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... LAWV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING's BENCH, MAY 6. Lord K.iE Yon went at an early hour to Guildhall, and nothing of tle leaft confequence came before the Court. We have few better Comedians than Mr. Knight, of Covent Gar-dmn Theatre, nor any wlho, from the va- riety of their fj)ecies of acling, the Ihrength of their conception, or the corre~nefs of their colouring, ex- hibit more thorough ...


... . o * - ; ?? ?? . ; . I COURT OF IKNG7s BENCH, MAY . Seven or eigltimen were broughv up to receive judg- me~nt, Nho ?? convi.-ted ?? the osffcdrs of the Excife ?? Honifeat the i4iafiszes r the Coulty of C~OrWall: Afe.&Counfel lhad. bec heard for and agdnf each of them, tiheywaae remanded tili. lWednefday. ..Lord. NYON patheticaly lamented that thefe of- fences were multiplying every d.y. The ? ...


... COUtt' OF KING's BENCIH, MAV 7. This day was. fet apart for hearing arguments upon dmerurrers, &c. arid no cafe involving any ?? point of law carne before the Court. There is.a ftory in fomc of the papers of ?? ofa gentlcv-nan in the T'emnplel having gone to bed drunk, and firing a blundetbufs through the.doors, and wourd- ing hi3 wife, who had knocked, thinking that thieves .ere in, ...


... O iM7-iLDO E7#C-. iCOVkT `qF XCIN'ds Bi3N'QH,-Mi j.; -~ ~ ?? - TF, K!,il! '. AP tS; I Mr. ScoTT moved ?? nake the ruke:' bfolute for El'. Ing a crimiinal info'rnmation 'agaiinlE the Governor of Cold Bath Iields prifoih for inhurman uage to a'pri- foner in his coftody. Mr. GARROW Iaid, h'e' was Counfe] for Mr; Aris; and he had littie doubt he thould be able to convince the Co' rt that this ...


... LA,!W INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING's BENCH, M,1Y II. TiHE KIiKG ?? ALDRIDGE. in thnis cafe Mr. Parke moved for the judgment of th^ Court. The defendant is a bonkfeller in Covent Garden, aid had been indi~ed for felling an obfcene pamphlet, called Th .Mian of Fz1ioo. When charged with the hidilment, lhe pleaded not guilty; but let judgment go by default. An affidavit from him was now read, in ...


... * 'LSAW IN7 LLIGENCEo. I ' I COURT OF: KING's BENCH, MMAY I%. T-THE KING ?? ARIS. Mr. SCOTT faid, he was about'to trouble the Court with a motion of the greateff importance to the due adminiftration bf juftice. Howerei, he thoughlt it right to mention that it was rather unufiial. Though it certainly came within the fpirit of the ufual praelice of the Court, in form, perhaps, it was ...


... I COMMON COUNCIrL.- -The Lord Mayor wvill hold a I Court of Common Council to-morrow' at Guildhl-l, -to confider a' motion, ,That Mr. Chamberlain fub. fcribe fuch a fum of money as fhall then be fixed on to- wards the fund at Lloyd's Coffee-houfe, for the relief of the wounded, widows and orphans of thofe killed in the Britih fleet under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker off Copenhagen ...


... - .A IrTBLLZIGENVCt. COURT OF EING's BENCH,.MKi rI. even or eight perfons convi.'ted of fmuhgglilig, were brought up to receivc'judgmnent. Sollncoir thema were Sentenced to one years imprif'onnent, ?? to twoi and Iome to ticrec. They were almoft all Iro C' .ri wall. The cafe of the King and Aris was defeirecd till IP iday, as Lord Kenyoii was obliged togo at an early hour to Guidlhall. As t'he ...


... COUR V OF KING'* BENCH, MAY 14. This being Afcenfidn Day, there was no bufiners done in Weltminter-ha1. . CITT BJUSIXESS. _- A Court of Common Council was held yefterday at Guild- kall, at which the Lord Mayor, fix Aldermen, Mr. Recorder Mr. Sherliff Cadell, and upwards of iixty Cun-moners, were prefent. Thhe proceedingi of the Lall Court were icad (by the Reader of the Couri), and confirmed. ...


... LAZI INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING's BENCH, MAY IS. THE KING V. AR1S. Mr. GARROW rofeto fhew caufe why a criminal in- formation (hould not be filed againit the Defendant. He faid he was glad that this application had beenr made to the Court, as the calumnies with which Mr. Aris had been long loaded would new meet with complete refutation. It was ftrange that'although there were not fewer than 12 ...


... LAW INTELLIGEgAE. COURT OF KING's BENCH, MAr 16. Ifaac Aldridge, a bookseller in the neighbourhood of Covent-garden, was brought up to receive judg- ment for publithing an obfcene Libel, called Tk, Gem- tleman' of Fq/kion'r Magazirt In confequence of his affidavit, Rating that a perfon of the na-me of Sudley was the author, and a perfon named Young, in Drury- lene, was the printer of the book ...


... COURT OF KING's BENCH, MAY 19. MIORGAN V. ORANGE. The Plaintiff is Waiter at the Hummurhs, the De- fendant an Officer in the Army, who was in the ha- bit of often going there for. the ufe of the Warm Bath. He ufed to give the Waiter always a Shilling to him- felf, but one day for want of change, he gave him Six- pence only, Laying he would make up- for it another time. The waiter however was ...