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Hereford, Herefordshire, England

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... Missing.—A considerable degree of excitement has been caused in this town by the disappearance, about three weeks ago, of Mr. Thomas Williams, jun., shoemaker. He was seen on the afternoon on which he left walking across the fields near the river Usk, in the direction of Llangwyney, hut he has not been heard of since. His umbrella was picked up a field adjoining the river, on Ty Mawr lands, in ...


... BRECON. Petty Sessions, Monday.— Before W. L. Banks, Esq., Mayor, and J. Williams, Esq., ex-Mayor. Drunk, &c—A tramp was brought up charged with being drunk and riotous, a vagrant, and hawking goods without a license.—The prisoner made a rambling statement, admitted he was drunk, and stated that he only sold a, few sheets of wTiting paper to make the best of his way to Liverpool.—The Mayor ...


... William Williams, aged 19, labourer, was barged with the wilful murder of Anne Williams, the hamlet of Grwyne-fawr, on the 19th of October la9t. Mr. Giffard appeared for the prosecution and p.risoner being undefended, Mr. Coleridge, at the request o.f the learned Judge, undertook to watch the case on his behalf. Mr. Giffard, stating the case for the prosecution, that was quite impossible that ...


... BRECON. lst Brecon Volunteer Rifles.—The members met on Tuesday last, under the command of Majer Lindsay, a-id the other officers, for battalion drill in the cricket field. The band, who, on this occasion, were present, are, under the mastership of Mr. Bell, making evident improvement. After they had gone through the different manoeuvres, the Major informed the members as to the route to ...


... BRECON. County of Brecknock—John Hotchkis, Esq., to be Deputy Lieutenant; May 11. Llanfigan.—A Chukch-Batb Defeated.—A vestry meeting was held in this parish yesterday (Friday) i sennight, when there was an unusual muster of the payers. The meeting had been convened by the rector, the Rev. Wm. Meredith, for the purpose of granting a rate for the repairs of the parish church, and the erection ...


... BRECON. The Market.—Our sheep markets have commenced, there being numerous attendance last Friday, owiug to the late splendid raius. Prices are little advanced. Cows and calves are in great demand, and fetch good prices. Fat sheep and lambs are also in great call. Equestrian Performances.— Howes and Cushing's company visited this town, and gave their performances as advertised in our last. In ...

HEREFORD, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12. « London, Awrutt If). The Gottenbuir.h Mail, which'arrived this, morning, ..

... vessel from Elsincur mentions the nrriva! there of a ship from St. Petersburg!}, after a passage of a very few days. The Emperor Alexander had arrived at his palace; but does not appear that the populace received him with any particular ceremony, or that l;is return was greeted With any peculiar demonstrations cf joy. In the City to-day The money markets opened at Advanced prices, and a. ...


... The Weather.—On Wednesday morning the snow fell so 'freely that the mountains were entirely wrapped in white, and wore most winterly aspect, indeed so much so, that the people here were ironically saluting each other with Merry Christmas and happy New Year. ihe Schoolmaster Wanted. The following document presented our intelligent town scavenger to the ard -°J Hea,fch ' of his bill, will no ...