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Strathclyde, Scotland


Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR'1'HS. At his Lordahip's house, in Piccadilly, London, on Tues- day se'nnight, the Countess ut Roseherry, of a dantgtiter. At Buckland Abbey, on the '!Jid August, the Lady ?? G JSol (Gordon Sinclair, Btrr., of a son alid heir. A Ol the 20th nlt., Mr. l.inuaing, ?? Place, Edinburgh 1 ofa s.n (Cha Sept El.] MARRIED, . n I At Gllisgow, on the -ach ult., by the Rev Dr. Muir, A H[enry Halket, ...

ties BIRTHS. At Rock

... ville, East Lothian, on Saturday the 2d September, the Lady of Sir Thomas Troubridge, Bart., of a daugh- ter. At Inveresk, on 27th August, Mrs. D. Horn Elphinston of a son. MARRIED, At St. Margaret's Hill, on.the 5th current, the Rev. Robert Balfour Graham, minister of Stenton, to Christina Wilson, second daughter of the Rev. Archibald Lawrie, D.D., of Hillhouse, minister of London. At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ; ]3.1R0 IRTHS. At Meadowbank Howet, on Mouslay, Mrs. Maconochie, ofD son. At Peicaitlanti Manse, on Saturday the td inst., Mrs. Makellar, oia daughter. on'te ARRIED, At I-vine;'on the Ith c-rt., Stewart Murray Fullarton, Esq. of Fsullarton, to Isabella Buchanan, only daughter of the late ames N Muir, EsR , etirgeoen it Glasgowv. Ar'Dalvey, on the ONd tilt., Chlerles Gordon, Esq., of For- res, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | ?? At Glasgow, on the 13th instant, the Lady of Captain Stewart, of the Rifle Brigade, of a son. At Manchester, on Wednesday last, the Lady of Dr. Hardie, of a son. On the 17th current, in York Place, London, the Lady of Joseph Hume, Esq , M.P., of a daughter. At Dunnikeit-house, on the 18th inst., the Lady of Lieutenant- General Sir John Oswald of Dunnikeit, R.C.B., of a son. At Bath, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BlTkTH9. 'Tester, 28d Sept.-The Marchioness of Tweedlale was this biretioon delivered of-a daughter. Both are doing well. At Balnanmroon, on the :lath iost., Mrs. Carnegy, *t a son. On Saturday the ',d instant, Mrs. Gordoni ot Milrig, of a son. 3g,,'Eg A Ir Bai* tige o` n the 15th instant, the Lady of Lienteta s I/ orbes, of a saie. M;:.ihAR~iE=, ?? . On Tuesdayi ait virbl 5by the Rev Dr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... orlilt. at1I nrd Ia,,s hnti.e, 3in3 ft.i ^, 1 jady U 3B 9rave, of1 a daughier. -3 al t . I~rh , 1adt ?? Halltetr, 3o hi of ii R.;yitl Hithinelq Ihl- OIke of C; lrvrnce .-I !, tlur, l.3, 0l I otle !2Sth lilt., tile i.3dy At AC31 1, IarOI3iO 3f a liughiter. e j lIre. EdiilIurgl. onn the 29th tilt, the Hoil. TOfARRIED, p (tntrhe rl , h1 ulril3b, the ReV, R3'bert ilart Ailsre A ;tll} 31 rtl .3r1&, ...

BIRTHS At Limerick o

... n the loth D.ti, the Lady of Lieut. Colonel Douglas, 79th regiment. of a daughter. At Gateside, near Hamilton, on the 14th irustant, the lady of Captain M'lntosh, 42nd .Regiment , of a son. At Edinburgh ol the II th inst., the Lady of Win. Fer- guson, Esq, of Kilry, of a son. On the I I tb inst., the Lady of Robert Scott Moncrieff, Esq. Advocate, ot a daughter. At Castle Fraser, on the 8th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At the flague, on thie 21st, ult., the Countess of Atblone of'a son and heir. The Ron. I.adyGibson Cartichael5Castle Craig, of a ion --on the 3d curt. MARRIED, On Monday the 2lat ult., at Bonnington, Lanarkbirl the seat of Lady Mary Rossg Sit Guy Campbell, B3a, ion of the late General Campbell, to 1?amela, eldest daiUhter° the late Lord'Edward Fiizgetild. ' At Bierlislathe 20th June; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 131 It T11. At Calnton-Place, on the i8th inst., the Ladti Laurie, Esq. of a son. MARRIED, At Paisley, on the 18th instant, Mr. Joiim ()r jtti Patisley, to Janet, second eldest daugliter of ih iU Isq., 'aisler. * At Beith, oni tile ?? irnst., Janmes M'LeoJ, IA gcon, Glas1ow.,. tp Anti, sconmd dau.ghter Ot, i Dobte, iulnsifacturer, .Beith. : ir .j At tdinbturi-, on tile 21)st inst., by the lien ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IMARRIED, At Glasgowv, on the 8th inst., William Wallace; Esq, to Janet Crrawfolrd, eldest daughter of Samnuel Cooper, Esq., of Ballindcllaoeb. At Mellendelan, on the 20th ult., CharlesAbraitam Los- lie, eldest son of Sir John Leslie, Bait. of Wariles and Findrassie,to Anna, third daughter of Adam Walker, Esq., of Muirliousclauw, ROXLoxurghshlirc. DVIE At GL] v 0: o1n the °idcurt.; lahniTAl ...

BIRTH. At Ruchill, o

... n the 7th curt. the Lady of William Baillie of Polkemmet, Esq. was safely delivered of a daughter. MARRIED, On the 7th ult., at Leeds, William Whitaker Maitland, , Esq., son of John Maitland, of Woodford Hall, Essex, to Anne, daughter of Benjamin Gott, Esq: of Armley-house, Yorkshire. At Edinburgh on the 10th inst., Robert Haig,, Esq., Dublin, to Eliza, youngest daughter of George Chalmer, Esq ...