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London, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . OD n.Ti~luday, the tth itift. fuddenly, at tier Ioad¢ngs ft fhc North Parade, Bath Mrs. Price, of KilIgwynnej in the tduw y of C(marfblhen. a.gel6r. y On Saturday ?? David Hotchkis, ofthe Royal Navy. a~cf-frrejfryfih'e 'He, dej6oted hinrfelf to ta't feas rt II yca~rs of age, comtn anI le a hip to thaeft I dies at r , ;I nrcihfo prt*- Ife a feain anvas ade Licuteanat afteifhut-vcarc aud a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,,l? 1.7e ?? At iM1crrion-foeiare, Dnblin, ;h~ wife of Fonai, £fq. of i Sot: On the rsthcut. at Nortons, near Stec'stcn 0otlsbert' avor, to Ansi Hutchinlbfs. The bridej Wvalkedi with a cruztc! th-e bridegroom had but-ose arm, the ?? snion but one leg, and thc bridc's mail was blind. On Mionday laff, at St George's Chapel, Hanover-fquare, Mr. Bowle, of Mfortimer-flrcet, Cavenduh q wne, oneofthe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On Mondarlaft, at Winchmore-hili, the Lady of Capt. Cruw , nof a daughtrer n *~uefday evening, Mrs. Hclnry CovMll, of Graccchurch. e f. of a daugI~tcr. -nh Wcdnefa.y Iaa, in Wiipole-ftrfee, the Lady of the Hon. ,.Douglas, of a fan. MA RlJkD. .l . - - On Sunday, 'Williasn Henry Atowlatc, Ef(q. of the Middl le, to MilN Marv Emily, -of Great Chlarlott-ftrclt. Yefterday, at St. Georg(s, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Sundayj Mrs. Oiennie -of miinecing-'iaze of a daiughter. - On Monday lNft, the Lady. of Kcitli jopp, Efi. of a fan, inX Welbeck-ttreet. ' Onitlie i8tli intant,. in George-ltreet, -lanover-ficuare, Mrs. Caleraft, of a fon. -MSARRIED. On Sunday morning, Mr Wiljarni W-Plll, of;Stratford, Et. fex, to Mile Shortrldge, .of WJralworth, SKi y, daughter of the late John Shbrtridge Efi. of Briftol1 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Friday, at his houoe in Arrinld-place, Waiworth, Surry, the Lady of Mr. Jacobs, of a dauthter. -- ~ ~ ~ ~ A a fl4PiED. Lately, Mr. Williar Parkinfon, to liti' M. L. Goodwin, of HanpRead. At Edinburgh, on the 14th irtQ. Williami Bruce, Bk: df Cow- den, ?? Marg-arct Oliver, d&uis ter of Robert OGiver, Efq Suroei in North Berwicl. On the zyth iritant, in tjc 3Sd year of her age, Mrs. Bower: ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Salilbury, Iady Anea Mraia Cotton, wife of Uieutenazss- Colonel Cotton, of thle x6th. light dlragoons, cldetl' fon of Sir F.o- hert Salihbtry Cotton, Bart ot a tonalld heir Un the st h il&. at her houfe in Buciginham.-treet, Fitzrny- fquare, Mis. Menzies, of aein. On Thurl'day laW, tlie Lady of Edward Butl, Ffg.johl-rett Bedford-row, of a dauhtct. MRRIED., -Wednefday weekMr. Joln lty ?? at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BiRTl . On Saturday fe'nmight, Niri. Kiiig, Iady of the An'ertstit Minilter, ofa lor. . Lately, at 4dolt Reynold the,, Shropibr , tlh Lady of Audrqw (Jorbet, Efil.f a raugbllr;; . : * ately,at St. Marmi's Churde, E'rming-a-n, 2- 1. oihn Ipawee, Aurgeqp7 to MliUt Webb, daugltvr- of mrsi. Great Charl~sfItreet, Birrmnnghl.n' O~n Wednef&.tV, liaael7'L'rteeli, U rq, of the Adelphi, to it-'leis ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAIJe1A D. On Tuefday, at Lewitlam, by the Rev. Mr. Legge, Tames Walker, Efq. to Mifs Appollonia Larkins, daughter of the latc Wm. Larins, Efq. ofBlackheath. On Saturday niorning, at St. Paul's Covent-garden, MrrB. Uphill, Brydgcs-flrcct, Covent-gardcn, to Mifs Mary Child, 'of A/ount-ftreet, Grofvenor-fquarc, :ry On Saturday,. in PIord and iplace, by fpecial licence, the Right h-onourablv Lord ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .* BZV f-S2ri. . tt At his Lordfhip's f rft at Quoros. in l ei :ise, the Lady ofthe Right Hun. the Earl ot acfto, of a daughter. Lalt Week, at Bur7Yv Park, the relidcsicn ct- his Rd-a1 Hih nefs the DukeoSClarancc, Mr;Tt.irda~n, ofa run. f ?? ?? Dra) ttoh, !i Is . J. L'.e Br ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1JEATZ OF rqE DUKR½F BBDFORD. a It is with the mofi unfeigned forrow, a feding ln e which the public will deeply partake,.that ve. announce r 'thi death>'of the mol: Noble damqcrs Duke of Bao- l. RD.; His Grace died : t his feat at Woburn yelter- day, at eleven o'clock.' An 5iprefs brought the me- e lanch-oly intelligence in the .aftcrnoon. He was born Auguff i th, 1765, and fucceeded his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERALL of tr DUKE -P BED:Fo2RD. The affliaing ceremony of the funeral of the nmoft noble FRANcIs DUKE Of BiinDFORD, took place yefi terday. It was conduned without oRientation, agree- Y to his own reqsteft. There repqired no fpkendour Or poinpof preparation to intcretl the feelings of his country on the mournful event. All heartsfvmpathii'd in the common lofs which the death of fluch a man ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I, t ?? I1, 1' mnet i~ . rd!: ticur, of a l a2wl. ce.r i'L Llth)' ll't'ti~li'i'g I it It oi tfl..i i , ;leets, the ladv of ,auIC I ito t: !. I .W1. ot~t.1 s I , if i-. .1 GaninUir, ES;. at his houe at UOn ! ?? ?? t ?? 1 *.t Id (Ior Panic, Northln:rherllam, tlt ct a.t ?? h EI, , ¼, k i q. AlIN . I R i tl , o ;i [OIL aeil heir. At ' Oiv . I 2' os N'iv!, mcrcar;, of T.loctre Ola.' t -o 2. t ...