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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... tfO ;sea~er0 & @[;rrt0VDlbtI t§ . T. Jones, LiverpooL-We have not room to spare for any b - notice of that ass who cills himself 'tthe Rew )eE stab., J. GsAy._We -do not. know where Symmons'a work on Switzerland canbhaind.. Sismondi'swork is published by Chapmani, Strand, London. _ E.. tosienvow,Plymoith;:A. DIeaDALM, Liverpool; T. AwLoxp, L00ou4oan4.G. CORK, Ipswich.-Wes ave0not roo 'fthe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ITNiTED. 1ATMiOTS' 'AND PATRIA~Rf99'Y--ENEF1T SOOIETY. .Pios-.S. D oc6e1iE, liOQ,, BLP. A.ABasZsEf:P.B. M. I I.QIsaisCoNNO, 134, ?? bei, JAMES IANSIATID, ESQ.. The Socicty is djvidled irnth six~sect~iQn0, to meet the neilessitles' and r4equlrdmsants..f all classes of -meebofnice all hboui',gs, freon fiften yeasxsof.eigeto foitiydive. This Societytconsisits 1oualabvc ?? thousaud members, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CURES FOR THE UNCURIED-! i1OL'LOWA-Y'S OINTMENT. .L±AnsEtiraordinary urs of.SCrofses, Os. Ksng'e Extrinct of aletter from Mr. J. H. Alliday, 201) High-3treet, Cheltenham, datedi January t2od, 1850. SWnM eldest son, when about three years of age, wowai ttd itha glandular swelling hiathe neck,! wbhic srtthinee rokr out- into an ulcer., An eminient meidical- man prionouncsfed 81asa very, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE, AND A'NNUI- TIES FOR TlE, INDUSTRIAL CLASSES. ENGLISH AND CAMBRIAN E ASSURANCE SOCIETY: FORt FIRE, LIFE, ANNUITiIES, AND ENDOWIIENTS, ,lae. ,vapital £100,000 With Power Of increase to OREs lU~MON. (Inoevporated by Act of Pariiament.) CHIEF OFFICES ?? 9, New IBridge-streets Eat Blaokrriars, London. POO Diztrice Ojicees. of No. 65, Sun-street, Bishopsgate-street, City; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Emmy Verksbire Purchaser of the NRT T% ST~ag of THIS DAY, will be pfeented with A SPLENDID PORTRAIT RICHARD OASTLERESQ. FROM A STEEL ENGRAVING, GRATIS. He is the Father of the Poor, the Defender of the Oppressed, and the Dreadof the Tyrant. Our Lancashire, Neweastle,. and Scotch Friends will receive theirs NEXT WEEK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Price One ShillivBQpin 0C4 , 1 F TH.E RATIONAL SC HOI -GRMAR ANDW ENTERTAING A.- ASS^B OOK, . Awt W-z=,&1m HIMLS - Also recena& Prshl~d' price One Shilling, Bound in Cloth, PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES m Selected foron the best English Authors, and an arrageda to accord with the Progressive Lemsons jil the foredgoing Work, am, , . 1: HIM A . - A OME YEA tS ago, the Aiiithor of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WAMPZELED AD3OURNEtD SESSIONS. tI CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the N Midsummer General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the West-Riding of the County Of York, will be held by Adjournment in the Comimittee- Room, at the House of Correction, at Wakefield, on WEDNESDAY, the NINTH DAY OF, SEPTEMBER NEXT, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of inspecting the Riding Prison, (the said House ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OL mmD 'P LAST WUIL & T=3TAK3N7;i A MOSTsingular document has recently been. Abrouht to light, and is now in. the possession of the Rev. VWe. AnTHER, of aist Pecham:. i; appearsy to have been written by the celebrated LD PARR, who attained the almost ?? age of one hundred and fifty-two years, and who. left this 'document to 'a relation: it is written on parchment,? and althoughupwards of two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WELCOME TO:. THE. NOBLE PATRIOTS It HE Tra des and the Public are respectfully iformed, that on u MONDAY, the 27th of SEPTasBim T 1841, there wvill be \.r A PUBLIC PROCESSION,: To Welcome into MANCHESTER those Brave and Noble Patriots, FEARGUJS O'CONNORS ESQ., J. B. O'BRIEN, ESQ., MR. WM. BENBOW, REV. W. V. JACKSON, MR JOHN LIVESEY, AND MR. BARKER Who hwve Suffered Imprisonment for maintaining ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROSPECTUS of an Establishment of News. P Rooms and Libraries, in connection with the Leeds Parliamentary Reform Astociation. The main, object of the E3tablishment is to pro. vide the Working Classes with better means of acquiring Politioal and Useful Knowledge;. and the Middle Classes, by becoming Sub- scribers, wvill not only have the opportunity of promoting, this object, but at the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HARVEY'S AR:IC PILLS WITH SARSAPARILLAS For Strengtlwning the Constitution and Par fjying the Blood. HESE PILLS are obtained solely from Peru- J. vian Bark and Sarsaparilla, so prepared as to contain in a highly concentrated state all the medi- cinal properties of each of these valuable medicines, by a judicious combination of which, so greatly are their restorative virtues increased, that in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATTHEW BIRCKLEY, MUSICAL COAC M MANUFACrURER, &c. respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of HALIFAX and its Neighbourhood, that he has Opened a Shop at No. 49, King Cross Lane, covenient for carrying on the Musical Clock Manufactory, and whero every Article in that Line of Business can be ob- tained. M. B. has on hand a most superb and elegant SELF-ACTING ORGAN, with Four Barrels, ...