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London, England


London, London, England

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... BOW-STREET. John Cullen, a cabman, was brought up on remand on the charge of causing the death of an old man named Connor by riding over him in Great St. Andrew's-street, Seven Dials. It was stated that an inquest had been held and a verdict returned of Accidental Death. Mr. Lewis, who appeared for the defence, called a young woman named Bates, kitohenmaid at an hotel, who stated that she ...

Law Intelligence

... %xim futtIligarct. ?I- I NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLIN'S-IN. AT 10&-BEFORE THE LORD CHANCuLLOR.-Appeals: Striek- land v. Cholmley, part ?? v. Ricardo. AT 10k,-BEFORE THE LORDS JusTIES.-LunatiC petitions: Be Andtdell, Sonter, Davies, Davenport, Cruttenden, George, Meux, and Yovey. Bankrupt appeals: Roots and Roots (2)- Zimnmermamand Braginton, part ?? and Braginton- Cooper and ...


... I THE POLICE COURTS& I BOW-STREET. Wiliam Johnson was fined 40s., or one calendar month, for annoying and assaultingaspeoial constables at the en- trance of the Vestry-hall of St. Paul's, Covent-garden, by hooting, pelting, and bustling them as they entered to be sworn, and came out after complying with that form. MARLBOROUGH-STREET. There were but four charges from Hyde-park brought before Mr ...

Law Intelligence

... .1 I.!. tat) fattll tare., - ?? ? ?? I I . h -- - . .1 ?? I 1: 1ucr lal NoTIO8;Tgzi~'DAY. ad COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. go- AT l0J.-Bss'oBE THE LORDS JTUSITOB5.-Appe5Im5itioin (for 3re jugmn) 'R iisancial Corporation and Company's Act, 1862 ,bt (olme, - rchar, Adm, Kig, CL FaiingatidOfficiil Li- .b Iquldator's cagses) Appeal. North Stafford Steel, Iron, ad Coal och Company (BuncslIDm) v ...


... MIDDLSXNSSS si |. (Before Mr. Serjeant Dowling, Deputy' Assistaht-Judge.) | Ellen Rdoney, 42, was indicted for nialicionsly wounding n Elizabeth Btocksoff, with intent to do her grievous bodily. bairm. PI The prosecutrii said she was the wife of Robert Brock- cc sof, of 9, Manclhester.buildings, and on Monday afternoon, b the 2nd of September, she was at No. 8, Burton-street, i doing some ...


... THE TRAGBEDY AT LIMEHOUSE. Yesterday John Wiggins, a lightermnan, lately dwelling at No. 1, Temperanec-cottages, Lower North- street, Limehonse, and within a few yards of the Regent's-c anal , was brought up on re mand before Mr. Paget, at the Thames police-court, charged with the wil- ful murder of Agnes Oakes, on the 24th of July last. fr. Charles Young, solicitor, again attended for the ...

Law Intelligence

... - a fl ?? 1 1OTICES.-THIS DAY, COrUT OF CHASCElCY. LUNCOLN'SINN. Io _l3FFlaE TlE tORD CHANCELLOR.-Appeals: Betts v. AT r 11051 tts v. Do Vitre (5). l p5t rt5 holut BLort) JtUSTICE LORD CAIRKS.-Appeal AT I-S ?? v. Peelles-Wood V. Scoles. hOEOLLS COURT. CIHA4NCERhY-LANE. To be Iletioeled. Woollner v. Hlrtzell-Re Elton AT . *:,1cevii-loafflim Armonly Company (Calisher's ease). (p'toeti lcl ebero, ...

Law Intelligence

... - i fatojjtlwm?- I ?? ' ?? AM I;, I I i lO ?? DATS T COUILT OF OHAtifOR. N1COLWl~. AT 1QI.-BRYiORE THE LORD CHAuCaLwOR-L5nati ?? by order): Be Meux Appel Sykes V. Sykes, part hea0rd- c Willowa v. C~rwrig~ht-Smlth v. Beanie. At 11.-BEFpORE THE'LORDS9 JUSTOcRS.-Appsl:Knv.r .Brown-Price v Peppercorn (2). . tb '1iOiEl COURT, UCfABCMY-LABII.e AT I0.-To be mentioned: Brownsion ?? Laurance. ...


... 4JIDDLESEX SESSIONS (Before Mr. E. W. Cox.) Wiltiam Kniqgl, 43 an respectable-looking' man; eas in. dicted for assaulting Walter Burdett, of 51 X Miflbank. street, Westminster, with a hammer i to whlci he pleaded conot guilty. He was not defended hy counsel. Walter Burdett said he was a miller, end lived at Min- bank. On Saturday, the 7th of December, he was sit. ting in his room at about 8 ...

Law Intelligence

... goda ?? I NOTICES.-TirS DAl. ('URT OF1 tUM UPTCy. BASING LL-SMTEE1,. AI. . CO8ai1iNEl HOL5IOYD. 'Releae5 ?? Biaeabt at( II-E. Oliv.7 at, tlu-euter, at 11-H. F'uller, at It. Applica- C N. kt, atItU. lI' Ssr MR. a RIBTRinAL BUO-ezAm-Pfivate. ereddck. at It. ~fr.'Camn'Oner foleroyd Is the eommulseoner.of the day. sir. Bezi taor hmu~fliam i8 tbe registrar of tbe day. gia court will clo 5e at 2 ...


... THE POLICECOURIS RLEB1KENWELL. Henry eqilia ,a respeetably dressed man, who de- Hlowir. Lothe ranst ,herthrokedohtriln so h wbiled himself ' as cork merehant crry on business Bub' - it, was charged before Mr. Bark e !Ngfo dnsuka f. l oletlY assaulting co isablo Burns, at rC iswell-street,. St. Tnke a. i Itappearedifroxii the evidence of the ?? that the was talking with a friend at the Corner ...


... TO MHIT TOROr 0 IM DE Y NEWS. ?? youn aliow a laym vn unversed in law toa. nut bafore your readers two poiuts on which the recent juaganentiseeme to himu to oaU for some explanation: . .: 1. The judgmeont says that the rubric, Such orna- ments, &c. ?? shall be retained and .b3 in uso, as were in this chrlch of England,-bythe authority of Parliament in the second year of the reign of King ...