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... We understand that the Royal Parade Band will ecu., mence playing on Monday, July 4th, and that the same band has been engaged that attended last year. SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST, AND DISAPPEARANCE 01 SUPERINTENDENT MORTEN AND JAMES DADSON, PARISH CONSTABLES. Great excitement was created iv this place between ten and eleven o'clock in the forenoon of 'J hursday last, by the circulation a report ...

Sussex Provincial News

... ARUNDEL. Cardinal Wiseman has arrived at Arundel Castle, on a vt'sit to his Grace the Duke of Norfolk. The noble duke is also entertaining several other personages, among whom are—Viscount and Viscountess Campden, Lady Petre, Mr. Bowyer, Major Patterson, Hon. Mr. Stonor, Mr. Howard, Hon. Mr. Petre, Monseigneur Searl, and Captain Elwes. Election of Councillors.—ln consequence of two of ihe ...


... OUR REPRESENTATIVE.” On Monday evening last Coningham appeared before bis constituents to give an account of bis stewardship for the last year, but, since the day the unprofitable servant restored to his master, on his return from far country, the identical talent which he received from him on his departure, a more meagre account was never rendered. We Lave looked through it to find what have ...

Mr Coventry Paine has arrived at 2, Oriental Terrace. Mr Clark has taken his departure from 38, Brunswick ..

... Misses Jones has arrived at 66, Lansdowne Place. Mr Lampton has left 3, Codrington Place. Mr Moore has arrived at 5, Percival Terrace. Mr Arbuthnot has left 3, Chichester Terrace. The Kev. Henry Headley has arrived at 71, Grand Parade. Mr and Mrs Wheeler purpose leaving Brunswick Terrace in a few days for London. Mrs Emerson has arrived at 6, New Steine, and Mrs Steen 25, Marine Parade. Mr ...

FASHIONABLE CHRONICLE. [For Court New and General Fashionable, sec page B.] Lady Frances Legge and family are ..

... 3, Regency Square. Lady Hill has arrived at 4, Oriental Place. The Countess Vane has arrived at 4ti, Marine Parade. Lady Byron has taken Cecil House, King’s Road. Lady Coote, Major Coote, and Miss Coote are prolonging their stay at the Norfolk Hotel. The Rev. Dr. Cardwell, Mrs and Miss Cardwell, arrived yesterday at the Norfolk Hotel. Sir E. and Lady Lechmere are at 2f), King’s Road. Lady ...


... It was intention this week have adverted to the extra ordinary rupture which has taken place between the Town Council and the Vestry, and the conscpicnl dan, r in which the rated inhabitants are placed ...


... et Sree . MERCHANT ESPECTFU rth Street, Midhurst. Removal premises in Wes MARINE BATHS, e Lopes to rece: actrees nent ny Hot water supplied. 1 partments. | Mestre a — ALFOLD ANNI Road leadin; thee in th Loxwood, 2nd Ma O BE LET, March next, 6 ing eight bedrvom: bourne, within 200 ile from the inte: Railway.— For par Newton Fasebourne, Midh & mere parti business thorough!s -Apply to J. F. ...

The Tunbridge Wells Intelligence

... The Belgrave Mechanics' Institute.—ln consequence of a jf>f?gestion thrown out Mr. Barfoot, the annual meeting ol ■Ha Society, relative to the desirability of lorming a club similar fc> those operation French provinces into which working Blen could pay small sura weekly, in order to secure them a trip fio the forthcoming Intornatioual Mcetina Paris, meeting Was held the institute, amongst the ...

Cfje €rprrssv TOtaltj of %cnt iHaiL County 9ltj\)ert(set

... v TOtaltj iHaiL County On Good Friday, at Southborough. Harriet Anne, widow of the late Rev. James Dallaway, formerly vicar of Lcatberbead, Surrey, and rector of Slinfold, Sussex. Ou the 19th inst, suddenly. Charles Augustas Smith, late of Darulcy-road, Gravesend, aged 25. On the 22nd inst., aged 27, Emily Caroline, third daughter of Mr. John Drcwett Austin, of Chertsoy, Surrey. At Sedlescomb. ...