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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIA&13, & bEDAT ,Announcement of Birth, Miarri , and Deaths exeseding fiorty words will b3piairgle 2S. d, BIRTHS. MEALY-On the 30th tilt., at Ashley IHoue G the wife of th lItev. A. G. leev, :ah,, Ch ILM'I.S. Collingwood, of a daughtLr. HILL-On October 6th, at 8d, Ifigh-etreet, pot,. mouth, the wife of urcry Leonard llal of a .daughter. XEr'TTrnsWsELL-Ofl October 1st, at 42, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1de D R, + $ MD ?? of ~ I3i55~in~oAND nsILE&.~ U5'5,. j, Xr, BIRTHS. a .W24itas;-On the 20th inst., at 38, Kidbrook- park-road, Blackheath, S.EF. the wife of Com- 56 mander Arthur *W.. Waymnouth, ?? of a son, tb (premnaturely), whosugrived his birth only a few hi _ hours h. Vi urmn.-:0- Tdesdday, the 14th March, at Gib- na ady ralter, the wife of Lieutenant F. Wade-Caulfleld, re Fe in RN., of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, 'ARPIAGES h DEATHS Announctments of Births. Marriages, and Deaths not excsdamg forty words will be charged 2s. 6d. BIRTH. JOLLIFFI-On the 17th inst., at 81, Adelaide-road, Brockloy, Leuie, Avife of Ernest Jollide, of a daughter (Edna Meaud). t MARRIAGES. BACON-PLATT-On the 19th iust., by the Rev. 0. P. Sergent. at St. James's, West End, near s Southampton, Robert A. E. Bacon, ?? c SI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?TOW?TCOUNCLLLOR's ? I ?? r. MAII'J--BENNIfTT 05 The marriage of Mr. Connntl? j a, ?? Vice-Conacrl for Rns?la ,? e Uaettrd States of America, and. ? ? tIi? Wheeler Bennett, of tionvh?--C ? lll? II Tuesday, at the Victoria-road Vaesley0? ? 0e? Cburih a Socitlotee, in the presence of a ]arge ? g npeetat ors. Vice Ceremony was perfeemntb5, C Ifev. \V, )?eeholson, tiec pastor. TIcs hrol?'? d ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF ADMIRAL SIR THOMAS BRIGGS, G.C.M.G. sn ?? ~~Pr It is with deep regret we announce the somewhat be sudden death of Admiral Sir Thomas Briggs, the Com- of ?? at this port. The gallant Admiral was nc only taken ill en Monday, and expired at his official of residence in the Dockyard, at a quarter past tvo O'clock tb, on Thursday morning. By the demise of Sir Thomas ve: the service has ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. ?? the 21st Instant, at Cowes, the. wife of WV. C, Hoffineioter, ee.D, Surgeon to the Queen, ofta daughter. Joxsa-On the 22nd instant, the wife of the Rev. A. Jones, Minister of Buckland Chapel, Portsea, of a son. XA~lUElD. D * BLAoeiEa-rJoLLio'r?--On Thursday, the 25th instant, .at St. Jamee's Church, Piccadilly, the Right-Hon. Lord de Blaquiere, to Eleanor Amelia, eldest daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,7- qi?16f' U. C, li ? . ? TITlv SATURDAY, JUNE7, 1823. ?? the 3rd inst. at his Grace's houge in P lorLmrnti-cqlare, her tjraee the Decllmes of Rlchmona. o a Oltugliter.-on tionday last, at New Fisthbourne, Mrs. Onslow WItWakvfol, of .25011. E s 'lb. 1)1ea and Chhapter (f Chicilester are now F having the iron railing eflixed in the lbunt of the Ca- h ?? where the old ?? recently tsken duowt, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... J!as.s ?? ?? il- seyvnnre, inpat wta. pe, ' dif a rwglrter. M~l~nh ?? At Y ittlsetkbwirsrWileiasts.stre.tNew. t*n - Ebsq.tte of1en ?? , iCandi' is n, wor^ E hichbt fordabhty and sole heswrr~bes sp in. KeustEs f Lint ?? greortlyadi.ts ..On GibboajFq ofudry tae DIs b.J On m nda la~cste t Rat Bh, ; ageeldd 75 -. Addigto, ;D r tbe o fo~r If3 ?? ears nra a Magistrat by thS p . ubr i hee , to tri t; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED.' On Saturday. T. Hamilton, Esq; brother uf Sir IV. ilamilton, Oart. of Preston, to Lady Towns- cnd larquhar, widow of Sir Rlobt. T. rayqnuhar, Dlart. late GO- t vernor of the Maurithis.-Ou Tuesday, J. L. Lee, Esq. M.P. of I flillinigton, Somerset, to .essy, datghterof the ?? Vaughan, t eq. ~late M.l. for Wells.-At Woolivich, H. t3. Burnaby, ESq. Royal ilorse Artillery, to Eliza, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF AN IMPOSTOR, biee gold (From the Essex Herald.) ?? pap Most of our readers will remember the history of an I extraordinary imposition which we published some time an I since, practised by a young wvoman of Chelmsford, who hoo excited the commisseration of the charitable, and on We her removal from the hospital fairly puzzled the faculty ledt as to the nature of her complaint ; her ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - -: THE LATE MR. TAYLOR'S WILL AND DR. WISEMAN. . . . . .. .- ?? I (Fevi the 11f/i lsorning i1ee'rld.) Some three weelso backc, one of oue contertipores505, the Daily 1Yo se, its showing the disseger toyricsle peoiple of England wore e.'posod fromi the jiscrease of R~osailSh ?? amniegot uts, alluded to OL~s a well- konowni fact, that she late Mr. Taylor,` of Weyl ridge, en wlioso cemetery ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... [s DEATH OF J. Al. W. TURNER, ESQ, R.Ai ed The fine arts in this country have not produced & - more remarkable min than Joseph Malford William ?? Turner, whose death it is our duty to record ; and al- te though it would here be out of plaece to revive the dis- it :ussiois occasioned by the peculiarities of Mr. Turser's style in his latter years, he has left beihind him sufficient er proofs 6f ...