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Bristol, Bristol, England

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Oracle of Fashion

... opacle otrdaslt~ Li '11 CitNtGS 0' 51 SSY 0-(.'I,,L hi LIFE. JL/Ii#S.,a. FA,\ShJIONS FORt JANUARY. Fonscy Dfsriins liaei'r-Dress. White crape frock wvith psiite(f festorns of' the sale, fistened at CaYch pJiint by bhitck ro- sette , tuid folds of black satin plated abhov and litlow 1lic festlls. Viiisrk satinI Cairon spcnser, elegantlyv uisraineinted with wshihe ciape. Frederica isat of is ...


... T)) iu Ic loitay-Enteri i/u ni (fthe Cobrt at Mei A cedmin. d1 -ING Ci In.srS II., after taking two or three turns bne morning in St. James's Park, (as wsas his usual cus'tol), s ittended only by the Duke of Leeds and my Lord Cro- . marty, walked up Coiistitution-lhill, and from thence into Hyde Park; but just as hoe was crossing the road, the Dukie of York's coach was nearly arrived there. ...

Poets' Corner

... jD(IN5, C, 06414C'14% 'I'ii SPAN S.II PATl' rOT'S TMl1 NT,,' jj/jUS'l' t i,s ari is, in the battles of Freedom sietorious, Croilch to ihe i lds of the coward or hive? Hlas ' ranialny bl vi da liatnamC oncc so gllorioi5, Or siniep'd i ith dishlonour the deeds of the br:ave? Yet, n; itt v hzi is this ft ail hodls siToro in tig- -ot lor the ..hane, my pail*t glory confoiudinig- lie paags-Ihte ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... .Urbichl & I-f lalf tljr gvt-e,. Ris/iraw ! Fti'e~tlrin tS 'f/he Fourth Cando If Childe Hot's/ud; c'ntohinir, D~iseri':ious uol 1he Rnmhz of Rome, rind Gn Rsvon, Italian Lite,'eaui'e. B JoHs HoiteousE, Esq. This v-orv Icarneti, elepant, and interestdng work- was ortigpoalis dcipned as a body of note, to the Poems of L:dByro n; the poet and ti te annotator having been telwtsclrns well in Itale ...

Poets' Corner

... Inl3gg, Copier, w . SAPPRO 'ItRAVESTLE. VV IT LN fairly jamn ,d into the mail or slap-baiig, The wight, book'd for London, encounters thy slnl',- The Speaker, doom'd nightly to C-Ti E-i'S galbblc, Is happy, compared to this martyr of babble. I never can see you, all bustle and bother, But I'm struck on a heap at the dread of thy pother: When you gripe my wvrencll'd button, which hangs by a ...

Oracle of Fashion

... owd3 of Sti. 4 ACi S C.A~NG our MIAN Vr (' lR' 1) I .JqhniJ. i The entrances in Piccadilly and Burlington-Gardens to the New Arcade, intended as a lounging-place to the idle in all weathers, and as a thoroughfare to New Bond-strect, is composed of three arches, richly carvel, of Portland- E stone, surmounted by a balustrade. The piers, which support the arches, are ornam-cntced with engage d ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... 3?ibirtb of tcraturt.-Qfltnre anb tte artg' .Miscellaneorts Ootices ont Subjects connected with ScieXce. RtEMARKABLE FOSSIL. At Pennicuick, about ten miles from Edinburgh, there is a remarkable fossiil-tree on the banks of the river North Esk. The strata here are argillaceous schist, and contain coal at a very little distance; the surface, however, is covered v ith an alluvial deposit. From ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... Utbid-o of ILitcr,(ttlrt--?&'cicjlct allb tire I -rtq- 1 Grannnarr of the English Laeggnagc, in a Se ies of Letters. D I.nteesdedfor the Urse of Schoo1s nd of 1½,!t i rsons ia general; but more e.specially Jbr the Use Of Eldicrs E $s/.ilnors, Apprentices, and Piot gA-Boys. By WILLIAM tih COBBETr. 1S19. na Tins is one of the most conceited publications which it !r has ever fallen to our lot to ...

Poets' Corner

... 11porw equer. W EFFUSION. rinI l inglets that, in wvreathing tani'. O'ershade thy smnooth and ivory brie s The glance whose azure melts on The dewy lip of ruby glowr, A nd that half-conscious virgin air- Breathe they of hope orof despair?- Shall I, with nerve, all trembling, saind AVm *v hisper'd floats thy nectar'd breath? The pressure of thy yielded hand, Is it the touch of life or death? ...

Oracle of Fashion

... Oadte of J,1)tO11. EueCt HANO~.or, Srr osf',!'i IS Jhis, T,';e Qleen's Pr&P-1t,1i Part of thiltn~Po~rv con ijiiing of pieces ol silk and Sartin, grrM arid siivc er,' tch figuredI a~nxd plain, not onad- up, ware nwtaslrrrC(l tin netrai, at tile. Queen's Hoase, St. James:i Park, anwmitilog to tw, 2,140 yards. They Wer, pres~ents to Iher' MaVh)Jr!, or wir puelrestraebyhr for the enor~netof the ...

Review of Literature.—Science and the Arts

... -- 3:.6i'tw z, 11 itz.,-'t-Ure aala tl)t I.&W. A Gra'nartr or q1ie'l Fa/i~h ianguage, in a Series of Letters. latc.'! f t';7 6C l, o f Schools nstd (f Young Persons in g2flC'Of, \'?r. By NV3l: 111JAM CORPETT. 1819. [C tlmiedt, ('3) Plhilolo-'cal Pretensions. A1 gentleman of our acquaintance, more addicted to poetry and metaphysics than to good husbandry, received a visit in the ...

Poets' Corner

... coplev. 3, HORACE IN BRISTOL. &Srifcris 5{rio. Tl'. i. Od. b. C O IT11'TT shall speak, no other can, Thy praises as a valiant man, e hene'cr of mobs you lead the van, In Manchester or Bristol. Our ink is weak as lemonade, To* iwatery to describe JACK CAnE, Or Corm-, o'er the seas convey'd From LOCKHARI'S cane or pistol. For asho shall of bluf dORLEY tell Prepared with fists to close poll-mell ...