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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... ION I'IYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS G.I3lltA1TjVI; IxICAPACITY, AND IIPEPiIIBNNTS T0 ?? Tsvnycn-tfilh edition, illustrated with Twventy-Six Analtosis. c ?? oilc Stlel, enlaried to 1IN pages, prico 2s Cd; bypost, direct from thle Establishmient, ss. di. ?? stamps. S IL ENT FRIEND; , I' amedi]cl work on the exbaustion aisd physical decay of the system, 9roduced by excessive indulgence, the conso. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Northern Star Offlce, Friday, Two o'clock. 0 8TMATE PRC SED. We stop the Press to announce the pur- chase, Onl behalf of the National Land Company, of Tgz MINSTER LOVEL ESTATE, of 300 Acres, within three miles of the Market Town of Whitney. Mr. O'Connor effected the purchase on Thursday evening. Full particulars will be given next Week. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ltIE LAND A.D ITS CAPABILIIES.- No. s of THE LABOU-RER, Just published, eoniain, a Repriat of Mr. F. O'Connor' Letter, in the Northern Star of J enuilary dOth, e, strating the certainty vwith vwhich an nlftlottea nySUP: port himself and mifly, and auutmuiiate money, on a Two Actelallotment., The very general demand that was made for the paper containing thei above letter bas induced the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE 'POPULAR 1MEDIOINE. 'rhofollwingimpotanttettmonyto the efficacy of PARWS'p IFET ILLS hasoust beenreceivedl bY the P~pfroi~tors. t he To MESSP.S T. ROBERTS AND CO., LONDON. an Athione, December 7tb, 1846. gal Sir,-on il peas t snd e ixdozen more Parw'sCa LifePils; am3os out I an ssere ou the9y are Wh doing an Immeasityof good; every on wh a ried W3 W GIeaxOLeCHRST, tho Apothecary and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THlE POPULAR IEMERIY. 0PARR'S LIF 1I rtIL S. Which are acknowleged to be all that is required to Conquer Disease and Prolong Life. ?? to 1Ning Charlezyl}-(Sbe Life and Iimes': .of SMemas Parr, vnileh may ber Hnd poisofani Agertts.) Tle-extraordinary pl~perties o this-medicinle mte, thus .described by an einsieftrt physid'ttr; who says;- Ater partindirobservation oftzhc actimi of Pain's PuMs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *503*5 W6QO ?? Tim . . . -WOMBS To be bal of JohniCleave, aniualbooksellors. - (PitO One ShIlling.) TW` ORATIONS. AGAiNS I TAKING AWAY HUMAN LIFE, TTNDER any Cirehmetances; and in explanatios and U defence ef the naistepresented doctrine of Non. Riesistasce. (Delivered ina the National Hall, Holbors, on the evenings of Fobrutary 25th and March 4th,) These ?? are the outpourings of a mind ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7,WElTY-TIITTH. EDITIOl I 3tatdby~ Tety-sii ~Allthtdcal, nngrawlng on T A SteeL-t Marriage ;anevw and Improved edition, enlarged to 528 pagespie ft. Gd.;- by post, direct from the Eetablishmenft, u. d in postage stamps, THE' SILENT FRIED ,Amedical work on the, exhaustion andpacldctyf ..te system, proiluced'by excessive induienc t quences of infeotlon, or the abuse. ofmruy ihi ,observatlions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1-- ?? 'DU ACQ~UIRED D413 ~uLrIE80L4O'TiIE GEN,1Aityk SYSTI&M. Just Pubrlvilhed, At new anal mpoctant Bilition of the Sileet FrdeeS. on Hionaiss, vaoltvi. rise 2s. 6d1., tsnd sent freetto any part of tie Vaiteri Itintrilorn on the reetilit-of it PostOflci' tt MEDICAL Wk~tRK on the INFIRMITIES eifitoC'L. A IStRAT IVE ?? -fflBM, 4n both semes; 'imipsalui el .4uiry into thle cow-ealed -ous5'.O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS. NOTICEB IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the next General AL NQuester Sessions of the iPease, for the Borough of Leeds, in else County of York, iwill be holden before TuOHAs FLOWER ELLIS, Esquire Rtecorder of the said -Borough, at the court House, in Leeds. on MOtNDAY, the W Sixteenth day of DcEMBNER, 1844, at Nine af the Cluck in a the forenoon, at which time and place all Jurors ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'It) '1IIIE AFeFLiC Thu. 1 fESRS. BitUCE AND Co., CoSultiSto Suso 'ONs, l No. 19, Crannter'place, Waterloo-road, London, Sole Proprietors of BRUCE'S SAMARITAN rILLS, which for seventeen yoars have effectually eured every *aso brought under their notice during that period, atiooating in all to upwards of 50,000 patients, continue to be consulted at their rcsi 4lcce, as above. BeRCE'S SAMALITAN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOKS PUBLISHED AND SOLD. I by J. WATSON, 3, Queen's flead-passage, Paternoster-sow.r Just publishedl 2nd Edition for the Mi~len, inr 12mo1., 313 pages, closely printed, price 2s., bound in cloth: AMERICA COMPARED WITH ENG- 1ANID. The respective social effects of the Ii American and English systems of Government and LegIsation, andsi ue Mission of Democracy. By R. W. RonsxiILL, Of Cineinalti, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILES, FISTULAS, &c. , ABERNE-THY'S PIL1b OINTMENT. it What a painful and noxious disease is the Piles ' and, comparatively, how few of the afflieted have been perniaiently y cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill ! This, no doubt, arises from the use of powerful aperients too freqiorntly ' administered by the profession; indeed, strong internal medicines should ...