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The other orders of the day were disposed t and the bouse adjourned at two o'clock

... |T 1 Is their charg will fa me, same NOTICE. is Requested, that any Persons whom tl,. Doctor BURKITT was indebted, will f[j rr ,j Accompts me, in order to their beine |)i”' that such Persons were indebted to ha, re the goodness pay the Suras due thno ibeing the Person legally authorized to receive !! , ROBERT BURKtrr. Administrator Lady-Lane, August •' L-Vicca” »*aB been received, and shall ...

DONEGAL ASSlZES—Tuesday, July 30

... NONEGAL ASSIZES—Tuespay. Juiy 30 Moranga or Davniet M‘ALoon, THe Batirr.—Owen Boyle and Charles Elliott were arraigned for this horrible murder, the full particulars of which appeared on the trial of the persons tried for the conspiracy to murder at the last as- sizes. All the same witnesses were produced, and gave si- milar evidence to what was formerly adduced, and which it is unnecessary to ...


... The important meeting to consider the report of the Auditors, and the general state of the Company, will be be at Morrissun’s, at eleven o'clock precisely. Impartial inquiry upon so important a matter to the com merce of Ireland is very des rable. POOR IN BELFAST. A ineeting of the inhabitants of Belfast was convened fo Saturday last, to consider the propriety of parla ment respecting the bill ...


... country, and in the circumstances in which it is actually placed'(hear, hear.) My friend. Captain Banks, the society’s secretary for Ireland has announced his report his own cheering hope that the condition of Ireland is far more peaceable, and far more prosperous, the present season, than it has been for long time before. It is most true that outwardly the calm of comparative peace has shed ...


... Mr. O'Conoell armed at icwdenea Menion-aquare resterday morniag. ' The Right Hon. Sir William M'Mahoo, Maker of the Rolls, left town for Kilbrney. This morning i» ftxed for the marriage Mim TWua, daughter of the Sight Hon. Lieutenant-General Sir Huaaey Vivian, with Lieutenant-Colonel Arfanthnot, the 90th Light Infantry. The ceremony will take place at the Royal Hoapital. A distinguished bridal ...


... Ihe Blh l lussare are reported for Lonpfo-d. . It now raid tliat the 7lh Hu«a.» will embark at Lreerpoot instead of Brittol, and will, probablj-, form a part ot tb Dublin garrison along with Scots Grey*. . Ibe 7th Fusiliere and 48th Foot are the neat con« tor service in this country. , nn The 78rh regiment return from Ceylon in the summer, being relieved the Cork. the death of General Duncan ...