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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... J I NEST PEARnL SAGO, 31.1pewr ., -11 lb. 1ty tlhe C' et, 214d d. WILL.IAM WALKER.I.. ?? Street. ltd July, 18351. THE EVIDEN(CEi OV11'1 tI LATE HARBOUR BILL, fiTl'H ti lln 81'EEC13ES of (COt NSIl tipenpon; and ani \iI))lEtisS to the INII NBirAN'IS. by tle COr ITTF U apploilnte~d to op)ose thlo Dill. is nlow ti)ub1ieed ali to be hail of all the llonkseelers in Town. Priee i .: tid. Xberdeen, 2d ...

Literary and Scientific Notices

... T' e .Shirtlnlawi .il 'a lt. , I ?? Ve QlaveO rc:lt pleasile ill mtln the lttielitti j ll of 01ar reaulrs to this sitletiur ptblicatLiol. ?? SaLald jwwlwrl, thtoigh ditlteii io L.oilioit, is, as it porie.5E, to hr, eally anti tu aiy a Sheti'td.lourittl, ' awl intellect ?? ShIlItIadlldeil. 'ITle iltefl- tioln of :ic publicatiotl as stil~tel liy ilk' r hiiticoIis, is t Io dif- fusce w iat the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A 14 .ttlU .. 5rILLIAIM MIATTHEWS begs leave to ae-. v W aint his Customers anti the Public, tlhat hehas 1 to a lsrgennd commodious SHOP in St. ?? s jnd, next Shop to Mlessrs. Al1an & :Simp. thc soII, iromimongers, Union Street; where he will continue cxI to carry on the LEATNiER TRADE, ill all its bran. Ft ches, Wholesale and Retail. Large .Minufactotics will tIC' alvays find ready for use, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTTIA IT oF JAMES LtADDEN, E.sQ. ol? PEBSLEY. T a Meeting of Gtlentlemen comiecteid writh the City of Aumr- A D)EE:N, held swithin th(! Royal Hotel, Union Street, on Friilay eveniinz, 18th.Tanuarv, 1833: WILLIAM ANNIAND, RSQ. of BELMONT, inl the Chair- It was Rnuatsstel, Itesleed, -1. That, as a testimonial of the opinions which tlre Citizens of Ahberdoeo entertain qf the eminent services ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . DRWiNd AND LAWGUAGES. R - JAZD0WSi'19 CLASSES fur DRAWING, and 3 rRENGIA ITAIAN, and GERMAN LANGUAGES, will 5RFE.OPC2 on MONDAY the 5th of August. xo give O k alert adtuned Pupils Opportunity of Sketching from S gI h freps short Ex curions with them for that purpose, aNftrte-45 and TtrOts wsha 9 o&clck, A.SI., before the proper 1 p~tlis over. e LIKEY-SCSEC in variotts styles taken. CAXID. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To PERSONS ArIOUT TO NIARRY- j. OU wilt Sove tit ?? Fi'l': -II tt 'itt 11:1 lii' C'nt l~ld CHJIN'it AND STONEWARiE. ?? iEA eondy'rSMlaiittlt it Itally Binto and I lugtilt itI t'I. n 1113 Po EIIVIC ES, Varytag lit lttien Lenin till 7N In £:7 hler ?? j TABLE SERVICES, aletit In, CMAIII ENWA ll', (If .1ottn t ijtll)'Ii-lily-C itloi, at li toil nit aobe:d f WORKING Or THE TARIFF. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. ArFLECK B FGS leave to acquaint the Public that, at the re- quest of a number of her deceased Ilusband's Friends and Customers, she has resolved to coatinue the businoss of the holuse as heretofore. In complying with their wrishes, she is delernminad to uise 3very exertion to keep tip tbeo charac- ter of tho 1leuse. and to sp:nre no cxponso in providing those con f forts for which A FFr L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Burgesgell oF Guild of Aberdeen. T HE hWA N of GU'IL D livroliy intil lates, tglat Ihie T ~ eionfa I)EIAN of OIT'flt) , for, 'lje 00001n1 year, tiotes place inl the Town Il a)l, 013t Tuesday the Ilitti (lay o. Oe. ~ `lo.ller Celnrl'tlt [it Itt O'lock t.oreclootn, Wbell thet order of too-0 hle -,eotioc~, in terms. of the existingO Regulationso, ANilt ?? as folt- at toiy,w;-lti thle daiy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARISCIRAL COLLTGE AID UNIV~EXIITY, ABERDEENV. COMPE'IT'ION f'or 1,1U3SARIIES will hle laid-, ill time PUBLICm HALT,LI FI MAneISCIAL COLLEGE,, Onl Tol .dlonmday /It'l 2d1/s October', at 1(1 O'clock, A. im 0 The're aui' PlI-tt mt.: ?? to im lieipoie1~el of byp Compileti. to tiolii VIZ. mie it 4, 13ia veal'; t ?? of X11) each ; two otel eich tacit ; e Thr als .~i it t'al'r of XI I at veto', fola ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIM R m 0 N4 T It 1 i9 ?? V C I I N\ P. VV I'hlE (tint'. mit. ,nvrED1EIriit'oikn (i'li'tC YNIiS -of the FENI AU- A.tSOCurIAxI ON tnt that l'orilit, wtohiob tot Psn~tetk ire eon-ineraboii nin, aind ibe, tif tine greatest troit 00iii vt e, irni titO P'oor.' in senilitg tlitir titidireti to ,ehoiia. it theint' (o- (mition of Clotiting. in citrnuiaiting thi' .9crintilros, nad iii otihenvito i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1-1 70PAP T~l I'ADI t'iI%. 70) VfIRGINIA oiTRlEEr. 70 lt- ii li Ii i -.ti litlt, l, II u q t- -. - i ,e ?? ti Lit.iit-~ I IL . i t i-I it:;: i . -i -w LI-v II it - I., I ltIItIlb J 1 Attii ct Le Teat;t -ltnfirc,;zIt', Abettletfr .1I !A I iA CI tI` -I I .i I d tl If LIii it ll . ii' i-tl itL st I. ty I Ii CI N. s iI;C l' Nt. i i: I '-tIi-ic IeIt II Iiti LI ,i n Itli IltiL i i e y I lte k ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )F11aW V4AN Ui*P' BOARDINO ANi DA-Y 910OiiOL, FOR. YOUNQ LADIES, IIN ION TlItIlACE, ASERIDEENC. - !ihS LAMBRRT respectfully begs to intimate to her jYJ. Friends nwd the Public, that her SEMINARY for Yoexio LAOIKS-will RE-OPEN on 31ONDAY the 7thof August. UnionTerrace, July2&, 1843. Ladies' Boarding and Day School, IN CROlVN STREETI. _,I lSES WHYF ' T beg to itli jinite that this Establishment ...