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Salisbury and Winchester Journal



Wiltshire, England


Salisbury, Wiltshire, England

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Salisbury and Winchester Journal

Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts

... ROM: TH*' - : • . Feb. 5. D Jan. 23. having-been pleafed to tranflate the Right Father God DottorHugh Hamilton, Lord of Clonfert and the Ilifhopric of Offory, vacant bv the ir of the Right Rev. Father in God \.Pi«dorThomas Lewis O'Beirnc to the Bifliopric of Letters have patted the Great Seal this kingdom accordingly. • His Majefty having been to promote the ev. Mitlitw Young, Dottor in ...

Monday's and Tuesday's Posts

... FOREIGN NEWS, March 30. NOTHING from Egypt—the plague continues to uncommonly ex'tenfive mortality. The Pacha of Syria has written to the Porte, pledging his own head to fend that of Buonaparte. ic On the 14thof this month was mvefted. thoufand Auf- J undir the command General Kray, and Ruffians, under Field-Marfhal Suwarrow, Jiave th« important place. It was on the Gen- Suwarrow ...


... BE it remembered, that the 18th Day of July, Janies CTatcs, of Dmley-Mid, the County of Southtyn, Miller, is, aod ftands. convicted before us* two his Majefty's the Peace for the laid County, for adulterating Wheatt-Fkmt 1 lcrk-I'cans and Bariev; and adjudge him therefore forte and pay the according the* Diredtion of the Aift in ibat Calc made and provided. Given under our Hands and Seals, the ...

Sunday's Post

... BY AN ESPECIAL EXPRESS. THE LATEST EDITION THE LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED IN LONDON SATURDAY NIGHT, Quarter p.ift AW Don'NINC-SrREET, 011. 19. DISPATCHES, of which the following are copy and extnt&s, havs been received from Lieut. Col. and Lieut. Col. H. Clinton, the Fvight Hon. Lord GrenviMe. Copy of a Di[patch from Lieut. Col. Raw fay to Lord Grenuille, dated head-quarters, Shaffhaufen, Sept. ...

Sunday's Post

... EXPRESS FROM LONDON. JRO.M THE London Gazette, March 23. Mitt rr-Qffic March 23.. Copy of Letter from Admiral .King/mill, Commander in Chief of his Jfiipt on the coaji of Ireland, (0 Evan ean, EJq. dated thi zd. infl. PLEASE to inform my Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty, that his Majefty's (hip Me lam pus arrived here yefterday evening, has brought with her French fliip privateer, named Le ...