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Freeman's Journal


Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal


... MYSTERIOUS AFFAIR We: copy lThe' following. myeribua affair from Xhe Leeds Mircur,'' Dburing. tie presenbt''week'a s-srong' sensation has Sbeen 6c'asioned;in i-hiistown, by Ied covery'of a human'.beinh, i`hod-iad 'be& incarceikated in ciains iipthe. house, of'hispar'ents'ftr upwar'ds of fiftieen years.d 9in t~ednesday, in the '1ast week themo- thei of this nfgrie-n ' young ii~an, wli5ose name ...


... I.W REPOIFT. COMMON PLEAS.-IuaVuSa, Dxc. 16.0 ELIZABETH MANSERGH EXECUTRIX OF NICHOLAS MANSERAGH, DECEASED, V. RICHARD MARTYN ATTORNEY. -This was a1 aetion of assuimpsit for use and oceu- 1 pation. ln 1795, the late Nicholas Mansergh, Esq. was seized of an estate for ?? of the houge aand de- mesne of' Grenane, with reblainder td' his son John for life, remainder to his (John's) issue. At this ...


... ?? PoLild, 4t,. Z Lob-WTsET..-Yeaterday ;was the day appomnt- ed for the important deterinination rbgpecting the robetry of Messrs. Makepeace; and Harker, silver- stiiths, in Serle-street, Lriicoln's.Inn-fiolds, to the r 4inoillit 6f between sty and seven hundred pounds, t Ii silver plate, which had been received in pledge a by several pownbrokera and Ihe mainaquestion tto d be decided ras, ...


... HzAD-OFFIke.-GeOrge Williams was brough hefore the sitting Magistrate on Wednesday, ehdrged wilh having stolen a large pier looking-glass, value lf5I., a mirror, value six guineas, and various other articles, the property of Mr. William Hughes, No. 16, Upper 0rmond-quay. It appeared by the evidence'of Mr. Hughes, that his house had been secrel Y entered on Sunday evening, or Monday mofning ...


... Scven out or twelve of the Jury have signed the ronlowibg lettbf to Mr Thomas Ferrand, Coroner ' ' -Sf-We, 1hhe undevsigned, alernbersaofjthu Jury impannelled to ?? into hte cause of the death, 6f John Lees, of Oldham, anderstandibg thd our proceeding to the close of that investigatiib, ac- cording to the adjournment made by you, lics been interrupted, in ?? of your not having com. plied with ...


... I LONDON POLICE, GUILDHALL, Joy. 6. IMPORTANT CASE TO THE SILK TRADE. COTTON SHOT MANTUA V. PARIS CORD. This was an information filed by William Greatt, a journeyman silk-weaver, against Mr. George Woolley, a master silk-weaver residing in Bread. street. charging him, with only paying him lid. a yard for weaving 122 yards of cotton shot mantua, instead of Is. id. as regulated by the ...


... DUBL IN'- E' I ; MONTRATH STREET OFFICE - James donnelly James Crawley, John Crawley, G Kirby , and Patrick Phillips, were on NVedneiday iast brought to this'Otiice, _charged with a btiurg;ar and robbery on Tuesday night last, in the dweiti,,- housti (Crows'.Castle,) near Swiords, in this ?? ty., Two men who pretended they were laboiurers in siearch of employment, applied at .Mrs. _BrjCa,5 ...


... OLDHAM IXVUESP j TO THKZ E EDitbfi OF TIHE MORNING CHRQNICLP. St51-Knowing the reputation of the Courier for .veracity, J was not surprised at -its asserting that the jurors who wrote to Mr. Ferrand had forned the opinion expressed in their letter on e-partee-itlcdnce.I 4Now every one who read the reportof the proceed. ings, as furnished in the columns of the Courier, must know that They were ...


... THE KING t. WELLS. r The defendant, Thomas Wells, was indicled for a misderneanour, in speaking seditious words. To this the defendant pleaded not guilty. Want of time, says the Birmingkam Chronicle, G compels us 10 be very brief in this caset On the I 1st of January last the defendant, with seven or eight other persons, of whom three or four were soldiers, was drinking at the Star public ...

LONDON [ill] JAN. 17

... I , - ~LONPOY PQL'. ?? . 17. ' 1YST RIOUS OASE. -i'1ii~h ?? ?? Saturday an. investigatiOnI interegt, -and lated till a-very late & hour, caet n -at this office before J. E. Conaat, Elsq.theSiL' ting lagistrate ?? ; Elizabeth Barnesygirl16 yearstofag6, wasbroughtt litla the custody of Plank, the officer. charged by Mr Johnb-Wright, r lineu-draper, of Foley-place M-ary7-edb6le, on ?? of c baving ...


... SLA.FORD SU'SSIvISuAS. J,,. 17. The Saiford QuiarterSessions coim need to-day, before the Rev. W. R. Hay, as Foreman, and a full Beiili ot Magistrates, viz.- : James Norris, Esq T . Silvester, Esq li. Foilden, Eaq. -J. Ridgway, Esq. R. Wright, Esq. J. Creas.ey, Esq. It. Fletcher, Esq. Rev. C. W. Ethelston, A. it. I James Wisatkins, -Esq. After the Grand J ury had been sworn, Mr. Bay addressed ...


... OLD BAILEY.-JAN. 14. CHARGE OF MURDEPL sgeplh Skelton, dustman, was indicted foi the wilful murder of William Turdiey, by knoeking hfhr down in Chandos-street, on the 23d D'ee. last when thewheel46ti diay passec'over him hich caused his death. Mr.' Alley stated the ce-7 fdi the' pirbiec .dtion ecactly in the mahner we have already detailed' it t :o the public in our report of the Curoner's ...