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... WHAT -WILL BE DONE X . I I7 (FRoM TIlE EVENINO FRrEEmAN.) a- In another column we copy an article under this head- 1. ing, from the Daily FREEMANS' JOURNAL of this _ morning. At the close of that article a hope is ex- of pressed that the next packet would enable us to answer d, the question positively and satisfactorily. That hope is as now a reality. We can now answer the question- What will ...


... TlIEAVRE ROYAL. Mr. O'Connnl 'patrunised the beueiit of the patriotis' Rind 'everend author of the fine tragedy-the ?? G 'av lint night. and the housec was packed to- oerflowitg. I'he receipts were upwards of 001., and at least 60o. were exciuded by wton of ?? entire 'Theatre having been crowded most incon- veuiently before eight o'clock. MIr. O'Connell and all his amlia- ble fainily arrived ...


... I T. o ?? R.OYAL. t ie 'l'y0 ol ?? Peoint qf( ?? woe performed last exening to a good house. Mathevrs, as C iealier det St. Fraitc. suppo ted his characeter wel. Tihe Stirtggle between natural affection and slcoionr, with thle victory of the latter, were very well de- picted. Miss Huddart performed Bertha, and we think it a character well suited to her. The rolling of her eyes, and wild ...


... 1 Iwe FASHJONBLE V~,D\ & BEZEP tDIRONTSCL* AND AMACT OP TttE (FEO74t 1THE tOVIRT CIRCULARt OP SATtRDAtyA) The Russeian Aimbassador, thle Pruasiyj and , renth 1 nisetere, the Baron de Wesseasburgb, ?? Austrian a special mission, and the A-.strian Charge ?? °; bled at folur o'clck, yesterday afternoon, at the l e 81' ofl'e,, and beld a conference with Viscount Palmert0 5t putcb Minister visited ...


... 'A BtRIEF CHRONICLE AND ABSTRACT OP TUN5 TIMES, Their Majesties, attended by the Marchioness of Wet. meath and the Earl of Denbigh, left town in a carriage and four, on Thursday afternoon, to honour with their presenc thefite given by Sir Wathen Waller and Baroness Howe, at Pope's Villa, Twickenham. The Marquis of Lansdowne entertained some of the caE. net ministers at dinner on Wednesday ...


... T1112 FA SIIOINABLE 4W @kl) A aiWF Ckl]LO.I5LEt A-ND AIIS'XACT ° THEIR MAJESTIES. X All On1 Monday their Majesties, accompanied by their g Highnesses the Duke of Gloucester and Prince Georg Cambridge, and attended by Lord Albemarle, Leord borough, Lo~d and. Lady Denhigh, Lord and Lady B caw low, Sir A. Barnard, Sir H. Wheatley, Sir J. Reynett , visited the Exhibition of the Royal Academy. ...


... TIED Z A; I the ?? Tavels of Mr. Webster through the Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt, will conrtanr, we understand, much information of peculiar interest at the present moment. Thiq gentleman was, it appears, at Constantinople when the result of the battle of Navarino yasl8a, in the Ottoman capital, and he describes the Fer tion produced by that event, and the consequent pro S of the Sultan. It will ...


... ttt CAS rlt. I THE EDINBURGH REVIEW dOR APRIL. We have received (only on Monday)the number Of c this distinguished periodical due to the public on the e first of April. But though we regretted its absence, our impatience has been satisfied by the splendour and t diversity of its contents. But we feel bound to say that the excellencies of the present number, though manifold, do not equal the ...


... : y4SM098 AND VARIETIES. * , ,f - I SPT. 12.-The Queen rode out thig after- 'flont in the Parlk, accompanied by their Majesties the King and Queen of the Belgians. Amongst the rovea suite were Lady Portman, Baroness Lehzen, Viscount Mel- bourne, Viscount Falkland, Lord Portman, Hon. Colonel Cavendish, and the Hon. C. A. Murray. The Duchlss of Kent followed in a pony phaeton, attended by Lady ...


... CATTLE SHOW, &c.-SEcoND DAY. Yesterday the exhibition was enriched by some specimens bi of agricultural produce, which served to make up in a great measure for the scantiness of the supply on the preceding tr day. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant waas present. There were some specimens of the red globe mangel ?? wurzel, from Mr. Fenton Hort's farm, Leopardstown. Some h of the marigold ...


... 2,- JMA,$HoMtArp ,V,.ARTIES. ! Free-- Majesty h aourd irhyter with the final sit- ting ('or his wholeIengt6 phttraifl the Imperial Dalmatic robes. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince r George and the Princess Augusta of Cambridge, honjoured her Majesty's Theatre with their presence on Thursday evening. His Serene Highness the Prince of Hohenlolie returned to Buckingham Palace on ...


... FASHPON AND VARIETIES. WINDSOfl, WEDNESDAY. The Queen, accompanied by the Duke Ferdinand and Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg, and attended by her suite, (inde out on horseback at four o'clock this afternoon. The Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoire of Saxe Cobourg occupied a pony phaeton, and Lady Charlotte Dundas, Baroness Fenyevessy, lion. Miss Pitt, and Lady Harriet Clive, rode in a ...