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Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... ARCHES CO U[17, .IoVDoN, JAN. 28. NORToN V. SETON, FALSELY CALLING itERSELF NORTON, Sir John Nichol, in giving judgment on the above question, observed, this suit was brought by George Norton, Esq. against Sarah, his wife, in order to declare their marriage null and void. 'fTh libel given in pleaded the marriage to have taken place in Jwie 1812, he being of the age of 45, a bacheJor, and the ...


... - 1 . MI . - I. ? I .I - -- i I . . - tFS Pater vwas fin'cd tedi .r0 thle wilril murF - ler of Jolin, his brother, by strikitig hlim:repeate(' dIows, until he died, en the' 1l~h rf Novembe'v sist. on board the ship Aurora. upon the high seM . vi'hii the jarissiction of the High 'COktft of Ad,. rirlt~y. - .- ; . 'itilrn Britsey,. a youth. who wasa cabin-.bov on board the .Afi-ing slodp- Aurora, ...


... . Ofi,-W-v- - *01' V, ?. 7-1?? nix ?? - 4 I 4- f A i,~ ~ ~ ~ & ?? iq ~ b~r~ S Of p tn seners and travelseri, :'l,'enef B1uxhdman : Nu-gent were on the Bench. - : tr 1tiJomas` Collins stood indicted f Iior fe1iuottsly e: stealing, l' untis of -beef, the property f-eler A iVCabhe, whol stated, that lie, was a bJocher, ieiides JI 'in North King.sreet, prisoner came into hisshop in took up a rump ...


... ADMIR,, LlY SEfSSIONS. to CHA~WE OF IPLUNDERING A WRtECK. t- Wilhaib Lilly and AlLxander Wool were Of arraigned for stealing a quantity of hbet from on r- board the brig Mary, of Carnarvon, Robert Wii- liarns, master; while she was stranded on the Go.od- win Sands, off the coast of Kent, on the 21st De- cember, 1818.- ur Mr. Arabin read the indictment, arid t ir. Bloland lid opened the case ...


... _ L. INE_ * tOU-RT Or COMMON iC3M EAL& Saea.vA, Fa. f. At the sitifng -f the Courr, Mr. JNstice hecr :tookl the oath of allegiance, Judges Moore anzi Johnson having done 'd on Friday. Judge Fletcher then said5 thal in consequence of the Court not having been. 'bb]e to sit for two past ilnys, they wouid hear piotionS that would not take up ?? me, as there were apree matters undetermined, wi.ich ...


... LIJT 1.JLLJUEA'CE, I . COM1MON PLEAS, MloXDAY, Frr . - HAtndock v, the Coiejxinv of Undertakera of the Lnan e 0 e b . / ~Navigation. The argurmeut in this case uais ctncluded to-d a to The'inesmion iS an important one. _1hcN Jnaii 'o act untder certain. acts of Parlianrint, fmpon ttili t.hem to make sucth alterations; neiw cutsi end otilel I things, as they shall think necessary far the bene, ...


... LONDs fPULI(,P, FEB. 5. .: .: ?? iil Peter Roaco, three foreigners, were yeseday 6E-4r- hd by the ,upDerinttnridant at the Liefuge .TQr (ehe H1owse1 sg,'in London-wall, with haviig purloin- I .-tIsone nf the stores. T'le prisoners, it appeard, (hid beew-admi'tz'd for the.night into the institsa4ion, and slept in that phrt of the .premises itxmediatelv idjonrwigtlie roonm where the' stores and ...


... a r e , = xiL d~ ?? I, rI. 8 a o 4.. >XP.I B., ?? I 1 ?? BtTLgt t . W'IMD ?? arising out nf a policy of in- ti. Yr h~t !hohad been effected on a vessel sailing leu eoses 1 Cub& and La Guira, having doar (irk o holaD rd, out of which 1he . qlet, had throtnl overboard 100.000. fronm dnacriss was met ...


... ACCJDPAN TS, OE E ?? EXECUTION.-_John Pateri, wh6o xwas convicted on Friday week, at the AdmirAlty Sessions, o~trder underwent the sentence of he laiv on Tuesday. As the clock'siruck nine he en'ared the cart 'wih is arms pinioned, a halter round' his nerk; and a red cap on his head. The executi~oner gaf'behind himn, withb tdrawn s4vprd1 taking ?? of the htalter. Mr. [Deacon, a naval officer, ...


... ~Dj-1~ i~V, -77 Xjrni' EM.iM THE PROVtDENCE (HnODE ISLAND)j 11i W} pA'ietoX, 05 DfcEC1MBE 4, 1819. ar aptain Uailevy of tihe schooner Eselex, arrived .Wre on Mlotnday Iast, trom the, coast t'f Africa, 9V handgd us the subjoiwted relation in Ina4usmcript, for F1 pijb4'rtvt.. The coaist is infested by Swaruis of' 1 pitvrsitt5 , tinistelel's and murderers : 1 -vla ot tiee sailr . shko served on ...


... I;:. LAW; INTELLIG ENCE. -CO7;Mj)M4ON PLEAS&-VeWnEsDAT, FEaL 9. WALSIZ V. UTONT : r 0Connpel applied to the Court to set aside flis hat vbtained by the plainfiff in this cause, against the defendarit. The afdavit of the plaintit upon wlch tbe fist had been obtained, as read by Mr. Ot9 in %uhs(ance stated; that on the 21st of Aug. -l8~19,: the plaintiff came to Dublin, for the purpoaq of ...


... I ENGL[FSH LAW REPORT. I COUiRT OF KING'S BENCH, Fen 29. .THIE KING V. LORD RANIZLAGSS. Notice having been given for bringing this de- . endant up for judgment, having been convicted it the last sittings at Guildhall, of using language -rwardls John Adolphus, Esq. tending to incite the at ier to fight a duel. Mr. Brtsugham appeared on behalf of the defend- int, and siated, that since the ...