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Penarth Chronicle and Cogan Echo



Glamorgan, Wales


Penarth, Glamorgan, Wales

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Penarth Chronicle and Cogan Echo


... BEATTY'S ORGANS AND PIANOS. Hon. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington New Jersey, the great Organ and Piano Manufacturer, is building and shipping more Organs and Pianos than ever. In 1870 Mr Beatty left home a penniless plow boy, and by his indomitable will he has worked his way up so as to sell, so far, nearly 100,000 of Beatty's Organs and Pianos since 1870. Nothing seems to dishearten him ...


... Penarth Business Directory. BUTOI ILPIW. T. R. Wadley, Glebe-sti eet, Penarth. D. Cornwell, Glebe Street. C. Hovcrd, 51, Glebe Street. JR. Guy (Porkj, 93, Glebe Street. Bus AND CAB PROPRIETORS. S. Andrews & Son, Penarth Mews. CHEMISTS. f. Blake Benjamin, Glebe-street. CORK MERCHANTS J. J Sanger Tucker, 31, and 32, Glebe Street COAL MERCHANTS. Penarth Coal Co., 28, Windsor-road. CONFECTIONERS V ...


... G hit-Ghat. BY RAMBLING TOMMY. Telegraphic communication between Penarth and Cardiff was interrupted this week, and messages had to be Bent throgh the offices at the dock. The Beach is certainly much more patronised by Penarth people since the opening of the Pier. o o e One has been surprised to go to the Beach after 8 o'clock at night, and see the large number parading both the Beach and the ...


... Cricket. LLANISHEN v. PENARTn.yj Played at Penarth on Saturday, the home teant winning by 142 runs. H. E. Morgan (49) and Binch (68 not out) batted in fine form for Penarth. F. W. Morgan bowled grandly for the same team, taking 7 wickets for 11 runs, whilst H. E. Morgan took 3 fat 5 runs. Scores:— PENARTH. H. O. Cowley 12 D. 0, Davies H. E. Morgan 49 O. Binch (pro.) 68 R. H. Johnson 2 W. ...


... Cricket, PENARTH THISTLES v. CARDIFF WINDSOR. The above match was Dhyed at Penarth on Satur- day last, the 22nd, in ide, ti cxicket weather. After a. pleasant and interesting game, the home eleven won by 25 runs. The following are the scores :— CARDIFF WINDSOR. • T Arkell, b Dewar 1 J Williams, c C S Kyd, b Dewar F Wilkes, b Watkins James, b Warkins G H Reed, sr McCarthy, b Dewar 0 b Dewar ...


... ESTABLISHED 1888 Potato & Fruit Stores (Anchor House) GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Good Selection of ENGLISH and FOREIGN FRUIT always kept in Stock. Goods Delivered Daily to all parts of the Town. H. MATTHEWS, Proprietor S. ANDREWS AND SON, COMPLETE FUNEBAL FURNISHERS THE MEWS, GLEBE ST., PENARTH. EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Funerals Conducted with Refinement and Economy. ...


... Ojiginal Poetry. THE PENITENTS PRAYER. Oh God of heaven to Thee, to Thee- The Three in One oh, mystery- To Thee above, oh Deity, To Thee I call, of Thee I ask, Whilst in Thy gracious smile I bask; I cry in faith, oh, answer now, Whilst beads of grief bedew my brow. My struggling soul cries out in pain, And shall it cry, and cry in vain ? Ob, no the promises of heaven Are waiting to be asked ...


... Is Penarth Healthy ? MEDICAL OFFICER'S REMARKABLE PRO. NOUNCEMENT. A LOW DEATH RATE. J BUT MORTALITY RETURNS NOT A CRITERION OF THE PREVALENCE OF DISEASE. RAMPANT DEFECTIVE SANITATION The Vice-Chairman of the District Council pre- sided over the Public Health Committee last Monday night. Besides the usual officials there were present Messrs W. L- Morris, J. P., D. Morgan, L. Purnell, J. Pavey, ...


... ESTABLISHED 1888 Potato & Fruit Stores (Anchor House) GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Good Selection of ENGLISH and FOREIGN 'PRU, IT always kept in Stock. broods Delivered Daily to all parts of the Town. H. MATTHEWS, Proprietor S. ANDREWS AND SON, COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS THE MEWS, GLERE ST., PENARTH. EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Funerals Conducted with Refinement and Economy. ...


... READINGS FOR THE YOUNG, (From the Christian Globe.) A GREEDY BOY. Benny was greedy, I'm grieved to say, Of all the good things that came in his way# The truth to tell you, he wanted more Than ever he needed, ten times o'er, And he wheedled and whined and coaxed and crleai And often snatched at the thing denied. He went to visit at grandpa's farm, And all things there had a novel charm 1. But ...


... WA^fJElVS fiYtyKfilG HE rapid increase of Trade has compelled us to provide further accommodation so as to be f Ov able to meet the great demands of our Customers. All Goods supplied at this Establishment are made on the most modern and improved Hygienic principles. The Prices of our are as follows household • • • d. fier ZÕ. ^oaf. .Superfine ]JreaCZ 5d. per QTb. loaf. French, Vienna & Jffflk ...