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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Nooilaeet Birth, Marralgse ?? otless authentieated by the name anl addresa of the sender. The vords No cardo, or any seialer addition to the simple announeoment of a marriage or death. subjest it to payment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. Bxnry-Feb. 10, at 205, Burlington-streot, the wife of Mr. Jamnes Berry, of a eon. BmD-Feb. 21. at 102, Gregeon-strest, the wife ofMr. John Mi. Bird, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Pirthof, warxiay, 311A dth 'ht lo Notlee of Birth, Marriage or )eath GbU be insertile uniteS ?? by0 tbthet ttnae rnti ?? the. ender, The words No cordst, or'any elnallar addition to the oimllle annnounemeont of a ?? or death, euhibet it to paymnat as for an advrtitemeent. B3IRTMS. BAiWTfiw.-DcG. 20, at 41, Kifight-titroet, the wife of MAr. Henry Biarntow, of a daughter. CIIAi'PL1-Dec. 27, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wardayo~gk, Ana at~ho. %, No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be liserted unless authenticated by the naele and addtresa of the FeDder. The words *'No carls, or any simlrar addition to the simple announcement of a marriage or decth, subjeot It to psynmot as for an adIvertiesment. BIRTHS. BuLEN-Elib. 2f, at 16, Albert-place, 1.owe- Tlranimero, the wife of Mr, Jem3e Bodoci, of it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... gi'thot BtWtig~, ~ a *. No Noticeof Bith, Mrhiage, or Deathcan be Inserted unless authenticated by the neme and address of the sender. The worde No cards, or any elmilwr addition to the Dimple ennosuncement of a marriage or death, oubjeotit topayuent an for an advertieomert. BIRTHS. 1DLAsCo-Juna 8, at 135, Chatham-street, the wife of P'edro Blanco, Eeq., of aeon. BOWVMAN-June 8, at 16, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM HARRISON. Although the severe illness with which this once popular vocalist has been for some time afflicted could hardly have allowed his friends to cherish any hope of his immediate recovery, au annoiieC- ment of the decease of one who has been so long prominently before the public will, donbtless, be generally received with as much surprise as sorrow. Mr. Harrison died ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5s N o N otic of Birth, Marriage, or Deat' can b, e Inm wrted unless athentlcated bv tho name and address of the sender. The words ocards, or anysimilareddition to the or death, vublect it to payment as for au advertleement. BIRTHS. BltissoW-Oct. 7, at 31, Desmondi-treet, Evertion, the wife of Mr. John Billison, of a son. Fiasnem-Ort. 7, at Greyleigh Villa, Walton, the wife of William P. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~irths%, Wtanials, Anud eathst, 5 No lf otloe of irt& irigo et a eis unless eatbenticstedi b en e and ro tb sender. The words I cards, or any similar additfec to the aimple annontnecrent ot a rige eea. subljet it eO pment Fa for an advertisemen. BIRTHS. Andanlis-A g. f'4, the wife of Mr. Williatm Adas, Kirk- da-od fa soil. B-avE~r-Aug. 1, at 158, Brownlow-hili, the wife of Bre. Thonlosl Ben ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t I p a * J.rint a I. ?? ?? I 'k . - J. .Sh ., : , a ciii oe taarre,! - . . 1 - . ud - % ra -wss Vss1u A ir - -r *4'Is s:wi4e 111 ?? s uirsrage or ?? - ?? 'lie oifc ot : - t. .: ?? er. - s-troot, the ^;ite of -: * ?? r::e ox~e .t B. : .. Laerioo, the Wii o' : . ?? - - . : ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jt'i - -r;w ?? - r: Nc r cottee !S-roo, B yrr;-e.t o r Deatheaoo U. '-t-6r'a I to v Z Da.tntlesstz. '.ly',,1ase anO i c3 - .Sl o f-L 4 2 r.c.'.ect .to zsotn 2-- ( - i-? R52 5.emer0't . !: sNE-J--n. ?? a' 2r, XNorthc- te street, EVet'e, -:o sfie of Ee.s-ard Janes ' Is, ;of a Son. ITBELT-IDe,. 31, at ?? fuiWe-street, Bort'r:, tho T, ife cl P, B thairl, of a raigtlster. eoC:aaDcx-Jass. 6, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *.ara DoB fli. 2atQ tof onlees antheotlested by the name, rid addremis of tirehi senifor, The weedE 'Noealrdo'o aysmiaddoo 'hE to rise ?? o c rsulnrieuoeaent of a marrieor tt. BIRTHS. I r2- -.29, at 9?- tandseoa-sdtr ife of Heory H Bell, of a sons. att BilrroNw-Nov. 2e, at Waruisgton, the,wlfo of George N. iro Bettor, of a Sol. CuRAZEa-Nev. 291, at 1-, Green-lane, the wtfe of W. me Crete, ri a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... S ?? go q_ L ,vz 7__ __ o o ffl~~ttt 'g'C'hy tile -i*'cl ?? t t C to I of £Icth. % rrIDse, eC D.n-23h tC ?? ad nu;leezi nnlthsr-tt'-:teS h te seinle ?? CAlLo-H;' tlue So~ 'che str :7e enrr. reei:'ent ?? e mozr..s ?? d ?? srol p'ctftlt - tcut5 ?? an8> atc2.'wO i,'i h0* rat Bootle, 0le ?? crf S SOn. Dicaeor-Fheb. 13, at'.a :rnr-A-Streos, 1- the wife of Ieaac Jainer D-5-rfoe, ^f5 a13 2 z;-. F ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... he Wii~hs, jtaUTVa1eS, and @eaths. Si' ?? Nlo Notice of illrth, Marriage, or Death can be Inseried ro, uxleus authenticated by the nare and vedrest of tbs .. endek. The . rde No ea or. 51 a adaiker adallios to the simple ?? of a rnwriega or death. M. vubjett it to VUrent as for an advertleeneeit. *d BIRTHS. BoamK-Marah 15, at 267, Claughton-road. Bilrkenhead, 'eu the wife of William Cavill ...