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Strathclyde, Scotland


Lanarkshire, Scotland

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... NG. - Idn Papers of j.Tandjay. aivfil event which we have ftbr I has at lenggth taken place. r eleven o'clock onl Satvirday ht arrived at Carleoto-honse, iike (ft' York to tht Prince It th- nelatncloly ioteligence - voieralhi Poarcnt, at 3. Lxii- . .evcuing llis.lovallilib- es, . est, anld in -a few moments I a 1,,; . .lOO1;eIs ( the event , *liich,. although .Ila g,1 LO, C)r U Ie xpes I IA, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRITH S. At- di hurgh, on the 8.5h instant, Mrs. Hor7Ociis Of TIftiheow on ca.tle, of a ,aras. (O) tbe3 3t tilt., at the family mninsion, the MIarchioaress of Sl;n, of a eon an i fair. T he noble iuifaat Ibears til tide ot Eatrl ut Altaimont. MARRIED, At Devonliatk, oni the; 9th current, the Rev. William: BY:aehi, (;Ieg'iw, to MiNe Jane Dick, younigest daughter of-, James Dicir, E.rq of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL, OB THE DUKE OF KENT. The preparations for this melancholy ceremony have been entrusted to Messrs. Bailey and Saunders, upholsterers to his present Majesty. Soon after the death of his Royal Highness, Mr. Luscombe, a sur- geon, of Exeter, by counn'and of bis Majesty, per- formed the process of embalming. On opening the body, it was found that the cause of his Royal High- Dess's death ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ROYAL MARRIAGES, It is a enviouts f;ctt, tliat when tbe malringc of 1 1is laite 1\Jtjesty was ill tkitationl, an u ?? dif| i~cnlty oceurre(, in) settling the formn of tile Ceremno- in;al to be observed for want of a precedent. T be i oilowinl Is ani extract of a letter onl this subhect from Dr. Birch, ibravian of the British M11useulm, datct.d !d JoIl, 1761 | pJ; on an hasty consideration of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LAT'E DUKE OF KENT. __ .1 : . . ' ; , ,z .. -. ,, - ,. Mis Royal Highnless *vas ruried on Satirday even- ing at St. George's Chapel, Windsor. The inter- ment was what is officially called a r private one; but nevertheless there was a great procession and state, At seven o'clock the urn in which the heart of the deceased is delpositel was placed in a mourn- ing coach, arnd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTlS. At Quehec, on the 2d JansAry, thse lady of James Kerr, Esq lqolge of the Court of King's Bench, of a son. At Edinliarghi- on tite 14t sian. tce Lady of Alexander Norman M-Leod, Esq. or Harris, of a daughter. . A PI P.IF_ :M.ARRIED, On the *s8rh Flehriairy, at Bsonfington Houwe Lsanark- shire, Sir Charles M ?? Lnckhart, of Lee anl Carn- ?? tO Emilia Ulivia Ross, daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On thce. 14th instant, Mrs. Fullarton of Skeldon, of a daughter. S- ; : -->:MARRIED, On tWs, 11th ?? : it BeaconsfiH d Church, h y the Rev., M. W. Bra'ilfo. i, Rectnr of H-edsosr- the Huoi. Charlec An. - ?? Ffizrhy of &he Royal Horse Guards (Bitn), to Lady Miuary Lennoxl daughl er of the late and sister to the present Mike of Richnionrl 'At Greenoc' lon ?? 3th Marrh 'Mr. Thomas Boyd, Diublin, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Spring Grove, on thte 16th inst, Mrs, George Napier, of a Son. DIED, On the 02d of thiq mont,, Mr. John Forsyth, nianufac- ?? i t Gl.Isgv, iln the \.:dthr year of his age,. ie had onl t!he reveir'g before, at nline o'cldeck, met withs a friend from the corntry to convaerse On basineas; aid, returning home tnog,.ther, about halt pasttwelve, aifre partino, wvi-h his friend at iteentialice ...

BlRTH he At St. Hele

... na, on the 11thi of February,. the Ladyof _ Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe, ?? of a syn. Ily . MARRIED, t- ?? Monday, at the house -of Lord Robert Ker, Edin- t na burgh, the Right:Hon.-Lerd John Campbell, to Miss GIas- sell of Longniddre. ie- 'At Paisley, on the l1th instint, hy the Rev. Jonathan v Ranken, Mr. Nathaniel Stevenson, Merchant, Glasgow, to Elizabeth, third daughter of James ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE EARL OF SELKIRK. e? Z (From the Dndmries Courier.) It is our painful iluty to announce to the public the (eati of the Right lion. Ihomnas, Earl of Sel- kilk, Lord Lieutenant of the Stewartryof 0Kirkcud- bright, in the 49th year of his aie. This arniable and accomplished N obleman expired on the evening of the Sth instant at Pan,. in the -outh of France, where he bad spent the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED , At Dumbarton,,trfl1:te.lWth curt., by the Rev. Mr. Wil- son of Cardross the Jeff-Wam. Jaofrcv of Dumberton, to fllizaheth Jane lPizon, eldest darubhtur of Ja;ob DixIIn, ESq. On Monday, the Rev. Wrn. WIlYon of Greeunock, to Mras Marparet Buichanan, there. At Wardour Castie, on tihe N3th inist., Lieut.-CAnliel G. I Macdonnell C. B.i lre J. F. Officer In Canada, to tht lion. LaIlta ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RT'H.. :tnfermlllne, on the 10th instant, Mrs. Andrew Pee- i son. MAR RIED, vernesq, on the 11tth ult., Alexinder Ron9 Sitter, ?? of Ross-shire, to Mary Ann, eldest *i t'ie late Ciptain lohi. IForbe.9, of the 9th vete-. 1 n the qnme day, Captain John Barclay, of the 4th :;cvvlry, to Helen,.second daughter of Caaptaha John DIED.. ?? house, Cralgnectnck, oin the 9th ctrront, Jobn Ure, ?? ni ...