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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire, England


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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... As soon as the sliding sonic proposed by Sir R. o Feew wao known here great consternation prevailed amongst the repalors; and immediately preparations t commenced for holding a public meeting to express h1 the opinions of the repeelers respecting Sir R. Peel's te Corn Law measure ; placards were posted through- out the towon and surrouI! vilg villages, aunounciug b a meeting in the Miarlktt ...

Bankrupts, &c

... lanlrupto, kc. isI nit From the London Gazeete of Fsiday, Jam 21. ed BANKiRUlPTS. off John Maidlaw, Fetter-lane, builder, to surrender IOU Jan. 28, March 4, at half past eleven, at the Coult of he Bankruptoy, Basinghall-street. Solicitors, Messrs. sk. Rhodes, Bevor, and Lane, Chancery-lane; official assig. id nee, Mr. Whitmore, Basiinghall-street. mn. Joseph Scott and Henry Coker, Wood-street, ...


... LONDON CORN EXCHANGER MONDAY AUGUST 7.- The demand for all descriptions of English Wheat wag in a very ?? state. Howeverin some few instances, last Munday's figures were obtained for the best runs of Essex whilte; but ail other kiads wepre from Is to 2s per qr lower than last week. In forcign wheat the prices were Is per qr lower tban last week. Bonded corn was mending. Barley at about late ...


... LEEDS CORN MARKET, JUNE 27.-The arrivals of grain to this day's market are small. The weather has been very fine since last Tuesday, but this morning very cold and cloudy. Wheat has been in better demand, and last week's prices fully supported. Oats and Beans rather more enquired for; prices firm. THE AVERAGE PRICES OF WHEAT, FOR THE WEEK ENDING JUNE 27, 1843. Wheat. Barny. Oats. Rye. Beans. ...

Bankrupts, &c

... ;Uanhrupto, &e. From the London Gazettc of Friday, July 13. BANKRuPtrs. James Percival, jun., Whitcebapel-road, soap maker, to surrender July 26, at balf-past one, August 25, at half-past twelve, at the Court of Baukruptcy. Solicitor, Mr. Snrr, Lombard-street; official assignee, Mr. Whit-; more, Baginghall-street. I James Mills, jun., Acton, Suffolk, carpenter, July °6, at one ocleck, Aug. 20, ...

Bankrupts, &c

... mantlintplo, art. ?? ?? From. tfhe London Gazette of Friday, J wi. 2. BANKRUPTS. James Willis, of 1. Spring-street, Portman-square, ?? Bond, of March, Cambridgeshire -Ann Treegear and Thomas Crump Lewis, of 96, Cheapside, City, piano-forte ?? Walker, of Newnman-street, Oxford-street, ?? Bright, of 40, Wigtnore-street, Marylebone, victualler- Edward Heron, of South Blyth, Northumberland, ship. ...

Bankrupts, &c

... 33allbruplo., &r. From the London Gazette of Friday, June 16. BANxRuprs. George Ohapman, Aylesbury, grocer, to surrender June 30, at eleven, July 31, at one, at the Bankrupts' Court. Solicitors, Messrs. Norton and Son, New-street, Bishopsgate; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basingball- street. Donald Black, John Alfred Gore, and Robert Taylor, Sambrook-court, merchants, June 24, at eleven, ...


... I The new Royal Exchange of London was opened on Monday list, by the Queen in person. The day was observed ns a general holiday, and on no previous oeoa- sion has the metropolis presented a more brilliant ap- pearance. At eleven o'clock, her Mijesty and Prince Albert left Buckieghan Palace in the state carriage, drawn by eigbt cream-coloured horases, preceded by six of the royal carriages, ...

Bankrupts, &c

... manlrupto, Wc. From t,'e London Gazette of Friday, Dec, 23. BANKIRUPTS. Thomas Blason, Eeton, Northamptonshire, innkeeper, Dec. 29, at two, and Feb. 3, at eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Solicitor, Mr. Pell, jUn. Nor. thampton; offical assignee, Mr. Pannell. Charles Jones, Devereux-court, Strand, hotel keeper, Jan. 5, at twelve, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Lon. don. Solicitor, Mr. ...

Trades' Movements

... Crame' Xaobemento. e TO JOURNEYMEN TAILORS. FELLOW WORKMEN,-An innovation of a most , alarming character has made its appearance In the , trade, which will have a tendency to decrease, to a o great extent, the labour usually required to make dress- I- frock, or great coats, e When I was at Norwich, in Angust last, a deputa. .- tion with myself waited on the respectable employers n of that city ...

Bankrupts, &c

... ?Uxaltrttpto, &It. - ?? h Fromn tse Lonado Gazette of Friday, Nov. 11. I! BAN3tROPIS. s Timothy Fisher, Raudolph-street, Camden-town, victualler, to surrender Nov. 30, at ten, and Dec. 30, at twelve, at the Bankrupt's Court. Solicitor, Mr. Groves, Charlotte-street, Bedford-square. Official assignee, Mr_ e Whitmore, Basiughall-street. John Jay, London-wall, builder, Nov. 25, at one, and Dec. 30 ...


... NATIONAL TRADES' CONFER ENCE. III ay ;IMONDAY, JULY 28. lie The Trade, pursuant to public notice, held thcir as second Conference to consitler and determine on two es plans of orgauisation, drawni up and prepared by the at Provisional Central (onrnmittsc-thc one for the n, more olliciont regulation of strikes, or turn-outs; and o. tle otther tbr empioving surplus labour in agriculture on andl ...