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Motor Car Upset by Cows

... What might have proved more serious accident occurred on Saturday evening on the York Road, near Shipton, two or three mil'' west of Market Weighton. A party, of Mr. Frank F. Lambert, director ...

FMiDAV, FEBRUARY 6. IWB •n,, R,r. John 0. fkeltott, Urteft carat* will thortij •oooMd uu Rn. “J” p3look, ..

... DinUo's Charch. I»n,lt»bly not for rararal je«« h«. farm kb-.n *o well in hnnd a corra.ponding th« year aa U th* cat* at protent in thia Jialriol. • •intomUlo Poxhouods will meet on J,v rootnioß. half paal ten o’clock, at c.?iul linJce and ' probably try in the Larpool and bV Rlgga it the Bpni'B Exhibition of i’Uturct at , .. yncj.ll.rj. L*«d». Mr. G. H. French ..o™,; oted a floe drawing, ...

Httices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged 2*. 6d. each, prepaid. They must be authenticated by the ..

... address of ihe sender. &.£. —Notices Births, Marriages, or Deaths cannot under any circumstances be accepted per TELEPHONE. **/n Memorium” Notices, 2s. Gd- each, and 2s. W. extra for all matter up to four lines beyond the plain §irto. MATHERS.-October 27. »t West P»rk. Leeds, the wife W, JE. Mathers, daughter. SMlTH.—October 27. the wife of Herbert A. Smith, Alameda, Brandon Grore, Leeds, and ...

Saloon Tueatke, Wdithv,

... WKDHB3DAY ft THURSDAV Mat ft Mra, iso’. * * The Whitby Thespian 1 Op«iSSr« OLIVETTE.’’ THRU ACTS. Deucatu Peiuo>.k j Otpjtelw da Karine (of tha Corw't?, (OM^'adt^'Kouriii^Guiri^ * 100 Md Mario Porpijfnop) Mr. ()fr#ni Porticba (Borland Iook«p8»-).:. .Vlr. E.^i^ (Oouolii ood Hair of* .Mr. R. 2 Coqaolioot (hi* Pootor-brothar and Va!»>;) ** Olivette (Daughter the SeresehalV * B*tkilda(Counteia ...

LIST OF VISITORS. ABBEY TERRACE. ,Martin!K.n I«Arpk House | ~ • burn ±JCavouiiishHouse 10 i» V 1 H^e' Mrs Cainj-Jon

... ttou. , ~ Mr- -ultaa 2. j.j Mrs 1 Holton V 1 , ♦; Nason. Mrs A Misses Mr it Mrs TuiraK 11 Hadfield, Mr. (i Pendleton, Manchester 11 Hcyworth, The Misses shton-on-Mersey 11 Llenkin, Rev I' H. Mrs fam Lincoln 1:, Maltby, Rev J Morton Rectory Maltbv, Mi»s «V Mjss .. Maltby. Mr Wood. Mr 15 Forrest, Mr J A Mrs I Blackburn I*. Furlcy, Mr D Mrs Bournemouth, Hants, ]'.» Sangstcr, A Mrs Pontefract 22 ...


... LATEST NEWS. Blue Book was issued on Thursday morning, containing the text of the official despatches which have passed between the British Government and the Boers in respect the peace negotiations. As already announced a Commission to be appointed to consider the following points: Complete self-government under British suzerainty, with British Resident at Pretoria, and provision for ...


... rard | shire 262 an 7. 5. end Jamnh r the RY. VU. ee ee ment = the CONTRACT FOR A FR CKLEY HOSP said He It is stated that a contract has been ¢ d he by a Doncaster firm for the erectict ve to new hospital for the Carlton Main ( ould, to benefit the men emplo voice ey 7 Colliery. The site is a p land about two acres in extent jom edu- road from South Elmsall to the o being and has ly been ...


... COUNTY MEETING AT NORTHALLERTON, A county meeting for the North Riding, convene by the Lord-Lieutenant, the Marquess of Rlpon, was held at Northallerton yesterday, after the quarter sessions, to promote the North-Eastern County School. The Lord Lieutenant presided, and amongst those present were the Earl of Zetland, Sir Harcourl Johnstone, M.P,, Mr I. Lowtbian Bell, M , the Yen. Archdeacon Hey ...


... A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. Edited by DAVID PATRICK, LLR., aiMted Expernncad Staff. (20th CENTURY ISSUE) MMMST TO 04TE. OmMUu the bioit BtatMfao. KronU. Dimmoorioe. Tho only truly modorn work tho kM-tho oah Roonlooc-tlu that tho roqatromauto tho Twuliatk mao. VOLUMES, IMPERIAL Bre. With oiimtrono Mope aad Wood Baerariiijta. PBIORB or COMPLETE SETS. CUTS as ( ll«t/ NPgQCU M SMF4ALF .. ...


... The SUUhoe Cricket Club have from the Whitby and District • inability to fulfil their engagement!?’ Cricket cnthusiasU in Whifhv nn district will be to le«arn y ihs? l * ®’ « P. who holds scholastic appointment «t Aalaahiefi and whose reappearance in the local cricW year by year, much looked forwar/T*? *1“ played fin « innings Galashiels against Kelso \l.- went first, and the total n.r A* .* ...