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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ., N0O Noic of KftMcago. or Death can be inere unles,, I Inhet.uat V b~ th ?? and ad=ea o thel senider. 3311h wordta o cards ,or any otr, a adition to Che stimle a ?? a mnirriage or dealla. Vubject It to payinont., ec, fir a advtqrtl~lme'lnt. 111RT LIS. AnnuriI..-Apwil 1, at Vdge'ilrno falal, the wife of Mr. Bentjamfint Ailide, of a sect. BLACXettuitS-Mnrch 293, at 74, l1opwoiloas.treet, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hi , No hotice of BIrth, Marri a, or Death oan be Inserted unless ?? by' tho narn and addresa of the sender. The ?? cards orany similar addition to the simple announcement of a mariage or death, a subtect it to payment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. . W A'I'KiN-Dee. 20, nt Egerton Park, Rock Fomy, Mrs. L, G(corge Atkin, of a daughter. w BA]LLiE--Dec. 20, at 24, IUpper Parllament-street, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? No Noutio of Birth. Marriage, or Death -an be Inserted rtnesw autbentiaied by the name aud address of the sonder. Tbo words No cards, or any sinilar addition ti, the stioplo anaounnoenent. of a marrisge or death. subtet it to payuient as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. 1ALM-JUIY 24, at Brighton-le-Sande, the wife of Si. N liSle, Req., of a daughter. OWXB-July 24, at 67, Oaklield-road, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pirtuot wardageot mA egatuo ?? No Notloao, Birth. Marriage, oreathsbeinted -nWess ?? b the name 'ad addres oft he sendor. 'Te words No OCeeds, or au smilar additlon to the slmple announoent oY a marrage or eth. ?? to DaOment as fee snadvereiiement. BIRTHS. RA t-Jhn. 80,. ate, Moss-street, the wite of Mr.Willacn B. Bsrr, of a daughter. HnEINIKER-Jan. 24, at South ChavIton Vicarage, the wile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NO No 1 0bfo Of 11rth. ?? or Deth mun be Inserted unies au0henticated the name end alrn of the sender. TheWord I ?? to the simople anuonoto1meut of a marriage or death, subject It to Pasmet as for en advertmenent. BIRTHS. BATTER-Feb. 4, at 1S,We~lllngton-road, N~orth Egremont, the wife of Mr. George P. Batten, of a daughter. BarnumoT-Feb. 4, at 112, Went Derby-road, the wife of Mr. Elss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. B. H. MORETON FIGHTING OVER THE PROPERTY AND PUTTING THE TENANTS IN A FIX. Yeeterday at the second police court, before Meaers. G. Melly, M.P., A. Castellain, and H. a. Beloe, a man named John Williams, residing in Bellevue, Warwick-street, summoned Charles Anderton, auctioneer, Byrom-street, for refusing to deliver four tables four chairs, one fender, and other articles, valued ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IAirho Vadfagfo, no' 4 Lpath 4N' NOiObetof B . ?? heduetted unjlam au'thentiwate b tho nname an addarau of thie sander. The worda Nuot03do, or any similaraddtion to the simpla amounooment; of a marrite or death, s!lbltaetlS tooymeut a for an advertsemnent BIRTHS. AUSTIN-Feb. 13, at 60, Smnletdown-lane, the wife of Mr. Eidward Austin, of a son, HO13ON-Feb. 13, at 45, Copparasohill, the wifo ...