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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register



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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register

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... 7 77 - I~E- RditjeRA-. 71 CO33ETT!S.SpellngmZ00k. - t ?? ?? Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book,'a clear, and concise INTR]OD.UCTIO TO ENGLISH GBlAMMAB. 'This l have written by way of .A. Steppjmg-Stonle to my' own Grammar; such -a thing having been frequently sug- gesf'ed to me by Teachers as necessary; i. ENIGLISH.GRAJMMAAL-.Of this work sixty -thousand copies have now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT.,LIBRARY. New Edition. C*3D3BETT'S Spelling- 3ook (P2-ice 2e.) Containing, besides ?? usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCOTiON TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This I have written by way of A. SteppingStone to my own 'r W55 S:Grammarg- awe Xthili hivig been frequently su,-- gested61c I Oe bafy Yeadhers as nlecessary. .1 EIENGLIH GRAMMAP. -Of this work sixty tbousand copies ...

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... COBHETT-IJBRARY. Furth -Edit 3X=- 9 ¢X9WS SEpe11i~g_- EOO1 Containing, besidesall the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTiON, TO ENGLISH GRAMMAIL This I Have written by way of-- la ?? to my own h Graimmrar, such a thing having been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work one hundred thousand copies have now been pubhlsbed. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; R~WAY' :P. REFGRsk .o-iebud in boards. TIe 1. -& tb~e first Avolume Is: 4s. Od. T1he 'Price' of thie S~tafl~itVIUjltO&eaad uU. .1 :;A: a shtt ~ Ba~king~ ?? :ti~ of Am, i ; k& > , , ttt7 . n0 ~ h t i ; :s. fg i *f VW idpa ?? rut ectr 'its LWob .ei~s _v W~~6 ;e::Sazg4dtl1 ?? ff;liaD t-MLfoTA dstet t wiqs j -ik WILA ?? C . una!' \ yl ' tt'lt i ; . -JO1URNAL' 0 1H*4-* ItA'bt ntsrft. AN; ?? , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t ~I f e ?? 3'l . .PY C . ';S.3¢ ii suec ?? .ai$1ml~dW 'F Thisdhaeeita se 5'c 'b.tJIna4 SLrNUS &X| Hi 'of 1 t 't ; mafu b; . .4- 2 !.i ?? ~7 D ?? A .1:53 %~Sd~ in 3 W~ka h ok M A.. .G.1E: i a k TA W S- wt'o'hetvm um ; -: Im.9YSbew.,AC 05. EAW EIDNWttAN 6es. Frit#GaoryTAIIAI-t oria ji nl* ng4rw4 tNe, lid Woes tfrdh i-f h a ?? tbenli IndF@tf ?? bielieve, )osvp Rae~i.av&oatt, rmttswI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be I 0Xero yibe had t ce t~~ ;cfltppete sets: may t COB~s^w *~ersif,- -rsa4, . for Working Peo roiK t month of August. Price - -- COBBEr' - Hisrony mF-,OX 4V. No. 1. Price jd :to be continued monthly. :N., B.hisHi y>+;ilinprised in about ten :nuwefrs. TheC $e9ci6d No. of the Histr', dFt' Geoig& t-he: Tourth wvill be piiblished oon the Ist of Octer; PN;W. ?? -6f Cobbletts -Eknglish abd Fr:dh ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1. ENGLISHEGRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been puiblisbed. This is a duodecimo volume, and the price is 3s. bound in boards. 2. nA ITALIAN .G1RAMMAR, by Mr Arm3rEs- P-w.X ConaSTT.Being a -Plain: and Compendious bhe Study of ][tiap. Price 6s. X, COTTAGE, ECONOMY=-I ?? this..Work professedly for the use of the la- bourng and middng classes of the Enili-h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLES'S TRUSS IS THE BtST. I am ready to subscribe to the truth of this assertion, which appears on the frout (1 will not say ornaments his establishment at Charing Cross) and I can do it from personal experience. Having in the course of thirty years2 tried a great many trusses, I have re- commended Coles's'Truss tuoseveral persons, particularly professional characters, and in- tend; if 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3. THIE EMIGRANT'S GUIDE., tist DOjW PILbli iled, tinder tl~is Title, a itle Volumie, containing Tlen Letters, ?? Elu lish Tax-pavers. A new edition, Witt a Postscript, contaiilng an account of the Prices of Huuses and Landi, recently obtained from. America by Mr. Cubbett. Pricc 2s. tid. in Wds. 4. THE WOODLANDS; or, a Trea- tise on the preparing of the ground for plant- ing; on the plantin.g, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBETT-LIBRARY. AeW Edition. c@3zBTT'S Spelling-Book (Price 2s.) Containing, besides all the usual matter of such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This I have written by way of AL SteppingwStone to my own Erammar; such a thing having been frequently sug- gested to me by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T7is day is publisbed, price 2s., A REIPORTOf thie INVESTIGATWIoN be- A fore the lencbers ot te iielemper upon the alplicamiot of D. IV HFarve), Lsq M P., to be called to the bar. Taken i't short hand. -To be lad of Ridgway, Picca 'illv; HuOiter, St. Paul's ChturchyardI Butterisorih, Fleet St.; Wilson, Royal Exclsange; Chalk, Chelmsford ; Fenton, -laddon, and i aylor, Colichester; Loder, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jr 4 4n ~ at From Pni, 'tbroL, L ,tb Ml Rome; Ter, e e r Bblogoa, Ferrarla, Pad ta, ?? caa, Aibn ao ib Ir c ?? g~ I?'llSi.Xl- y ciie a 4ndslt ?? .m ,;o ,.¢yt - o ?? v Td he, sadgja'dcr ~ta~ 'seione ain~ A4hO ANDALsO An account: of thie Jestii ^ ad:an ert el~e- nearesti.m biE y &tha tsae' ?? S ii eo intu uneri vpey,:vlp The Dawes:!terS tbt~ftb di~itiq~s taes Was oi' Divsioe an ?? .the C~'i~j ...