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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... LITERARy NOVTICELS The Great Bce 9 l t Tourisd Gnds g th Continea, iltS f r guide will hardlysuprsede the methodica . ' but peteso }3aedeker. But on o r cipal charms of tfiooi tha it 1* one it hquie, ?? .edta :r msooua In wehlct ill sO r h a1fb a volume is allott to Holaand awl ellunz;bu n while the sights of Amsaerdam and Iottedam, Y of Brusisel and AntwerPgre ?? otd, : Inot leqs space ...


... THE THUTRES Divers opinions were expressed ms to --The of aes ',wii thssfinewo had ocxupied the ?? a of a conedy-wich. e is utbd noonvenwnL One o~f the me rS i i Dte a period in whiich. t there is a strivmig ate- moement on a higher . n pbsn, sof-as~ thstgi cocreM PiM , ?? by keen perce of the pretensions and the o- g -ranra w =ich are thre altetziationa of dhaly I ,6 life. has ontraived a ...


... A1RT NOTE&. Next. Tuesday, in hig stad%, PoolI-k D V South C'aatle-4treet, Robert Fowler, RL, w'ill place on exhibition a. niall buit important col- e lection Of pictures and dra'wings, some of which | - are intended for the forthcoming metropolitan 1 and other exhibitions. In the irsb room, the r decorations of which are uaique, is a strarge, mystical, and impressive. cpri gt picture repre- ...


... THE SPRING SHOW. I T'he tenth spring show of hyacinths, tulips, R azalea, and forced hardy plants, under the PI I auspices of tbe LiverpoolHorticultralA ciation, s was held yeterday it 5t. (eorge's Hall. Generaly speaking, theshow Sw8 5jaell to that of any prerious L -pring exhibition, and perhaps more bloam was notieed than usual. This w3s especially gratifying seeing tbap the date of the ...


... LITEARY NOTIM. Master DonI Gsaado. - By lam g Vg e author of The House by the Medarree, A . Tracslation by Mary A. Criig In to vu i (21s. London: Osgood, Mtflve, and Co.). It is only after this novel las been perased to d the end that its endurable, qualitie will be d I appreciated as they should be ; for, apart from a is plot which increases in intensityfrom chapter , to chapter and towards ...


... we 0. A reprint of Captain Cook's first voyage iB pro- to tmised us shortly by Mr. EIliot Sock. It will fe Jay be produced under the editorship of Captain mf o Wharton, of the Admiralty, and will include g91 i in oopies of the original illustrations anmi maps. A ItI pro- curious feature of this edition will be that some of a8 rfear the copies will be bound iii wood from Captain On it ib ...


... be - is In awcordane with a practice which has long e$ obtained, the dates of the concerts of the Liverpool re- Philharmonio Society's sason of l892-93 have ir already been fixed, but the committee, so far as irs, we can learn, have not yet approached the matter 'en of the selection of executants and subjects. r lks Sir John Stainer and Mr. W. G. M'Nanght B a were in Liverpool this week, ...


... THE LIVERPOOL DOG' AMD POULTRY SHOW. The LiverpOA D~og, Poultry, Pigeon, and 7aRabbit Show [lag always been a featare of the hiti It I lr~ Ityear in the city and bas, over ranked high among 01( grdull ' hbtimns. FOr twelve years it has law gaulyprogressed in public estl toi .ha l!Portance, and in quality- and ths thirteenth show, 1,1 MI'which was opened yesterday at the North Hay- h a ...


... |TKE ROYAL COURT OPERA , if HOUSE. | I i- & . in 7 h- VERDIS OTHELLO. iD- rill Verdi is one of the most interesting and, despite ed his advanced age, one of the most vigorous per- F ed sonalities in intellectual Euroane. Even now, M in his 80th year, he is engaged upon an opera jal whose libretto carries the subject of Falstaff. A be A mervly cursory review of his career as a comr- con ~he ...


... DLNCING AS AN ART. ITS HISTORICAL ASPEC7. There has rarely beeo so nulwwoS a XStb g of the momners of the Liverpool Teacho Gui-:d and their fnend as was seen at L niver-ity College on Saturday evening, ?? E A. Strong, LLD., being in the chziz-Mre. G:rzU read a paper on The Hitorical Aspuat cE Dancing. This may bave beo partailly due to the fact that the antique dces of which she bs, were to ...


... -Right's Right is a melodrama of a conven- tional type, but it p.3ints a moral and adorns a tale. Obviously ite auther has extended experi- ence of tbe stage and the purpose of the latter, and this knowledge is skilfully applied. There was a large audience at the Shakespeare Theatre ?? evening when Right's Right 'vas nerformed by a company wboze members by their talents empba- sued the ...


... - I26th Agll AloWz the Piver: a Noel By the auth¶r I&ftc ef Lady Aadley's Secret, &c. In thre ham volures. (31s. 6d London: Simnpkin, Mar- on shail, Kent, and Co.) Somereaders will con- Anot Eader the title-pages of this work to be mis- chnr leading, as the novel ends in the second Jas , ,olue, and a ?? of eight stories makes I tc .p the third. The small tales are very pleasat corp redinl ...