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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register



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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... It the year 1818 CA1N9KNG, in justifying the proceedings against the, lunfortunate men who had been sent to prison in 1817, in coiusequencdrit of the powers of the Power-of-lpisoplment Bill, dealt about -his .ii.- cule on the sufferings which those men bad been represented to have- endured; and4, in his enumeration of the suffering parties, particularly ridiculed. the revered and rstpured ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF GEORGE IV. I HAVE room for nothing, on this sub- ject, beyond the mere formal documents, relating to the death of the King, and to the proclaiming of his successor; but, disclaiming amd reprobating the base maxim, that we are to say good or nothing of the dead i that is to say, that we are to praise them, or not to say any thing about them at all; holding in abhorrence this base ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PITES BIRTH DA.Y. FROM TME VENAL PRINTS OF TMFE-2 TS OF MAY, 1811. Celebration of ghe :Awera~y qf the Birth- Day of the nAtrious aEd imortal Pit The, AnAivetsay of tie J -ir-thn4y of that illustrious and ever to be lamented Statesman, the ight Hon. WILLIAM PITT, was yesterday celebrated at Merchant Taylors' Hall, by perhaps the most re- spectable company of Noblemen and Gen- tlemen that has ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL PROCESSION, The body of the deceased will be re- 1eived by the Joint Committee, at his .esidence, in Prince-street, at precisely three o'clock, under an escort of ca- Ivalry, and brought down the Bowery to 'the platform, in front of the City-hall, Adhere the address will be delivered. After the address, the body will be taken to St. Paul's Church, where the funeral service will be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 1 T:-Th U~EM1LQKINLO H, ' Fr, 3V35 ¢ir tet, toi e a;hs-id .soiitiugc~nthe .losswhch,,Ihe people had lgs,,ustaitpl bytb' d Iegth of thg gea. tlernm, tui',, nnbthugf, t)aI I co~ig44,avre said iwould ,be so ?? a~s the olowr- [ing atdre~ssfrom the people of ,Glas, lrnw to ~tQIr. K,,o,,Mor as stitue tsat DUboiri~' which' ,tta~ke &prxx the (ff% ,pw Ckhro'.nziclc.of the 4.,xs tant.. OGL'iSGqoW ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... aT * , , ' Ti KI . . ;I:-116AT.H,$ OF TH&K ING. lo Maesty expid; it appears, Iat Wtiinisor (.~aft - on- Saturday evisiiigi the bth ux1~tant, at half. 1 pad'eight o clock? . i tlie eighty, .second aen~r of hs rige, andl in the flyy,4ini~ yar of 'hareig ,~ liar. n jnbe~en born l the year 1738, 4 aild ha;;iving ascenidcd therlirone in itlrc Feir~ 1'TOO . - the rearkis wich ti ha ve to oftf upon ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , I ? . ?? 11 , -, 1 77? , ? ?? - on the isujec htity - hav n take this oppoStWAM ity (for want o a I&&6b)io#eVdt S' X ~h iausade whi~taxhw~k sese ?? tal Am: LW; > t : .0 ' .9 t ?? XSO . . ,t ?/ ??OO?D IIAX, SATh?k$?t4?7.? -han the sentence atfi-. . .a. that he rode on the b?pgo?ca? 1mt?tIAt he walked ft?wa Yotk ?o ie1arratks? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LATE ROTHSCHILD. As the editor of a political news- paper, I cannot omit to record the death of this Jew. He died last week, abroad, somewhere; I believe, at FRANCKFORT. The news of this circumstance, reached the city of London the day after, and by what means, do you think, reader by means of a pigeon from Boulogne, bringing a note with these words 'a i est mort, it being thus notorious ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Tbereis4:torioosly, a fshort cop in the' ?? flrs~ place; and with regrard to the yiiVther, it' the othei parts of Etizand have stiffred 6I fthe same degree with those part hf- land which I-iwe seen-, s 'te wheat is asto its ing.bread..i say, that tbe l ou~ght to have be-ewsuspended twenty days-.tck or at least it oubt nwto be don di4i' delay.' R egis ug ?? - ?? , ia0 ., - - .. I 1. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF1? .ct :g t2- 9 00n S. A. T' this most melanclnolvy zven took place at twenty-five mninutes past ten o'clock, an event 1ore. heart-rendinpg never was thea'd Di in thir worMd. Death. the lot 0f us'all, is net, under cnlaroti oir cuw.sances, calct-ated to exci6. iu re~ecting1) r'inds any verygrea degree of grief, excep. toe obiecY be sornewhat cmiosoy connected9 with uchy tics of. ersen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL or THE BELOVED QUEEN CAROLINE. Kenfsing7ton, 15'augwt, 1S21. I iTavE not often had to apologize to my readers, during the almost twenty years that I have publish' ed this work weekly, for the want of industry or of energy; but, at this time, I really do not find my mind in a 'state to submit to them any thing of my own that I can venture to hope they may deem worthy of the subject' on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... HILEY ADDINSTO;N S BlRtIi-VAY. B Reading, April 6, 803. Sn,-Iri your account of the flesivity ot Apothecaries' Hiall, on the first of April (Mr. Hiley's birth-day,, and anniversary of the Amiens treaty) in your last week's Re- gister, (p. 521.) I am sorry to observesan omission, which this letter is intended to supply. I allude to the inclosed song, com- posed by a Reverend Divine of -this. ...