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... MK. ROEBUCK AS A SPEAKER. The News thus refers to Mr. speaker :— - Roebuck az a Mr. Roebuck’s speech at Shefficld on Monday evening is in curious contradiction to a passage him, which some of our readers may recollect, in Mr. J. S. Mill’s Autobiography. “ Roebuck,” says his eminent friend, froma the vulgar notion of a Benthamite or Utilitarian. “‘was in man very different He was a lover of ...


... THE EXPLOSION OF A SPANISH STEAMER Madbid, August 20, — Particulars have bee t received here of the losa of the Spanish merohan Eipress, at Barcelona, by tbe explosion of a quantity of powder and cartridge wbich sbe was loading, intended for the Royal army besieging the citadel of Sco de Urgel. The catastrophe occurred at five o'clock ou the evening of the 17th inst.. in the port of Barcelona. ...


... That the Coroner s jury which sat to inquire into the circumstances of the Solent collision should have been unable to arrive at any distinct conclusion is of little moment, as regards any final legal decision upon the rights and wrongs of that affair. Nomin- ally, of course, a coroner's jury have the power of giving colour to proceedings of this sort by record- ing a verdict of blame or ...

The increasing [popularity of the & interviewing notables —the latest remarkable development of which is- its ..

... terrors to the f of such an office as that of Viceroy ever there were a statesman who position to sympathise with the troub fabulous old man who was the unhappy of the fabulous ass that statesman Lord Lytton at the present moment. circumstances the task involved in succ Northbrook. would by no means lt is related in the memoirs of eon that, on hia starring tours, he aW to follow a success ...