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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF PROFESSOR FROUDE. The Press Association states that Professor Froude died athalf-pastsix on Saturday morning rn at Saloombe, Devonshire. Mr. Fronde, who at ti the time of death was professor of modern ci D history at Oxford,was a son of the late venerable Archdeacon Fronde, of Totnes, and was born in ol 1818. His illness dates back to June last, when n, the fatigue caused by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF DEAN PHI SLIPS. Ere the hand of spring had time to clothe the grave of Bishop Basil Jones with verdure, and with the death of Archdeacon James, not to mention other clergymen and laymen of QU. greater or lesser prominence, fresh in our memory, intelligence reaches us of All the disappearance from the scene of his labours of one who was in many respects the most distinguished 0hurchman ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE MARRIAGE OF PRIESTS. peo POPE LEO CONSIDERING. THE hr QUESTION. -. CARDINAL `VAUGHAAN AND Pel :.'BISHOP, HEDLEYTS VIEWS. are, ?? - the A correspondent writes to, the Globe as pas follows :-Thc Pope is disposed to abolish wit the law of compulsory celibacy for the secular wh' clergy, confining the ?? celibacy to wh members of religious orders who takeO vows.of 'TIu poverty, chastity, and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. JOHN EVANS, BRIDGEND. S Mr. Johin Evans, editor of thei Chronicle, passed away peacefully on day aoraning at 1.30, after a protrachif act , ea 'anful illness. Some five months ag wee taken ill, the effects of a cold, w'hich dve. e loped into more serious symptum,0 until a 3 lrgth valvular disease of thke leist ret in, to swheicl hle filnally succumbed. He uflfred; g greatly, but ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PETER WILLIAMS. 3g DEATH OF THE COMMENATATOR'g GRAND-DAUGHTER. C, A CURIOUS TESTAMED, id It will ?? our readers to learn 0 dg the death at Lianrug, Carnarvonshire, of ad at old lady who was the grand-daug-htcc of thg .nl Rev. Peter TWilliams, one of the founderiis us of Welshl Nonconformity. The deceased, lady Of was fit-at married to, a, 31Ir Melbourne,a yea aecattna wyo .es mrerchadt in a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF 1JR.. 13kISCOE. CHANCELLOR OF THE DIOCESE OF BANGOR. GRAND OLD MAN OF THE WELSH CHUI.RCH. By the decease of Dr. Briscoe, vicar of Holyieall, and chancellor of Bangor Cathe- dial, the Church in Wales loses one of its de most distinguished ornaments and ripest re scholars and divines. Like most students w and thinkers, his life was uneventful, an.] di consequently, leaves not much to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... arc i5 DEATH OF DR.l JAMES fa lROBERT, J.P. MERTHYR eu d 'Te regret to have to anolunce the death on cli Y Sunday, after a lengthened illness, of Dr. James G P-robert, J.P., of Pencaebach Rouse, Merthyr. A d Dr. Probert, who was 83 years of age, las born til at Ross in Hlerefordshire. He Came to Merthyr Ili h about the year 1838 as assistant to Dr. Russell, th e who had a very extensive ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LOCAL WEDDING. RADOLIF:-oCU LIpFp - th On Thursday afternoon at the handsome church of Lancaster-gate, Hyde Park (Christ Church), London, W., the very pretty wedding inc took place of Mr. Alfred Ernest Radcliffe (ofthe s King's Own Regiment) and Miss Sibyl H. COo-s lifte. The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr. thlE Ir. Joshua Walnusley Radcliffe, J.P. of Lancashire, fol lie of Werneth Park, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. W. I POWELL, THE OLDEST MINISTER IN WELSH METHODISM. The death is recorded, at the advanced agOQ of 80. of the Rev. Wm. P.:well, of Pembroke,, the oldest minister in the Welsh1 Calvinistic denomination. The reverend gentleman was taken suddenly ill on Saturday, and in a short time died. Mr. Powell for several years went ?? from home, and seldom took part in the public ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIJT H-f A MALBIAGES, AND DEATHS. Th .oticete i Birthbiq and VarriIgoc era ?? Lines, Is. ad I .Kur or ilve Lines S2.;. SEI Lines, ?? ad,; I sau or 11gB! Limtej, 3s, Tte rrust ho Auitheulitioated by the name and address ot the, lied aemomouanio bs a roumittarlee, ALI BUZUnS. BA Beacowr t't' Xstrci~ olfe ll ofMr. . tis', M.-ILC.JS.Ev iat Upper Hamilton. CL terrrsco, St. Jrebin' Wood, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lrg3 S Xg&BRIAGES, AND DIAATHS. t f oI irths Ilac Marriages are ohareod, T'tlte Lines, is. 6a.; lo F rt Brj Li00s, 2s, SSi Limos; 2s. Ud.; Seron or Ehiht Fse s, ThOy must bo authoixtioatod by theo eamo anta odreĀ§, of tho 6oueOr. and acoou00 ed by it ronnittauco. BIRTHS. ?? ,.vife of llr. C. It., 'It 1&. Onslown-gadlons, S.W,, Juu14, rsrN, Waife of Mr. A. J., at 193, \a0b1orwvcllroadl, Loulon, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AN'D DEATHS. qotimoe ot Births and bfMrrhgloT Oire ohargod, Three Linoo, Its 6wi.; Four or fire Liu9, 28.s; Six Lines, 2o, 6d. Soeow or RiMjhk Liues, 3s. Ihry tatist be autlenaticated by tho uarno ?? didrne of theo 0ndoer, Outl Rccoemulniod by a romnittanco. BIRTHS. wifc of Mr. P., at ?? rarh Villas, Park-roaf, Uollo- ?? 3 ydra? Mvl e ajor, at lloalinnds, Dorkjnlu. Jooue 23. ...