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... OLD BGzill-Er. Dy 5xSDEDEJAN. 14. 1 ir YetLerdiay the Scilions at this ulace commenced be. tore Mi. fu.q c Ltxcence, Mr. B:aron Thomfonr N~i. P' iiocm ?? aGItiai, and 'Mi. Rccorderx. Thc trials tlta. octul-rud Vl wro in c-nerill uiinimportant and Ullinil'- , leti t 1 tho ph b 1lic ait larc. ceC Aiari/, e 'C 1 r ja! r ?? r Were tried O in- t , di~icnt clii rino t0-cnm w%6di having on the 25th ...


... bLD PAILP'M. tHUREDAY, YAN. 15. This day 14 Prifoners were. tried, 2 bdwhom were capitadly convicled, viz. Reobrt Ma~tts and l7wes Rlcy were tried on a capital indi&mcnt, charging them with having, on the evening of the 3d of D)ecember ]afl:, robbed on the highway near Haves, in the county of Middleflcx, Anidrew Den, nis O'Kelly, Ef~q. of three feven flhilling pieces, a half- guinea, and fome ...


... b-in BAlLE,. FRIDAY, JA14. 16. ;~ay 12 Prifoners wvere tried' x of sfi'om was capitally ctoniwaed viz. .70zw -Ri1eets, for felonibufly ?? T9ho nhs Wil- fon on the King's highway and robbing him. of thlree fhillings and- fomehalfpeiice. Eight were cnvined of fiony, viz.. J TYiiAazz, ElizabelJs }K~eeqe, .Sie!Bake, john flanfon, ElizaMbr gh Giles, Roeokand vghes,e Jane E'wuen and -George sbirl~e. ...


... 01 D BAIL E. tra YefIerday five prifoners were triced, two of 'whoz iil Wfereaccpitally convided, *iz. ar1 7atnes Xoolc'ridCe fur forg-ng a; one pound rote, pur- m- porting to be a note of the Banc o' jrgiand, and utter- A.- ing it as filch to Genj'raoin Podrigucs, a E butcler il an Whitechapel, on the -e9rh- of' Novcliber Lati. ct Ifiac Rodrigues, tilc foil il his evidencc, particu- larly ...


... UAMOS HOUM.,CLEPANOELL, ' A caufe of fome confequeicei c aws yefterday tried at the QRarter Sefiions before Mr; M'anwairing. The parties were : Mr. Steygould and 4the Ldndon Dock corlnjparsy. The former' is fproprietor ofia dwelling? hoafe, wiarehoufei wlxarr;, &c. ,(Np. 2Co 'IAPgh--reec, Wapping), fituated o1 part of the Rrrnud ,where the Weit India Docks are to be conf~rutci. TbLe A61'of ...


... STAFFORD SESSIOiNS. FlUDAY, JANULARY 16. SEDITION. le Yohn Adaru, a decent looking young man, about '22 at years of age, 4vas indicaed for the following feditious to words:,,. Damn the KinIg, and his Peace, and his tOfOicers, and all belonging to him. There wxas a fe. is cond count, charging the words thus-'i Damn the a- King and his Peace. The Prifon~ plleaded Not i,Guilt. h Awittiefs, of ...


... OLD- , Erg.E Yefterday foarteen- pririier's wre'j tricd;' t o of wvhom were 'capitaliy convideA, via. T1r0mr Pevit' and Jl~p/i ZSIfeml, for ftcaling.a flieepi the property of John .Whitebi-da. ?? , -Andrew f ?? was capitally indraledfor felon'i- ouflv foi-ging and uttering falfe acquittucices.for money, with inteintion to defraid feieral'.perfons, and in parti- cular. Jofeph Milward, a ...


... .0L.:D BAI,-F. tor nd Yefierday 23 Prifoners- were tried, one of whom vwas fo- capitally conviceed, viz. INV 7-obn Robinfon, for burglarioufly breaking and enter- ?? ing the dwelling houfe of Jane. Morris, and 'flealing to htereiri a bed, and a nuinber of other articles. ho6 Thirteen were convi~cd of felon y, vit. 1nn. Geot~e, cir Tarornas ?? I Jac Ikigul. Ann Wiliarni, .Sanikel Wood/and, ...


... L217 INELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BrENCH. FRTDAY, JANUARY 2,. Tlis lbeing thc firlI day of I-lilary Term, the Judges took theiu feaits on the Bench about onC O'clocl. - Tbz firft flbjecl broioght before themn was, as ufual, thle (ate of tho Crnviels confined at Woolwich. The report of Pvir. Campbell, the Deputy, was ?? by the m akter of the Crown Office. It feated the number of' the convias, ...


... LA II' INTELL]GErNCr. .0 COURT OF KING'S BENCH. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24. CRIMINAL INFORMATION. ftMr. ERsuINE faid, he was inftructed by the Noblc ,eEarl who then fat on the Bench (Lord DarnDIy) to Y apply to the Court for leave to file a Criminal Informa- d tion againft a Mr. Bligh, a relation of his Lordfhip's. d The Learned Counfel then entered into a long detail of the circurnflances of the ...


... LA i-l1/6E2Vcjg. NQ'x B ENg H.- ktP7,DAY, JANUARY z6. 1 INhis day tne Court did not fit much above an hour, was during almoft the whole time occupied in hear- 2~motions for new trials. A man of the name of Baker, who had. beeri eon- aided at the laftaliizes of coming on liore frorm a Nhip under quarantine, was fentenced to eight months' im- pfrifpmneut io Newgate. This day a Coetrt of Aldermen ...


... LThNThL~IG.ENCZg dCOURT bF K:IXZG'S BENCIH, JAW. a7 Ve CRINT. CON. ir . HOARE qj. ALLAN, Mr. ERsIIINE rofbt to move that this caude be fent down to a npw trial. -le felt the ilimoft anxiety, he, faid, upon this occafion ; and he was fure their Lord- frips, and all who h-fard him, ?? fympathize in his feelings. He flood then reprefenting a gentleman pof- fefed of every amiable and eftiniable ...