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... WREXHAM. White wheat 10 10 9 Red wheat 10 3 10 Oats 3 9 4 Barl#»y 56 Potatoes, new, (per score) 8 0 —10 0 Butter 12 13 Eggs twenty for a shilling* MOLD. Corn.—Wednesday: Wheat, 21s to 22s per hobbet; barley, 14s Od to 15s Od j oats, 10s Od to lis Od butter per lb. Is 2d to 03 Od. OSWESTRY. Corn.—Wednesday: Wheat, red, 103 01 10s ditto, white, 0s Od to 0s 0d; barley, malting, Od Os Od ; barley, ...

POETRY. APPEARANCE. When our comfort Bcrews, Part with whatever else we choose, What from no motive must we lose ?

... Appearance! What chills the heart to pleasure strung, And binds the childish prattling tongue, Making old people of the young ? Appearance ! When the bell tolls the hour of prayer, With measured tread and solemn air, What brings, alas ! too many there ? Appearance! What makes the empty fool deemed wise, What virtue's vacant place supplies, Winning soft looks fiom dove-like eyes ? Appearance! ...


... Thb Childrin'b Houb. Edinburgh : Johnstone, \ Hunter, 4* Co. The style in wbich this little serial is got is very attractive, and the contents, which embrace Stories about Birds, Minnie's Visit, The Infant Astronomer, The Hare bell, Tables from the Farmyard, The Whispers the Leaves, Ac., cannot fail to both interest and instruct the youthful mind. Our Own Fireside.—London : W. Hunt and Co., 2 ...

GROVE PARK SCHOOL, WREXEA3I OXFORD LOCAL EXAMINATION, 1866. The following Pupils from the above School, being ..

... First Division, except one who was above the age prescribed by the University, passed the Oxford Local Examination, 1806, and received Certificates accordingly;— J. Parry Allmand, Wrexham ■ —Latin, Scripture, French, Mathematics, Drawing A Music. 2nd Honour Percy J. L. Borland, Ruabon :—Latin, Scripture, Mathematics, and Drawing. Division. J. Pierce, Wrexham : —Latin, Scripture, and ...

John Jones, aged 70, who was convicted the Ola- morgan assizes Jast week of shooting at Dr. Pritchard with intent

... to murder him, has been sentenced ten years penal servitude. Man Sentenced to Death for the Murder OP His Wipe.—At the Chelmsford assizes, on Saturday last, James Bacon, aged respectable looking labourer, was charged with the wilful murder of his wife, Sarah Anne Bacon, by stabbing her in the throat with a knife, on the 28th of M;irch last. They were mirried about three years ago, and for ?ome ...


... FRANCE. The Emperor and Empress of the French have returned France and were most enthusiastically received on ♦heir journey to Lille, At Arras address was presented the mayor, and the Emperor in reply encouraged the people with regard te the future by assuring them that {he Government, which derived its strength from the jrreat body of the people, had only to do its duty and to satisfy the ...


... The Right Hon. Chief Baron Kelly, en route from Beaumaris, arrired via Rhyl and Denbigh, Rothin on Saturday bv special train, aboot three o'clock. Hi« lordship was receired at his lodgings by the High Sheriff of the County, Phillip Henry Chambres, Jisq, attended by the usual retinae jarelm men and trumpeters in livery. In doe course the commission the assizes was opened and read at the Shtre ...


... This exhibition was held in the Victoria-rooms yesterday (Friday.) The large room was one blaze of floral and horticultural beauty, consisting of a combination of the choicest productions that adorn the gardens and greenhouses connected with the gentlemen's seats that are so thickly studded aronnd Oswestry. We are nnable, for want of time, to particularise any of the special merits of the ...