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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF MISS HARTLEY, OF AINTREE. Yesterday, at the Primitive Methodist Church, v ag Aintree, Miss Sarah Jane Hartleyp fourth c daughter of Mr. W. P. Hartley, J.P., Ingle- n nt wood. was married to Mir. George Gibbens, who c 30 occupies an official position in her Majesty's ; lie Patent Office, and is the elde:c son of Mr. George C as william 3Malnby Gibbens, of Levtonstone. Essex.; * an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Bt)L&&E?I tre-und S ?n; 5w - w *- . dZW; wUatag, auga dea G 4, 5.No Notce of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be S. inserted unless authenticated hy the name and s- address of the sender. The cheage for teinsertion & oz; of -such notices when prepaidi is is. eacch,.pronided the space occupied does not ex-ceed flee lines, and 6d. per lne for an-ytbinr additional. £ charge'ot1s. eslra in Vill ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Utl e o otice of Birth, Ararriage ?? 1to 'I N III _gege , ortl Death can be insrtd unesanthenticated by the Lame and fil adddess 0o the sender. The charge for the insertion !d of such notices when prepaid is Is. each, provided theo Ms ~2ace occupied doeq not exceed five lines, and 6~, e oe in ditiona. Acharge of s. ?? t4 Will be made for booking. r.- BIRTHS. I THOMAS-May 129, at 13, Norwood ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of rims SALUS POP'UL LEX ESPY wa _~1UP~SDAY, _ NOVEMBR 7. biE rTI EUSDAYT, NOVTEMB:ER 7. beX ?? The inarriage oi the Duke of Marlborough aies Co uelo Vanderbilt was daly celeI bested ?? York yesterday, the event being utade homoc-soe on f an imposi ng ceremony. A full d escriotton of the wedding is given by cpe'm ~ewY York correspondent i n our coltrnne co-d:'y. Y lIr. J. C hamPlain, I?., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tgarringes, a-ind Pathtf e H* go Note ot Birth Marriae, or Death cn be tusertod nat. nthentlba.o bthe am rodSietoftre seuder. inheuw0 r cars. or any similr adition* P to the simple nonoema=nnt o a masg Nr d , 1 ssbia1t bIIt Valmsnt ac for rc aivertisemeut. IRTHS. a BAEE-le0rch 21, at 5, Fazakerleyg treet, the wife of Mr. MatRe Barr, of a daughter. i zALay-Mfatch 30. at Ferbleigh, lhatol-road. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to a tt of ~ wDat Ih Rol, Affin b Wlt Tautevorits tho same'' Un 8m -o b t. a, whelafor an 1 IRTAK , l.,awe;th BI8Pirf^-lDbIMr 50, :t b9 .Holtrd fa wife of Roberb Bimpbamn. of oldughter,. BLAXR3Xarcb 28, the wilfe of the Eev, Wlia l3ke, ot Stoakpqrt, of a daughter,. bI I En83 tgh . It Un on street EBgre- EVAX8 fUhfi.a Hope6 Cottegef, 1 . reont, th wUe of Mr..Joseph Evans, ot o dauglter. elm(*1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... fgarringed auls 39atfid.t BIRTH, At the Admiralty, on the 15th ult. the Lady of the Right lintourable Sir James Graham, Bart. of twlns, a ?? and a daktghter. MAARIED, On Tuesda , the 5th ult. ka New Nork, Nr Wm. Shrtnon,, iC Welfast, Ireland, to Miss Rachel, daughter of the late Mr. N AMexander Colt, of ?? I (n Thursday;- the 1tlimnlt; 'at Robd`alde,'Mr. Robert Shep. I herd, woollen-manufactur ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ad - at MARRIED,. eli On Thursday, the'hl~th'inistant, a tt tlisparish'hurch,TXirkl' c I .Y ham, R. Robinseit REsq'snyrgkoeu, Balton; toMary, daughter II ,dof the late Mr. James fleoinrigoon;malteferf Thistletonr !rc Fylde. ?? On Saturday, the Thth'lnsirhoit~at the Collegiate Church,- P Manchester Mr. JaiesA IytheIl, of Uukkbne6, to. lisis Sarahk -v n Scthl, fCholton-upenk-Medloek. * , ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .e d o MRRED O!t day Juy lstat St. John's' e Brnw ck w ?? i, Mr Chdarle Q dul. B Mwsw re rerha s, ?? s , ehjestlae . Cs da u t er of th e la te C t N Ke n an d o f Hi 7a t i 3a.hrl SHEe'D roya na ~vy. ri o^f Lthe te, 4 sin;tbth ofd this hil.l is Oil Monday, tle 'uIlt. at Ahuenabiry-, MrUUmeono * Lopdon, m~erebpt toPr!§Vell, eldest oapglsW of jpIIO 8rpie, 0 sEsq. of Finay Lodge, ea. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at St. John's Church, Mr. JohntCarjal,. § ;§23 ,eA;4nta~h whe?,o,.,;talo ?? p ?? 11~4~O 'aI 3.t~a :.,opi v James R$1011 hi Fern !SAtli, tn *S Jaibs Ja jlliofl JQIoYyAuti. of ?enw~t i;m.t223- b4a 3eve . t t11amt, WA~d X&1~ock2, Z# ±bio 1 DTie IttrydOeitaI or,1 n,esdughter of the late Rev. 'T.Pearce, C b u aj, Chapels Rota;i, and ?? of I e OitX o th; 23t. itlt. Mr. John tlawarth, of 8rolec, te ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... V' --Es el at- st. P-eter's Church, Mr. 104f, ,in~sttant, at SM~t-er~~ujeG ursdaY. edsa0of Mr. Benjamin 'Greet. Greet ..n eld y dauighter of Mr. Richard lipss dele, 3roo-sstreet 'sur4erhgijilys Church, Mr. Fabius Lea, to Wa, 0 *f this town. d~s bot e ?? Church, Slr. Nathan Green, ,,diOi e aq6 formerlY of the It. N. to Miss Rto- 'lfouiiktPhniilfs Church, Mr. Wn. WIlson, Of t AOir ,,be I~averu ...