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Sussex, England

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Market Herald

... jflartut l4rraW CORN EXCIIANGF.-MoONDAY, OCT. 5, 1835 There has been a good supply of WhIeat and Flour coastwvays during tile past week ; this morning, also, we had a fair arrival of Wheat, chiefly from Essex and Kient ; but a great proportion of tile samples being of indilierent quality, such as were really fine met a ready sale on iather better terms than last noted; though tile trade on the ...

Published: Tuesday 06 October 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 723 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1837. INSOLVENT. N. Bingham, Old Bond-street, London, surgeon. ]IANXlKUPTS. T. Nottage, Green Dragon-vard, Worship-street, coach master.-H. Greenhill, Philpot-lane, London, tea dealer.-J. Bates, Long-lane, Benrondscy, London, furrier.-R. John- stone, Chelmsford, woollen draper.-W. Geach, senl.. and W. Geach, jun1., Polruan, near Fowey, shipwrights.-D. Parry, Ponty Pool, ...

Published: Tuesday 07 February 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 526 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... COUNIRY 'MARKETS. WAItIURST.-COtRN MIARltt:r, FEt. 19-White wheat, ?? to ,i17 1ts. per i nod; red ditto, .t iI to Iti ;Us. tbharley, lor gruilleg. ?? to tids. 1se qunarter, oats, 2s. to 24s.,; peas, li. t'i 3,7c. IROTIERFILELU.-CoaaV AND) StcEE) MA ET, t EII. . IP.-A Avry (lull attendance antd many samples soli. Whieat wvhite, 7s5. to 7 Is. . red lins. to 705. oatc, 22s. to 24s,, seed ditto, ...

Published: Tuesday 26 February 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 589 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... IN RV CHARLES ELDRIDGF, A BANKRUl'T.-The final Meeting of the Creditors of Mr. Charles Eldridge, builder, was held at the Town tall on Saturday last, before Commnis- sioners - Partington, - Merrifield, adid W. Furner, Esqrs.- The whole amount of debts appeared to be 3,4081. l9s.-MIr. Partington (to the bankrnpt): You have seen all the accounts ? -Bankrupt: Yes, eid they are all correct to the ...

Published: Tuesday 14 March 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1440 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... C(UrNT1RY MARN I;1S. har I lv , ; ?? to *lo. ?? I I, 'S. to Iv. -pea, ,Iis. to.;li *, . A t, eI I good., ?? IlDiVI'OuNl:. ?? C t nsi - i.-- \iic;tI z1irii - r t!.; I se 'ec- Ond~ing Nesv. RIt Wiceat, ;;I. I~i H.1. hrlovit 1. I1-. ISE; oat0 It. 5d.; beans, li. 12s.; peas, 11. Ids :id.; til ei I I 1:% ; P4 tIiollsaid. TONttRIDGE.-STOCrs ;NIAaETr, Nov. I;. - iii. I mutt ?? .. 4 I. to :s.. lit vi ...

Published: Tuesday 20 November 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 805 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... (CO(NCR MARKETS portlo ttlt swot wvat!utr btls.5i a wa1 ver, tIlat. z!!ite NN : . t .iI:: 1,I to; lo!/ Ills; brim vtl ditto, 1; to 71. 1;s j 'ot to barley, 1I-1IC; oat- 7 to 795. 1'tI' ?? o. MAREI'T', .1rNl0 I ?? .-Oucr mtrlict was M5 atilrdcs, btt b1sihttss ;t-v tlut. \W,! te sottat - 1a l to IS; brown 1 to 71 ?? oat, 1;, to Ss. .AItt'NtIbt,-( OliN ?? ooi-:;i h r t: -II.- Srnic erery pritne ...

Published: Tuesday 11 June 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 541 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... AlR K E T S. (0k EXCIIA, GE.-FPRII5AY, APTLII, I') l*a amt i boll' F'rrrergrr ?? I Erjqigi si is tr 'lay''cry vw ?? ,.1. ~4 P ceq ai- t LIug hILIL uty ornl,o eI ieg a ha s ?? ?? t 0 l arsey *~Acadi. Cat9s, beaus, J51aj,,' null Icthir grain, wirlrout variation AlllIiVA 1.S. Wheat B!arley r Oat~. Malt. ,F! or. lr''b . - -CE f, U.A).BR' !11 PRIE F iEtY.i''.'li.. White. W~hat, ?? lNrit, andu ...

Published: Tuesday 23 April 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2192 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

Market Herald

... jflaultet ?? - - - - - -- - 4 - - - - - -- CORN 'XClIANCW.-MoNDAv, Ari L6,f1836. The arrival of Wheat and Flour during the past week has been moderate, and so also was the supply of.W\lVat tbis mornitg. T1he Trade, however, still continues dull, hile best palcels of' Wheat barely realizing last week's prices, w.hiist the loididllln4 and ordinary saples can only he got off onl lotser telrms. ...

Published: Tuesday 07 April 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... 1FROM1 THlE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF AGRICUL- TU'BE ' OF S(.:OTLANID. No. 2°, Tune, 1835. Ive have tile anthlority of some of' tile roachinr and postine establishmenis of Edinburgh, for stating, that in tile keep of 40 Iao aes,asavmi; may be made from prepared food of £140 a year, ?? we havetnle highauthority of Mr.lDick, professor oi Veterinary Sni gelty, ;it EdI inbuorgh, for Eaying the gneradl ...

Published: Tuesday 10 May 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 629 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKE ,TS. CORN ExcHAN GP., MNovnIy, NMi- 28, 1SI3..-liir kct was well supplied with Wheat from Suiffol]k this and there was also a fair show from EssAex, but from cit v4 little appeared ; the attendance of buyvers w-as a,1 * although the trade was not so brisk as on Monday last ., clearance was made at Illices Is. to 2s. Per (ire I'll, I > quiotations ?? last. Bonded wheat was much, for, ...

Published: Tuesday 05 June 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1682 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... It seems that nine Bills have, within the last few years, been brought in upon this subject, and 84,000 pages of Bills have been printed at thc expense of the public. Sir A. Agnew, however, has brought in another Bill whicls was ordered to be read a second time. On the debate that ensued, Mir. O'Connell said- If any man could make out that this was in irreligious country, that the Sabbath was ...

Published: Tuesday 26 April 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1276 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MARKIETS, MIARCic 2, IS3S. CotriC Eaerrmaert.-This week's arrivals of both Grain and Floer arc steial , and tire weather being wet, the condition of most kind, if Corn is very tender, andf tire buyers, in econsequence, purchase very 5pat. Iririgly. Whleat firmly mraintainrs Monday's terms. Barley, Ueoria. aml IPease are unraltered, Oats mainta rr thle prices of Morslldlv. There hras ...

Published: Tuesday 06 March 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 855 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce