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Suffolk, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... kXJANTIED dirily, A good Cook, Apply to Vvthe pristerin th&Buttte market. &XAXMUNDHA.'SASSEMBLYi,.wlwich was adverb U tife~ for the SiniO. isput off on account-of the ieventyk._of the weather., Yan i be eLEri m amigtey, V A~~~~ ~~ ,CQAI>t4z~ni~ciife, HOUJie. E~quire: :. . h ,'niler. in.I1i0 Butttr4Oatket. 1t; , :- R; :';f I 'BURY, J~an,. lr'lSOO' THE' Thsrd Subreription BALL,:;wiI -beat tb ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... xy:4' C4ALR!t jCLtJB., ilemnena. cia?$n tdlesb ;ve ,Clubar 'J refpe~fullY tInforinad, that ttze. next ('inlner will beet' 'fhnrfdlay, te9th day ofJ 9 ro. nt. atthe tleuk'e bad, Thwaite, Mr..! 's.PRESS, Prefident. gc * Dinner at Two 'clock. -G us rO .OUSE- MYOODBRIDGE, .an. -d. t0oo. ?4 Wedneiday next, the Sill int at at Eleven o'Clock In the Forenoov will be fold by Atiaion, ,,Calllons GENEVA. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AXMUN13HAM A5SgMBLY will be on. Wed- *) bicday, ary8, i o&. Admittance4s. ejcli. Te and cAftee jcuded. IRST- S-tBSCRIPTION AS5EMRLY for ihe year iBo, vill- he at the Aieminbly-room, op .wurIday1 *3ni' . Admittance to Nohibfcribeas, Rt livinzg inflFitwich. orwvit hi 6, miles thercof', 4S.5 RO6RFT TROTMAN, Elq. St)lards. REV.' I. EDGAR,Sewr. To be SO1,D EY IRsVATE CON THACT, NE undivided MoietY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sold by WOOLFREY MIDDLEDWTCEI, PATEsNT MEDICiNliOFVICE,* BR0ooK. eiprr , htrsWE cg. From the.::4 Rc BTr RoXO.D it. A L E the LORD CHIEF: BARON. - u ;;rMr. 'VF~lING, A ro T ilEDA R~ Y,'Chi~ide, iLonlon, Sir, i 'do you the juatice ol act iaiti g you Il;0t my fonlas derivet*very materal .enefit from yo. .WORMd. MEDICINL,; bavine been attaciccd by *otml. ab~ve a year in the moRc formiodable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M SIS, KIRBY begs Ltcave to ijform h-r V:ricvads M and the public, That hcr fchool uo iie - upon the 20th of aial. when fhe propofes to accomilnolate Three additional Boarders. None admitted under Si\ years ol age. & Terms may be had at the plinter's. BURE:S ASSOCIATION For pnfrec uti ig Fs~ ONs, &c. E .annil Mecting of this Affociation wvill be a h ' onl efiasy. mythl an -tSco, am thc t! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,solldrv h VV-OOLFREY D-AIDDLEl1TCN1, -PA'tN'T MzEtbiCINr (iFFICL, BROOF-STRF.,SiT, 11`Wilji. From . W. W ' MASTON, Efq. Hedl:e,' flail, 1V>rt1 .rtsbeaasi.{u Tre a. tCH]IG, APtrTnZC4ASYZ Chcipide, Lon , $ir, I am hbspy to inform y'ou tbat m11y dtughter, aged 8 years, has sierived the mouf furpriting benefit fromi your WORi NLOZFVGES. Sgehadlongbeen lvea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IPSWICH STB>SCRIP FION FGoI RF LIERVI NG Thc POOR with SOUP and BREAD. Amount of Subfcrctirons at the Meeting ij *o 6 6 Sulbfcriptions received laft week. t Thomfon,M.D. t e o'Chrif. Ranfona o S0 |. Wm Flindeliz a ozReeveBunts I I 0 lvlrs.,Nooth o lo'61John Setton 0 5 0 1.HaywardandSonS o o0yam Wolton o 5 o Samuel Penning I I IIjam0sPierce a o Mifs Coftertons I t ol iarts Peckover . o0 C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IPSWICIt, January i7, 11o0. HERL will be a i3ALL and SUPPER, at GOOD- 1 INrG'sCOFFEE-HOUSE, on MONDAY next, the zoth ir.R. in honourofthe QjJEEN'sBIRTH DAY. Tkckets, to Gentiemer Sos. to Ladies, 5,s; 'COLCHESTER ASSEMBLY. rrE Firft Affembly will be at the White Hart TInn, on Monday, Jan. 20. iSo, I BENJAMIN CRAVEN, Efq. Treafurer. CHARLES ROUND, Efq. S DAN. SUTTONjuri. fq.) CINL)ERS or THtE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XjANTED, Three or Four -Young Nlfen as Ap- prentieess to gotofea. . Ior tiurther.pir ticulars apply to lona. Nerman. Maxrnigttee, Effxst:. LAVEhFlHAM, Jan. 6, iSoa. A NSELL apd WES 5mgOP having take% the Snhop 1and premifesi ot.Mr. B. Bucke, groccr, drapvr and talloy cbjdilert refpearfully inforil his late cu.. tomers an1ed tll publicitfheyinifend fdlling acv~y ar-' ticle, in thofNbYandches, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | AOnly a Wek sto the =D;n a-;ng. Th4 incrpafing fale of tickets and ihares in the &prfeMiEp1lilh Statgr jlqgry, at the office of Hornf- by 'dt ii'.Cfo. 2,6,;4ornhifl, furpalTds all forrmer lttefies;.I' The very.,greatifuccefs Hornfby and Co. have:4perienced in t1'cq:1Ire'of 4' lotteries, in fel- ilin Iandharing :apiia'i Pirje tioaninmenfe arnmount, .'a3' &hfue4 th'm. this, 'beourib2e mo11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nOSn'ERE and C1.4 2DONl HUNDREDb. 'Fll E A.9ttendanceof the )ircdorsancdAiliigC tar-' I dwnits of the poor within- the faid hnitdred of B,0frrwere and Claydon,is ri quired at the Hollfeof In- (lufry at Barhiam, on Monday next, the loth init. at Ileven o'clock in the forrenoon. rr' 0 be SOLD, about 250 Ilufhels, capital goilers. Tinquire of Wim. Moore, White Hart Itn, Wick- h1am -mrket. W ANTED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIUrRQ4SceXt MON'CETH. tThe STATit IJOTTERY,' comeneSCts Dsawing. TICKRTS and SHARES Will continue on rile at the lowotft prices of tbe day, By RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. A T their lcenfed SiateLbtttery. dflices, the Cor. . ner of Bank Buildings,'Camlhill; No. 8, op' pofite t'ne Kingwis'5.MeW.¢SJ Charing Crofs, London; anad at she h1oufqe of Mef. Steveofoil aind Matchett, Market-placc, ...