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Daily News (London)

Law Intelligence

... Kau) futtdhfletirct. NOTIOES.-Tma DiY. . f JUDICIAL COMAITTEE OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL, 8 WHITEHALL. I AT 4.-Judmenfts: Gridhari Lall Roy v. Government of Bengfl-Poestonjee Nusserwanjee v. D. Manooltiee and Company. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. AT ICQ.-BPFOR TrE LORDS Jusnsrcs.-Lunatic petitions: Re Jackson leowitt, L Brown, J. A. Brown, Bariatinoky Fil- linghamff, sher, Dcnshire, PFllen,, ...


... BOW-STREET. Edward Somrnar, a Dane, described as an able-bodied seaman, was brought up before Sir Thomas Henry, in custody of Buck, one of the sumoningofficersothe court, on an extradition warrant issued atthe instance of the Danish government upon the charge of having com- mittedthe crime of murder at Shangha. Mr. J. L. B. de Koeford, secretary to the Danish LeOa- tion, attended to watch the ...


... IJ -IHtRA OAIMIYAL 6Ott1. I (Before Mr. Justice Mellor.) John &'eanft 28 , a Prussiant wai charged with the M0,i sid slaughter of George Alfred .Willes.LO Mr. Poland conducted the prosecution on behalf of the RE, The Crisner was a seaman on board a British vessel ha ealled Ihairtfordebirel, which on the 12th September Ca, was on her voyage to San Franoisco, and near the line. -p On the morning ...


... BOW-STREET. John Cullen, a cabman, was brought up on remand on the charge of causing the death of an old man named Connor by riding over him in Great St. Andrew's-street, Seven Dials. It was stated that an inquest had been held and a verdict returned of Accidental Death. Mr. Lewis, who appeared for the defence, called a young woman named Bates, kitohenmaid at an hotel, who stated that she ...

Law Intelligence

... %xim futtIligarct. ?I- I NOTICES.-THIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLIN'S-IN. AT 10&-BEFORE THE LORD CHANCuLLOR.-Appeals: Striek- land v. Cholmley, part ?? v. Ricardo. AT 10k,-BEFORE THE LORDS JusTIES.-LunatiC petitions: Be Andtdell, Sonter, Davies, Davenport, Cruttenden, George, Meux, and Yovey. Bankrupt appeals: Roots and Roots (2)- Zimnmermamand Braginton, part ?? and Braginton- Cooper and ...


... I THE POLICE COURTS& I BOW-STREET. Wiliam Johnson was fined 40s., or one calendar month, for annoying and assaultingaspeoial constables at the en- trance of the Vestry-hall of St. Paul's, Covent-garden, by hooting, pelting, and bustling them as they entered to be sworn, and came out after complying with that form. MARLBOROUGH-STREET. There were but four charges from Hyde-park brought before Mr ...

Law Intelligence

... .1 I.!. tat) fattll tare., - ?? ? ?? I I . h -- - . .1 ?? I 1: 1ucr lal NoTIO8;Tgzi~'DAY. ad COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-INN. go- AT l0J.-Bss'oBE THE LORDS JTUSITOB5.-Appe5Im5itioin (for 3re jugmn) 'R iisancial Corporation and Company's Act, 1862 ,bt (olme, - rchar, Adm, Kig, CL FaiingatidOfficiil Li- .b Iquldator's cagses) Appeal. North Stafford Steel, Iron, ad Coal och Company (BuncslIDm) v ...


... MIDDLSXNSSS si |. (Before Mr. Serjeant Dowling, Deputy' Assistaht-Judge.) | Ellen Rdoney, 42, was indicted for nialicionsly wounding n Elizabeth Btocksoff, with intent to do her grievous bodily. bairm. PI The prosecutrii said she was the wife of Robert Brock- cc sof, of 9, Manclhester.buildings, and on Monday afternoon, b the 2nd of September, she was at No. 8, Burton-street, i doing some ...


... THE TRAGBEDY AT LIMEHOUSE. Yesterday John Wiggins, a lightermnan, lately dwelling at No. 1, Temperanec-cottages, Lower North- street, Limehonse, and within a few yards of the Regent's-c anal , was brought up on re mand before Mr. Paget, at the Thames police-court, charged with the wil- ful murder of Agnes Oakes, on the 24th of July last. fr. Charles Young, solicitor, again attended for the ...

Law Intelligence

... - a fl ?? 1 1OTICES.-THIS DAY, COrUT OF CHASCElCY. LUNCOLN'SINN. Io _l3FFlaE TlE tORD CHANCELLOR.-Appeals: Betts v. AT r 11051 tts v. Do Vitre (5). l p5t rt5 holut BLort) JtUSTICE LORD CAIRKS.-Appeal AT I-S ?? v. Peelles-Wood V. Scoles. hOEOLLS COURT. CIHA4NCERhY-LANE. To be Iletioeled. Woollner v. Hlrtzell-Re Elton AT . *:,1cevii-loafflim Armonly Company (Calisher's ease). (p'toeti lcl ebero, ...

Law Intelligence

... - i fatojjtlwm?- I ?? ' ?? AM I;, I I i lO ?? DATS T COUILT OF OHAtifOR. N1COLWl~. AT 1QI.-BRYiORE THE LORD CHAuCaLwOR-L5nati ?? by order): Be Meux Appel Sykes V. Sykes, part hea0rd- c Willowa v. C~rwrig~ht-Smlth v. Beanie. At 11.-BEFpORE THE'LORDS9 JUSTOcRS.-Appsl:Knv.r .Brown-Price v Peppercorn (2). . tb '1iOiEl COURT, UCfABCMY-LABII.e AT I0.-To be mentioned: Brownsion ?? Laurance. ...


... 4JIDDLESEX SESSIONS (Before Mr. E. W. Cox.) Wiltiam Kniqgl, 43 an respectable-looking' man; eas in. dicted for assaulting Walter Burdett, of 51 X Miflbank. street, Westminster, with a hammer i to whlci he pleaded conot guilty. He was not defended hy counsel. Walter Burdett said he was a miller, end lived at Min- bank. On Saturday, the 7th of December, he was sit. ting in his room at about 8 ...