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Glamorgan, Wales


Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales

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... QUOTATIONS. s. Wheat, red 39 to 16 Fine 4S 50 Fine Flour, per sack (Town). 40 45 Malting 32. 33 Malt, Ordinary 54 56 Pale Rye 32. 34 s. s- Peas, Hog 32 to 35 Maple ■— — Boilers 33 36 Beans, .33 Pigeon — — 37 Oats, Feetl 17 120 Tine 22 25 Poland 20 23 Potato 20 23 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19.-The present week's arrival ot English Wheat, coastwise, has been very moderate, viz., 2,330 quarters. To-day ...

--__.....----,---------------FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE

... went off very slowly, and Is. to 2s. cheaper. The anivals of Foreign Wheat having increased considerably, and further | quantities being expected, the market was very heavy for all but the finest qualities, and even these were offered 2s. lower, in order to induce buyers. In Flour very little doing. Barley and Malts met a very limited sale. Peas were very dull and rather cheaper. Owing to the ...


... MONDAY, APRIL 17. HOUSE OF COMMONS. THE REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE. Mr. Hume-Sir, I beg to give notice that after the recess I shall call the attention of the House to the re- presentation of the people—(hear, hear)—and take the sense of the House upon the question. DERBY. Mr. Evans moved that the Clerk of the Crown be di- rected to issue a new writ for the election of two bur- gesses for ...


... IN the preliminaries proposed between Mexico and the United States, one clause enacts that any future war be- tween the two nations shall be carried on in a Christian maimer. We have not been informed, that a war in a Christian manner has been defined by either of the two parties, end if they wait until the definition will be given, we can certify they will learn war no more. AT Cheshire ...


... SLIGO BOROUGH ELECTION.—The numbers at the close of the poll were:—Townley (Whig), 133; Somers (Re- pealer), 127. This is the second instance in Ireland re, cently, the city of Waterford furnishing the first, in which a Liberal non-Repealer has been returned by constituencies formerly devoted to Repeal principles. THE preparations against the outbreak in London on Monday week, are said to have ...


... PROVISION MAliKET. LONDOM, MONDAY, MAY L—The stock of old Irish Butter in first hands is nOW exhausted, and the season may be regarded as closed. Some firkins of Limerick have arrived, and sold at 100s., and fourth Cork at SOs. The next arrivals will sell promptly at full price. Foreign is in good supply, and with free demand prices rule from 80, to according to kind and quality.— Bale and ...


... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The alnllaj meeting was held yesterday week, in the large room at 12xeter-hall. 'I lie attendance was numerous and respectable. At ten o'clock prtcisely, the chair was taken by John Henderson of Glasgow. The Chairman having briefly addressed the Mit-eting. the Secretary was then called on to read the Report of the.Society, from which we have ...


... .LONDON CO UN EXCHANGE. MONDAY, had but a moderate supply of English Wheat to-day, but the arrivals of Foreign have been considerable since this day se'nnight. The weather since Friday has been more settled, aiXd this morning, being fine, the Wheat trade was heavy, but tUej^'sE,.g.iaslicies of both Fnglish and Foreign held fully last Moada*t3«^ricjjSv.. lu Flour there was not so much doing, ...


... HDI%. Banouan, MONDA, Y, marfe't has been somewh firmer during the past week, aud quotations far' th-e' better Hops have slightly advanced. *°rui of ...