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Morning Chronicle



London, England

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Morning Chronicle


... LONDONI WEDNESDAY, SEPTlEMBER 28, 1825. M Ar. ARTIN appeared again at Bow-street yesterday, to acknowledge that on Friday last he was greatly crininal-that he was guilty of 4 an act ot great intemperance, for which he came, humbly and penitentially, to make his apology; and having ob- tained pardon from Mr. BECKET, an old Magistrate, who was more anxious than able to befriend him, like ...

Published: Wednesday 28 September 1825
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Miscellaneous | Words: 3391 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Editorial/Comment 


... LON DON: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 185. As a financial measure, and no doubt for the urposei of relieving the exigencies of the State, the KciDg of SPAIN has recently levied a forced contribution often millions of uials on his subjects carrying on trade and commerce, and before us is a copy of the Instructions, containing in all 19 articles, which his Ministers, under date of 22d ultime, have ...


... THE ROIVOING CHRONICLE. LONDON: 9ATURlDAr, YUNY 27. T~e yeclrday received Paris Journals to the t3d indlfive. The runlours of the Britifli forces in Egypt having fuflained a defeat continue to be brtoght from MOA of the ports in the Mediterranean. One Letter from Venice of the 6th, indeed, mentions that our troops bad Succeeded in cutting off all fupplies of wa- ter from Alexandria, and that ...


... 'THE MORANING CHRONICLE. - ; LONDON& ,FIDAY, SEPTErMBER 30, 182S. We rwived ?? Hamburgh Paperr to the 24th, and Dutch Papers totbt 29tb inst., frot which we make the following Extractl : S STroxOL, SerT. If i,-tr B BLOOMFIELD has returned from Rumsia. CH1nmTIANIA, SEPr. 13.-Jhseir 31AJESTIES arrived here on the9ti. tej aligghted at the ?? distance fruon the city, where tha, wee solemnly ...


... rTHE, MORNING CHROATICL E. L 0 NSTD 0 N: SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1824. There is, 'we have been assured, a letter from Cadiz in town,-of a later date than the one we published yesterday, which states, that a considerable number of wounded had reached La Isla; but it was not in our power to obtain a sight of the original. If this proves to be true, Governor O'DONNELL will not find -the men -who ...


... TIMl AonININVG CGH OIATICL E. L O N 1) 0 N: lVEDIVESDdiY JULY 21, 1824. Detters and Papers were yesterday received from Bahia to the l6th May. The former mention that the whole province was in a perfectly tranquil state, and that the losses occasioned by the late occupation of the capital by tihe Portuguese troops had been nearly repaired. Confidence had becn restored, coml- merce bad revived, ...


... THIE 3IO-0111NLVG CH(IRONICLE. LONDON: MON1DJY, VfC7'OBIER 4, 1S24. We received at a late hour last night Dutch Papers, containinmr, on the authority of letters fiom Trieste and Venice, particulars relative to the Greek victory at Samos, which seem t6 leave no doubt on that subject. The following are extracts :_ AMSTZRDANI SEPT. 29.-We have great pleasure in stating tbat letters have been ...


... THE MORNIING CHAONTICLE. L O N 1) ON: TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1824. The Journal des Debats continues to assail Al. DE VILLELE and his associates, with argument, invective and declamation. We suspect, however, M. DE CHA TEAUBRIAND will not gain much by this species of warfare. However;,xceptionable the practices of M. DE VILLELE may have been, he retains the Royal favour, and his opponent does not ...


... THE, MORNING CH.CN16G'L-- LONNDON: 1MOND0r', NVOPTJMBER i6. Lafi night we received Paris Journals to tihe 12t inclifive. Marquis C RNWALLfS Sls had a ?? audienceoftheCHIFF CONSUL. Iie has beeftrealse with very marked and partictlar diftinl'tiom I I- 7 the only carriage allowed totraverfe the Ipace a~ozt& for the public fpeiacles of the fete. The expedition to St. Domingo prozeeds *vith great ...


... LONDON: SATURDA2, AOVEAMBER 2r. WVe yeflerday received Pats Journals to the 15th inclufive, but they are very barren of intereffirg matter, Marquis CORNWALLIS continues to receive eveiy mark of relpedft and attention. It is bfated in the 76uraJ des Defe, reurs that the Plenipotentiaries were to fet out for Armiens as this day. We know not what progrefs has been made in thte difcuffions ...

Published: Saturday 21 November 1801
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Miscellaneous | Words: 877 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Editorial/Comment 


... ~N M-~N CHRNIUL LO01NDON: T17UrS17AY, AUGUST so. For two days we have had no arrivals from France. The attack oh the port of Boulogne feems alfo to have fhut that of Calais; for previous to that event We had .an 'almofi daily intercourfe with the enemy. It is certain that,' under the regulati ons which have been eflabliflied in out .ports, 'this was. highly advantageous to us in a commercial ...


... - THh'E MORING (~ LONDON: WE'TDNESD4Y, DECEMBE11 I1.1 We reccived last night the French Papers of S the Mtodie of Monday. They contain little intelij ence1 interest. It is stated that M. COUSIN lillshonti, liberty. Y Qba; We received last night New York and ]oso p, the 7th instant; but the news they bring is of ne *Zt Alaalie ITUnabDE, who arrived att New Orieaa5th ue of October, it is said, ...