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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette


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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

is hereby given, That BATH FAIRj l| ntgruit-naii mi it-__i**tt

... ?? »:si be held Bui Mmdav ?!„mt ?? the if tli ¦•I' ?? f.r ?? l*Ut, 11 ?? ,-th.r l*at'l-T likesvue. all i ?? mi-r.hia.lin-. JOHN USUI**, ?? ' 'i/i Vjfi r. MR. DU-BELLAMY'S NIGHT at iI'RINfJ- (IARDI 'NSVAI'XIIAI.I.. still >-c ,1 Monday rle loth niil.nt, isli'i. .t'UNI'IK I nl V„ .1 .n.l li.itnimfi.tji ML' bit *s hi li,' p* •t.i.n-ii-'t. til the II iidnit ei-. inly 111 irhtntrt-. I ...

A C A R.D. THE OurriMHAM Ammii beiog it prcfcni in a very flnunthing State, grcatlv owing lo the voluntary

... Subscription and iuihttd Coaduct of the La - diet, who are now become the pnncipal Suppoitert of that polite Meeting,— Tha Gentlemen there being willing to make fome Retaliation for the Obliga- tion! thiy ar* under to them, and for their betier Ac- commotlition, beg Leivc to Inform any Perfon who hai a fufheient Number of Second-hind Sedan Chain to difpofi of it a rcifonaale Price, ...

BATH, 28th February 1791. BlRb's BANKRUPTCY. ALL Perfons indebted to the Ellate of THOMAS BIRD, late of this ..

... and auctioneer, a Bank- rupt, arc requefted to pay their refpeftive debts on or before the 25'tli day of March next, (otherwifc they will be fued without further notice) to R. BOWSHER, Solicitor to the Commiflion. To MASONS, CARPENTERS, and PLAISTERERS. ANY Perfon willing to Contraft for performing the Mafons, Carpenters, and Plaifterers' Work in an intended CHAPEL to be built at LOWER EAST ...


... and TOYMAN, No. o, BOND-STREET, BATH, TAKES the liberty of informing the Nobility and Gentry rtforting to this City, that lv has j u ft received a Large and New Atlortm__t of Uleful and Fancy TOYS, calculated tor Youth of different ages, and adapted a. prefents proper for tbe prcfent Seafon. LiV.ewife, a variety of different Articles, of the neweft Fafnion, _>r Ladies' Drefe, fuch as Necklaces ...

HINTON ABBEY ?? tive miles from Hath) Is now opened for tbe Reception of V O U N (J GENTLEMEN;

... ■ru , »ns7'} ere tlk 'V Will he boarded, and educated it, ?? ?? GREEK CLASSICRS, GEOGRAPHY, DRAWING, PENMANSHIP, AMTHMB TICK, the prac t.eal MATHEMATICKS, MERCHANT', AC'COVU'Ts, •and every other Qualification netell'arv for the Umivemity the Law Dkpar rMEN'fI, the AIMY, the Navy, and till COUMINI; IliiuiE. • By the Rev. JOHN GERRARD, i lie ?? Italian Languages, Musick, Danciko, and ?? -. . ENC ...

Sunday's and Monday's POSTS

... From the LONDON GAZETTE. Venice, May 30. S Royal Highntfs the DufceofYork TJ M enfered the 'Veiiitian Sta.e, from IT. Mantua, -on Friday the 25.h In It. and was efcortecl ...


... liully informs his Friends and the Publick, THAT he is REMOVED from No._ 2, in the Orange-Grove, to LILLIPUT-ALLEY, near the Pakades, where he continues to fell all forts of CUTLER ...