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... At the Borough Police Court yesterday, Thomas Stoker and Henry R&ine. tram-car driver and horsekeeper, were charged with cruelly ill-treating horse the 21st ult. —The horae was attached to oar which was being driven to tbe Docks, Inspector observed that it was exceedingly lame apparently suffering great deal of pain.—Mr. Morrison, manager the tramways, was also charged with causing the horse ...


... FRIDAY. Before Mr. E. Feather*tonhaugh and Mr. Sirney. TROUBLESOME CD STOKER. Isabella South, unfortunate, was charged with being drunk and using profane and obscene language and with doing wilful damage Joseph Young, manager of the Criterion Bar, stated that shortly before ten o'clock last night the prisoner, accompanied man, entered the bar, and called for two glasses beer. As they were ...

THE ENGINEERS' STRIKE. THE EDITOR. understand rightly. question at premeut Mt ia»ue whether the master* be ..

... any number tbey deem expedient, the men, on the other hand, demanding th«*. only two apprentices be engaged five iiirneyniru. Now, sir, Ido not believe in outsider interfering a dispute of thus sort were it one involving technical knowledge of the tr«dr-, such risi W fall of wages, which at any time and one where lock-out mar have justifiable existence. Abe above is one whicleJWoutside its own ...

WANTS AND OFFERS. TtT^A^TE^^T^ apprentice to Yv Compass Adjuster.—Apply, Echo Office. !OEWOKD-STKEET.-P.OOMS ..

... S. W., Office of this Paper. WTfTANTED, BOY to go with Milk Cart and able to Milk ; character from Cast employer.—Apply, 10, Lawrence-street. VET ANTED PURGE ASK, HOUSE, situated in \\ Hc-rrington-street, Heudon.—Appiy by letter to Box 8., Jir'M Office. WANTED, an APPRENTICE for the Bookselling anil Stationery Trades.—Appiy to Hilis and Co., 188, High-street West , * \ ANTED, at once, two ...


... (WRITTEN FOR THE ECHO. BUCKJSGIL.VII-STEEET, DELPHI, September sth, ISB4. «f e'-c is no doubt that the prospects of the Kile expedition are beginning to be actively, not anxiously, discussed. The expedition has novel characteristics which give it in jome degree the nature of an experiment. There ■5 a precedent for it, of course, in the Red River £ IS7O, and that was successful *onch. but the ...


... Reports football matches, etc., played Saturdays, must reach 9.30 a.m. on the following Monday to secure insertion day's issues. £. General information relating; athletic sports should reach Monday evening's post 5. The name and address of the writer—not necessarily . publication, but an evidence good faith—must accompany each communication. ti. Reports of matches and letters to written on one ...


... SPEECH BY MR STOREY. The adjourned debate on the Ireland Hill was resumed last night in the ™o of Commons by Mr H. Fowler with speech favour of the second reading. Replying t0 argument that the scheme was a step towa separation, he insisted that there were * guarantees against that, which the bill did create and could not destroy. These were . material interests of Ireland and the forces of ...


... Sunderland Daily Echo AMD GAZETTE. Monday, August 9th, 1886. The New Parliament is getting itself constituted rapidly. Peel is once again Speaker, with the cordial consent of the whole House. In a few days Mr Leonard C urtney will be again Chairman of Ways and Means, and Lord Randolph Churchill is Leader of the House. The new members strike one as very nice set of fellows, with irreproachable ...


... AMD SHIPPING GAZETTE. Monday, August 23rd, 1886. What a fool's paradise our English politicians and newspaper writers have been living in with respect to Bulgaria. We were told that English influence predominated there, that the Bulgarian people hated Russia, although she had delivered them by force of arms from the Turks, that Prince Alexander was our faithful ally, and that he and his army ...


... Sunderland Daily Echo AMD SHIPPING GAZETTE. Monday, September 20tii, 1886. I have been much impressed with ono aspect of the controversy about Mr Paruell's Bill, the second readiug of which will be moved to-night. The Times has condemned the measure, root and branch, with wonderful heartiness ; Tory and Whig journals have alternately cursed and sneered at it ; but the laissez-faire ...


... ALLEGED FRAUD AND EMBEZZLEMENT. We are informed on good authority that Mr Seorge Stephenson Lawson, sen., for some time alderman of the Sunderland Town Council, has been arrested London on charges of alleged fraud and embezzlement. On Thursday, Sept. Bth l*st, a paragraph appeared in the Echo to the *Sect that two warrants had been issued against Lawsou, one him. at the instance oi R. Booth, J ...


... FIGHT WEAR STAi.DERTON, Boers Desperate Through Starvation. (CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY.) Standerton, _Tonday. The last two days have been a busy time for the troops, fighting taking place quite close to tbe town. The Boer comuiaudo under Hans Botha, rendered bolder by starvation, raided farm three miles out and captured nearly forty head of cattle. small force under the command of Capt. Wigjrius ...