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Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet



Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Northern Ireland

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Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet


... LERA. Very little doubt now exists in the minds of Doctor Daun and the other medical practitioners at Sunder- land, that the disease raging there is similar in its cha- Jian or Spasmodic Cholera. It is gra- racter to the Inc tifving, however, to learn that it has not extended n any direction. he number. of beyond that place i remaining by the retarn of the 23d November, was 16 commen aod 3) ...


... ae y a Caimea.—The Rassians have sanouneed thet thev Will not allow the of merchandise into the Crimea except by Theotlosia and General Jaknowski has been nominated Civi) Go. vernor. The 7let Regiment has been sent beck from Balaklava to Kertoh at the request of the Rossians, wntil the departare-of the Turks. for has committed suicide. Surgeon O’Con- The Russians have offered to purchase the ...


... ini that hi« onnt Ix’f.i , rv slr iielit-for»ard; but confess we arc l ilkiiij, in I 'o'liVcom spondent from Paris says, that 'he Gazette I FrmKn of last night, and the Courier Vim row and nl, Journals of this morning, mention, as a fact, the n-sienatien abdication, by Prince I-ccpold, of the , neof (ireece; and the reception 31. Eynard, the Piiilieienist, of a ...

women al most in astate of nudity, aud Men with brawny arms and fari shed faces, went forth in droves

... of destitution.— ' nes to die; others raised hovels for Some lay down dite the purposes ofc asua) mendicit y on the brow of some hill in some retreated to excavations in bogs, and the public way ; ita habitation in a morass. But the hewed themselves art found t! reir way into the obscured lanes and yreater in alleys © P ruined distriets in large cities—they sw homan clusters in and in vaults; ...


... INLAND NAVI TION. Orders have been given by the Lord Licutenant to Mr. Killally, Government Engineer, to proceed to Ennis, and make a survey of the river Fergus, from Ennis to Clare bridge, with a view to render thet river naviga- ble, which will be a most important advantage to the surrounding country.—Dublin Paper. Can nothing, we may ask, be done towards the junc- tion of Lough Erne with ...


... FORKIGN AFFATRS Ressta anp Turkey.—We are now enabled to supply the place of rumours by a variety of official intelligence from the seat of war. ‘Two bulletins received gave the Russiau version of the operations of the forces up to the in- vestment of Silistria, waich has been plished hy the Russians after a desperate cop- flict. The bulletin last received is of an earlier date than ...


... ERAwEe We stated in our paper of 27th ult. that the Plough ing Mateb of the Tyrkennedy Branch was to be azuin contested. On Wednesday the 2d instant, the compe- tition again took place in a field near Kilgartnaleague bridge. ‘The work was done in a style even superior tu the former, and the prizes adjudged as follows:— Mr. ALBXANDER of [rvinestown, first, an fron Ploagh, ¥r Borin, second, a ...

r/ton.vciaj, /.Vtell/geyce

... PROVINCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Rowpery AND MOST INHUMAN MuRDER.— On Saturday last, as Mr. James Markey, of Redbarn, near Dunleer, a respectable farmer, was returning from the market of Drogheda, on horseback, be was stopped between five and six o'clock, at the mile-stone, not a quarter of a mile from Dunleer, by two armed foot-pads, in grey great coats, who deliberately fired two shots at him, one ...


... tative as asit ld be discovered, that Catholics, when receiv to Parliament, were actually combined propr { the Protestant Church, all Protes- sence for the destruction o I unc tant embers would be at onc e, united as man to re- I Sir, would like to letter sist th e mischievous aggression. know, what degree of hostility would be sufficient to ing t favou awake n the Protestantsensibility of ...


... On Monday last, pursuant notice, adjourned naeclingof the Ihoteslanl Parisliii»ncrs RnniskilSen was held the chinch, t>r the purpose of |>etitioning the legitlature against the proposed plan of Church Reform. fJcoaoc Set: it, Escp, one of the Church wa» called the chair, and after reading the requisition for convening the meeting, observed, the meeting bad called for the instant; but notice ...


... ERMANAGH CATHOLIC MEEKTING A numerous and respectable meeting of the Roman Catholics of Fermanagh, took piace on Saturday last, in the Catholic Chapel of this town. Capt. Maguire, was called to the Chair, and Mr. ‘Terence Mihan, sen. requested to act as Secretary. On Captain Maguire taking the Chair, he addressed a few appropriate and aembled. well conceived observations to the persons as- He ...