... TH-IE IRON TRADE. \OLVrmtAiMPrTONx, 'ednosdedy.-Ihe quotatiolns for finished ifon were strongoer to-day than last wveal, shoets for golv:nising, for instance, bein; 10s. cdearer. They were qluotcd to-day at £1-. to £1-. 10. Tho higher quotations are not, however, the result of a it. -ter dentslid, but simply of the dilminiohed supply, by reoason of the continlualnce of thle strike of miners. ...

Published: Thursday 14 May 1874
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 455 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... i10osi9 Lr3i Niatlot'a GrsoCtc.] BANK1RUPTS. DAVID Dtvis and Pnirip DAVIES, both of Noble Street, Lonldon, ostrich feather uanufatounrors. Jou0i EliAsumo. KEINo, Old Chaicge, London, mnercer, trading as Kling, Robarts, and Co. JOHN VINcENT SLATiv'RY, - Finboroughs lRoed, Kensington, Middlesax. Gio. liA esE MeL~LER, Leadenhall Street, London, shipowner. JoIIN SJoifiA21 Jus'ernrs, Blacknnore ...

Published: Saturday 21 June 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1164 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... I -lornt oeur ciMN Corresponadent,J L.o05oN, Friday Evening. The demand for money was on a very small scalo to-day, and the provious rates wore barely so firm. Some of the banks met the case by takin.g bills of brokers at R, radn others lengthaened the datos at whiob thoy would do bills at 1l No Bullion operations wvore raportculfat the Bnnlr. At the opaning the Stock markets were generally ...

Published: Saturday 12 July 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4206 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... I~ften Last Kfirkfs fauelt&.] rAN RUEMITS. LAuscELOr SIIADWOIL iMilL1na, late of Holbere Viaduct, London, now of Cliepstowv Place, WYestllourno Grove, Middlesex, THjOMAS WALIVAISS PLAeNT eind JOScEPH IPLANT, trading' as T. AV. .1lant end ?? Creecebureb Street, tendlon, and( Bishop Streeot Senth LB irmiaghiam, commriseion merchants, JAESs GRuAHAMi, Fjiesbury Place, London, accountant. RoUlreiT ...

Published: Wednesday 23 July 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1137 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... Bca r. , ;b Fridsay Evening. WEATHERt influences have cooibined with other causes to cheek busissess in dnearly all lapseartmtioit of trade, and 1though advices tire soaseovbat, more -cheering.'duietig thle ]ist two or~three daysf, the coossnaevoiel situsation must still be described as very unsistisfactory. Theodevreessiop moot so snanifeet in the textile as in the mealelurgical aindI mineral ...

Published: Saturday 26 July 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2737 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... F1'ront 1Lost Nilgt's Go:sftte.i BANlillUl'TS. T BlN.JA5.UN CAtMrtIttc.r, now of ]3dsnunton, MiiICoISX, lato of n tultlett Itoad, Camiterwell, and Trulserne Road, horth Brixton, w bothi in Surreo, heasd snessscnsgr to the Sunll Piro Office, Thread- needlc Steet, London, lately carrying oil business at High Street, t Rugby, ns a baby linen and fitle; goods dealer, sl FneR1:1)sEItsCK ROBItSON, ...

Published: Saturday 10 May 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 787 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKETS.-YESTERDAY. 1: LoNiDoN CoRN.--At A Mark Lae the grain trade ha~s ~r rnled dull. R~ather larger Supplies of nglidih prodesse were atoffered, and foreign sfoctis were fairly extensive. Wheal as i;again dull of sale. fipecuistion Ap pears to leave fallen oft' con- olderAbly, and business is now of a Flriaseto-mouth char-acter, with p lrice.9 ruling in buyers' favour. Broley met a quiet ...

Published: Saturday 01 November 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1688 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... Thu following ara tha roooipts into aud jsnsvmelitS ?? the Excheqjuer bsveoeon April 1, ]S79, nnl Sept. 30, 1S7:- IRE\ i;; ANID OTHMJIt RI]CYIPTS. TO, Total 'I'ol Butei I'cciptsintc ERecelp tninto - ?? Rxehielosr Excebqoer aste01111o for Al, April 1flromii April Ii A5S9 *0. Is'79, to 187S. to Set.20, 1879. Sep. 30,187S. aslasce A.prill 1, 179:- 9 . A £ Banir 'of England ?? 0,004,0 5,413,707 ...

Published: Monday 06 October 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 940 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAPRKETS.-SATURDAY. | AUWIICK CtOofe.--The trade to-day was sluggish, flt prices with a dossinrwrd tsdend y. 'PJhe amifoulit of tgralin on Offer :was abicut the averag e. | Bltf DGNOP~R1 Q)ORr.-Tbere wasW at good attentdance of. farmers, millers, inalttehrs, comr dealers, and liyurm, asnd a con- siderable number of sanlnlsl of both rheat and barley were shownI and a fair lot of samples ...

Published: Monday 10 November 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1421 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... rTHEJ IRON TRADE. A correspol)dent of tile Thtmei writes as follows -As notes of warning cannot too soon be rtidressed to the irom- manstors in this country, I solut you an extract froat the Ir-an Age of October 2, which. has alrcady appeared in Ir-on- 'An American Opinion on thle ron Trade flevival.-Eng- lieu ?? are eolsilerably slatel by what thoy tcrm the revival of the iron trade, anl1 ...

Published: Monday 27 October 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1199 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... MIDDLESBROUGH CHAMBER OF COMMEROE. Thf following extrarts are from the report forthemonth of Scptemuber PlG-11tON.-A. decided change miarked the pig-iron trade , of the Cleveland district during the month, and prices were run up a good deal-slowly at first, but very rapidly towards the close of the month. August showed a rise of 2i. per ton, bat September exhibited an increase from l 3-ls. fd. ...

Published: Saturday 11 October 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 771 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... I N1 ,, I .BIRMIN3GR AM SHA~RLE MST.-YEs2F~nDty._ I Anit. ?? CM~PAN4)tES, 100Iic rm. D a.ue It IA I LW..t.V. itlty. ISeOl, Stock 1100 1,don 044, North.Wc44tetll SO D - ?? x I Wtldlld. .1 palr Cenit ~X I)) :414. 124I01042I44I, , I urr ci.- 2~ Slc 10. II~i St Cok ?? Stci '44 . Oil, hAU,- 00. .06' Stok 0: ?? 1I1 L. 4 -Wolrl.. r.4' c102 NdF swlEI ,, DIt1o. L'ref., 41pe (ai' t J -113N( ItI00 ...

Published: Tuesday 04 March 1879
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 631 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce