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Northern Echo



Durham, England


Darlington, Durham, England

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Northern Echo

Advertisements & Notices

... gTOCKTON SUNDAY SCHOOL Tl'QI0N- SIN1h' ?? l oh the GRAND GAW_. Gates open at One o'Ciork. ENTE RYi'AINMENTS. 1GHJNG'1'ON FLOWER SHOW. EX to SATURI).Y. Aug,,st 16th, 1878. BAND of FOMLIBS. land2A, and returfroms Heigli7, r. en Stltions at 6.10 iS -r., BAND CONTEST, on SAiTURDAY, Anguat Sp-- .7. Trains from O'r*Ok and Tow Law. See Small BSll, 181ns8ro rrHE GALA of GALAS iB LITTLE U. FOLEKS' GALA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O NAIONOTICES. ION ACT, 1870. g[,'dsT }:TIN I2L NoTicz A. COUNTY OF DURHAM. ol DISTRICT OF EAST AND 505 WEST NEWBIGGIN. AS the Education Department, of the Elementary Eduatieon tu P-OPr edthe b eturna in the said Aot c ?? tymo rde hob inquirY as they thinkc necef I is ceommodatlonl of theflisa ?? ~unedNow, tferefore, the Lords of idoi v.1180i t 0ounci d on liduoaton have decided, and il? t GrB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~RSRTAI N ~N TS. ;;TE -RTON FLOWER SHOW, AUGUST 22nd. at S Qveea~e R t T arted at Norton, North Stockton, *stu0tisiotSrtna~tlo a'OI et~roing aftier tshe Show . A of GALAS i3 LITTLE ?? Sim to'L~ e inB the town of Hope and OthER P m eof the. ?? on roeVOO~.~0~ 8ngelShow, Groteoque Balloons, Gra prC~~' hee Rorehulents, Pubic Mleeting. tbO~ °3 °jFOlbEprize Oompetitinlms for Flagso turb> ?? Plower ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTERTAINMENTS. VEW GAIETY THEATRE, WEST ,9 I~HARTLEPOOL. ' Proprietor . ?? , - JOnN BAs TST. TWO NIGTS ONLY, FRID&Y and SATURDIY, August 22nd and 23rd, Mr. A;fred Young's Holborn Theatre Company, oonsist- lug of a powerf cd ombination of Talent, specially or- ganised for the production of the Great London Suese, written bv Miss Florence Marryat and Sir Chas. Young, Bart., entitled Im I S S C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -_ sJEW GAIlAl'Y THEATRE, WEST LI IloIEPLEPOOL. Proprietor . ?? , MR. JfoNas BIMOT. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, FRiD'XY and 8A'rl1UiD IY, August 22nd and 28rd, Mr. Alled Yorug' Rocb-,rn Thoatre Company, consist- ing of a powerful 'ojnbinactin of Talent, speistlly (r- ganised f~r the prodactiou cf the Great London Success, vritten by Miss F~lm'nmco Marryat and Sir Chas. Young, Bast., entitled ' I S S C H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .NT4RTA INMENTS. ~i~ GIEY HEATRE, WEST stg\: gvtTLPOOL MEL J03N HeATISr. ?? NIGHTS ONLY, T a nATURDAY. August 22nd and 23rd, 'aVY` RIolboe;'e3 heatre Company, onlsist' j`,od YOO9 I tminalof of Talent, sPecially7 cr- ~ pierced o the Greaf London Succeas, 5iil 155 Fo~~'0Iarryat and SterChas. Young, 9S C H E S T E R * tt I ATURDAY, August 22nd and 23rd, the yglIA asnw~comm~ne rwith the liighly ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ~ E TR E TA IN M E N TS. tr G ;l'AI THEATRE, WEST ]f\V G Fi~,-LEP°OL. ~lBrG ?? Jonin BIrIST. ' O N L Y, eadll, 3ATUbtyAY, A^t 22nd ant 28rd . yt~gl'e, H ?? n Theare Comptly, o. 13. werfu rumrIlO5 o' THalet, ?? r ~ ~ ~bC~tot~tsea of the n r MgjS~andes~le Taarrytdi m adrdSttTJhH u d Adtr t he el , i, with the highly sunecesful ?mr inree Aef byieu aarz Flornce Marryat and Sir 0*1e5 ~lil UtISTER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;7ENTE RT S AlNENTS V OA ETY ATR, WEST j H ?? 05d onnouncing that e i .,.g with MADEMOISELLE F bobs' v Celebrated La COMEDYD bMA F WOit ek 8 Nights, Of this C ompany) Tm ?? ysO ~ond Ey and Tuesday, Augnat 2 Ith anJ p0rodl~, ?? 26 a. Biardin' s faose ComSedy bysbt G.r¢c M11aomecech, Esenith ath Hrgalf Lndo, FRIB Ba R neS i 2ycir ~O fromthe Vadeil Tete, ea arseeatComediette,F TofCO wiorth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ! lAlNM~tSTS sT~lITA THEATRE,, W Ei Iao'ti£WPOIIARD STODDA$T, s MnFaPAlYiE! i 4xi;.ll'.Otic ofl M~rs. PI. tstaddani, onx E ?? w~2, 'b s re favourite ?? S of' R r3 ..r1 . . .Iera. SLODDAXY. 1 l2' ?? ,.lr.F A~E. aawad - HA1SA LbL, DARI4INGTON.- c e :oSo Firp Y GST drrn; Sberand do. iV Is154;trl anavan ?? 2Dr. J. Hegdoti's Musie Saloon,3 bi p'tbz~t'c ~LSO'5'U tthere 5no0wnedu Vocal Comed, ina, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS ADDRESSES. A. W O O D R O F E, * J EWEL LER3?; AND SILVERSMITH, Begs to draw attention to the fact that his Steok of 2 Machine-Made Silver Watches are equal in finish and istyle to those in gold cases,beingdaterminedtosupply - a Silver Watch without fault. Well finished English Lover, Silver CaseSizes 4 for Ladies ?? Jewelled, OpenFace,HeavyBalance,MaintainingPower, with all the ...


... ?? the annual show of this society was a held on the Rlacecourse at Redcar. Though in hi many-respects a success-the weather being fine, tthe attendance large and fashionable, and the show a fair one-it feal short in entries and quality to the excellent exhibition of the society at Guisbrough in 1875, and that of the year preceding at DIiddlesbrough; but this is per- haps accounted for in some ...


... EARL GRALNVILLE AT BRADFORD. Bian,.rozm, TUESDAY. sex The new2; Liberal Club which has been recent ly c~ln erected in Bradford was Opened this afternoon by marl a grand luncheon, at which Earl Granville pre- shre Sided, supported ?? Forster, M.P., Sir Har- alth, conrt Tollastone, TkP., Mr Hutchinson, M.P., and way, the leading members of the Liberal party of the and towa anidneighbourhood. The ...