£a and landi. F Iorpictcjars op;piy to ?? a udq Exeter. Cr 'I'o ?? R lN'IS anid G1UARVI 4S. - -al WAN!; 1 U nimzdiatey, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPrtNTICE is wntai tld in Mr. ?? lf aee, .l i'tlu( charaater, abio1ita id, nd wlerii nd,, arithmetic,. 1Y ; t.e rc jition well ca lculate for ip Zt A ptemiftif 1q expel..d. ira Lettcl', poft-piiid, will be antwered. [455 ?? 'f O £ S. be LET. tor a erm of years from le b xt all that rociilv DWELLING- sC, n~ OldflC~lftflld S-LO, atue near the r f the town tngth et, lately oc- ~ d by MrWd~cr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a BAKER WANTED. 20id A!l ufi1 8i04. ai BAKER being tr'onted inl this holpitail, tI A infch p- H;ns as arI re eliot 1l -I vbr hctake the of'- fice, art dcrlrer 10) applY to the cml'lltct Oll Thuri- r dav the o0 Sv teursbcr n-xt. 'It cleleven o'clOC il ths torenio~n.'lhe Ic h!ery i; ?? ht.pouinds pre year, xvidi b-vurd, wtifhrir' antd ev.. t1urtht r pan-icu- o lars inliV be known at th: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 'IO bo I ( L D. a pitir of brisght bay I.COACf H lOWtSES, beO' ''il t'i td t';,ht veatrs olId, t I e p -: r'ti ?? -I ~'vII. ?? attcill.' ..nquireeft.'dr. IPt 11¾ 0. ?? iCI~ te1-i'* ?? . 0 beh S01LA), plurfnlmt to tn trofti 1..high-couttt 0.1 fcI 11., Il c1n.. ieI againit DIN';I u ?? ' ' 'hIL' at the eeI '1L.I' , 'ntrv .t S ?? I I C' I. 1 V ;I\ I II'- 7. I It. Cpt I T:~ 1!;: law, i4E u ii. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T-()MC NLX\IEN WHELWMCSiIS. \X;fANTED, a man in the abovc branch; v e n;0 wajes an-l coafthnt crmplowvntei:ra wilI be Aun. 4ply to John Turpin, cf Briagtowvn, near to'ikres. Devon. BridI ac ovn, September 3d, 18Th. 1l23 XXTANTED, in an eftablilied Grammar i SC3ool, an nrtive PERSON, wvt e ?? to .e:ch writinz and arithmetic in all its brakncht-.- \ etoral filary:will bc civeii. together with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Li . 13OT-lOLUSE anti PINE PLANT.S. Tybz SOLD, a HOT-H1OUSE, 26 feet 6; t. zether with three dozen fihe flourifiling PiNE PLANTS, and cight dozen fuccilion ones.- The pines and the hot-hotuie may be fold feparatcIv, e tile latter being equally well cale'u'atea for a gceCr,- Fir particulars, apply to Mr. John Luccombe, nur- . ftry-man, alphington cafcfsxay, near Exeter. [5u21 , 7J10 be DISPOSED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... }.ENN, r~rvos.. '0be SOLD, the~ iecfolin fee, ex- o BC SOIle dc-i t one vcry old lifC, Ot a ' i; rll jbs,J . , \ witl t .rn, flable!s, fl- to ill Ilortlu'tl IltUcs, attorneys, I x3 - , ?? II N VV A 1 L.. c~ 1' of A ' C:t'ETIFIICIATES ?? o4 ?? iIe~ticT ?? . mtjbcr follawtir 9, lO ~it . A Atl ?? I le.l',iv t't~tt , ?? ldtct Itbyi Atiil r itird eflat, . it. Mabyv ?? ¢ IC itc t 1z ou .r r, gfent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tbe ENGLISH STATE -LOTTERY BEGINS DlAIflNG On MONDAY next. T ICKETS and SHARES, in great variety, T J (f(om r11t hwf, of oiORNSBY and Co.) Are r.uw 1a.s:.o at the OFiicE of TREWMAN and SON, High-firecet, E S E R. VT1i SCIIEME CONTAINS 3 Priz, of - - .2o,000 3 - - - -10,000 3 - - - - - - - - 5,000 f - - - - - - - 7- 1,0(f) 3 r - - - - - - - - 500 I Bfi'!es a great number of 1001. 501. and 201. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Al.PlltN'T0N lOt'i.- r be ?? and entered ujon at titchatl ma urCXi, allthat genteel DWNLL1ING-H OUSE, mah 'txts tlouthotles, a good gardcn, orchard, kveal arcli f ie:dow- anti pattitue land, coit- tilt rgther abolit It6 tc~ icot in the manor liflt1fl1 within one lil'e ot thle city of Exeter. licias~;\l~lr ?? uphl'ftervrs, in )st d 21't Ang- 1504. ?? I i-hdTE~Y~ ady-day next, BOARD Vra ,11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P 'Nil E4, cte jitcn;-,v)f ?? CANN, late I of Falkadon, within the parifh of Sprevton, and countV of Devnn, efq. deccaferl, are reqlucfte to tranf- it . ccounts of their rcipttiivt denjands to Mr. George LaitL rt Govwvii, of Drevrl.eigntori, in the faid county, tile exMeutoT = f the lat} r:!l and. teftanrcnt of the de- ccal`d, that they may be di rhraxe1l: And al thofe who ale indiethe; to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IITANTED, an APPRENT CE to a W SURGEON andAP01llE-ARY, otsfte practice in the coutittv: ar.r as everv attention tlii c paid to him, a ?? premiam *nli ' Sxpefiep Air'tication to bc made to Meffis. Trewilian, 1i' m- ters; cxeter; or to Mel',. Cookworthy, drugifls, P1- i month. 2. KENN, DEvoX.' rC0 be SOLD, the reverfion in fee, e\- I 4 JI peftant on the tce:th o! one verv old li: e, ot a ...