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Northumberland, England


Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... FURS. IHE Season for this A rtisle of Costume is now at Hand, and we have during the Summer, * z . energetically prepared to open our EXHIBITION OF FURS with a rich and aplendid Acso'mrt, t Pices lower thnthose of our Crinpetitors in this District, They are all manufactured af ihis Season's Skins, of the choicest Seections end consist of the newest Shapes. In hor, tis epatmetunder theo able ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF VALUABLE FARMING STOCK, &C. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Berwicl; Hill Low House, in the parish of pontelandX 1'borth umberland, on Monday, May 2nd, 1853, By RALPH BRlOIW.IN, Aucotioneer, LL, tho valuable FAR1,.GSOK n o-a A 0HUSBANDRY, Upon tie said farm, the property of the Hon. Gilbert Stapletoo hc h following is a catalogueah in prime CCU- Hoisnss.3 poworful draught horses,inpmeo- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEBN THOUSAND A YEAIL 361494 LBS. of TlEA 'bave-been sold in our Establisbmn~mt diving the last~ few mont~ho,-chowinig On 36424 ~increase of upwards -of 10,000 a year, or 16,316 lbs. in Two 'Years. -~Wo Fay,-tliunks to the peopl forthisunprcedeted neees~ ad have determined that the sales of 1569 shall exoteeed xthbosaecoffo1u8588a bey other10,00 lb. To ccomlishthietask, we have reduced our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T a RPNERAL MEE IIN`1 of the INHABITANTS Aof the BOitiJuGLI ot N EWOASTLE ouT YNE, held at the (;uildhrall, on Monday, the 9th day of October, 1864riih Right Worshipful the MsIAYOR1in the chair. On TI e ul,tion of JO1N F. B. BLAcyETrr, Eoq., M.P., Ferondeu by (GElnGE FTBNWICK, Esq. That a Subsoriptiont b- .,peued for tbe Itelief of the Suff sers b) the late Fire, tcid generally for alleviatilg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOINTYRE & ARTHUR -DESPECTFULLY inform Merchant Tailori and the Public generally, that they bave reneived their 2:E8vWINTER STOCK OF ISEAVERS, WITNEYS. MELTONS, PILOTSKERSEYS, TWEEDS, DOESKINS, MOLESKINS, CORDS, &o., &o., .- Alao, a large Stoek of WITNEY OLO rR and BATH BL&NKETS. Having been pereonally eleoted by Mr Arthur in the various markets, we have every confidenoe in recom- mending them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, And entered om at May-Jay next, COW CLOSE! FARM, near Easingt.^,n, in the J County of Durham, at lpresent oc' flied by Wil- liam Allison, as Tenant, containing 8i Acres or there- 0boute. For firthar Particulars appl.y to Mr Ralph Matthew Ferry, Eaingtorn. 26th November, 1846. TO BE LET,' And entered to on the 12th of lay, 1847. BRIN KHEUGEI FARM, in the Parish of D Brinkbura. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIE' AND GIRLS' FELT HATS. WIT ViILSON & CO. inform the Ladies of New- W castle and its vicinity, that they have com. menced to SELL FELT WHIPS and BONNETS, and have now to offer at NO. 38, GREY STREET, The newestshape in Oirl'sDrab BONNETS, and in Black, Brown, and Drab Flat Brims for Girls' and Ludies, as well as Eoft Felts in the same cclours. Aleo, pure White and Fawn Felts for Infants. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAYV. SALE OF SHOP FIXTURES. MR WILLIA.M CLARK Hu received Instructions from the Assignee of JohR Apvileby. a Bankrupt. TO SELL BY AUCTION, On the PrediAeus, Evet Bridge, Durham, On FridaY. the 23rd August instant, at one o'C ock in the After nHE whole of the SHOP FIXTURES and T FITTINGS, comprising painted conter tret oF large and one small iavinted Flour Bins, tgree Machine, Seales and ...


... HPHIS Association undertakes, in addition to all the ordinary Branches of Life Assurance— Assurances in One Payment. Half Credit Premiums, on New and Equitable System. Endowments combined with Assurance. Advance by wav Loan, ou Personal and other Securities. HENRY CHARLES BARFOOT, Secretary. Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal, and every information may be obtained from the Agents, Messrs ANDERSON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONE MANURE. TORN SIMM begs to inform Agriculturists he has 0 on SALE, genuine CRUSHED BONES; also a auply at Stocklsfield Station. 9.ateshead Bone Mill, May 21,1853. ON SALE, ijG the TUR- A PREPARATION for PtESER V i t A- NIP PLANT, wvbich isan oertainl preventative to the Ravages of the Tulrnip Fly. ANO TURNIP SAEDS1 sud GUANO RAPE and LIN5 I .ED, for sowing. BBRoI,~I BELL, 22, Sandhill, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEWCASTLE FAIRS. OTICE IS hJEREBY GIVEN, that the N THREE ANNUAL FAIRS held at Newcastle upon Tyne, will, in the Year 1850, and every subse- quent Year, be holden as follows:- The AUGUST or LAMMAS FAIR on the Second Wedaesday in August. The OCTO BERP or SIT. LUKE'S FAIR on the last ,NeduesdaY in October. Tho NOVEMBER or MARTINMAS STONES FAIR on the last Wednesday in November. By Order, CLAYTON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FORD'S EUREK SHIRTS E ui eenthe N rt fitting Shirad jTToDsEsri.Sare he sonic of perfection MCourt Journal. lgS~l.SIT MAES ANDs tHATTERS, In FordMs Eureka Shirts ore uniteD e teriel and first -rate nedlework, toggether xvithithat special excellenlce of fit which istheir aietinguiehing characteristic. -Aterncng Ro0t. jW Each Shirt bears the name sod address inside the collar hand, witliout, ...