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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... . A prefect may refuse a license (1) to any person who is of age, but not on the register, or whose father or mother is not enrolled as a taxpayer; (2) to every individual who has been deprived by judicial sentence of one or more of the rights enumerated in clause 42 of the Penal Code other than the right to carry arms; (3) to anyone who has been condemned to more than six months imprisonment ...


... Signok. Cagnoni (whose Don Buccfalo has long heen popular in Italy) has been scarcely equal to the occasion in turning the play known in England as The Porter's Knot into an opera. His music is but a weak, if melodious, accompaniment to the dialogue of the piece made famous by Robson. Nevertheless, Mr. Carl Rosa is deserving of our gratitude in producing The Dorter of Havre in English during ...


... NEW BOOKS. Just published, in Svo, price 7s. 6d., cloth, A STUDY OF HAMLET. -LJL By FRANK A. MARSHALL. London Longmans and Co. Now publishing, rpHE ILLUSTRATED LONDON JL ALMANACK for 1876, Price One Shilling, free by post, Is. 2d., containing SIX COLOURED PICTURES, Printed by Leighton Brothers' Chromatic Process TWELVE ILLUSTRATIONS OF OLD MODES OF LOCOMOTION, as Headings to the Calendar ...


... . BY STRAXT. EVERY one travelling abroad must naturally find that certain things are hardly managed out of England quite so well as they are at home. Very few Britons would indorse the senti- ment that they arrange tilings better in France than they do here. But of all the aggravating institutions that I have had to deal with abroad commend me for a trial of patience to the Post Office in ...


... NOTICE. MESSRS. TATTERSALL beg to give iV_L NOTICE that their SALES on MONDAY will commence at ELEVEN O'CLOCK until further notice, getting to the Boxes at 1.30. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JL Messrs. TATTERSALL, near ALBERT-GATE, HYDE PARK, on MONDAY, NOV. 22, the following HORSES, portion of the Stock of the Cob Stud Farm, Cobham, Surrey STALLIONS. 1. YOUNG CAMBUSCAN, by Cambuscan out of ...


... . NDIA, so long the military, is now the general, rage. It turns np in every direction at all times, filling columns of the daily press, and coming out amongst the advertise ments of new books, or old books reissued, in great force, Even the old book stall-keepers have hunted out every quaint, old dis- 1 coloured pamphlet, every odd volume, or ancient book of travels, pertaining to India, to ...


... . DEDICATED BY EXPRESS. PERMISSION TO H.K.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. TNDIA AND ITS NATIVE JL PRINCES Travels in Central India and in the Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal. By LOUIS ROUSSELET. Carei ully Revised and Edited by LIEUTENANT-COLONEL C. BUCKLE, and containing 310 Illustrations and six Maps. Super royal 4 go, cloth. Price £3 3s. From the Times, Oct. 7, 1875. Nothing- can be clearer than ...


... . Just published, in 1 vol. post 8vo, price 10s. 6(1., QOCIAL GLEANINGS. By MARK kJ BOYD, Author of Reminiscences of Fifty Years. London: Longmans and Co. IMPROVED BREECHLOADERS. np.HE finest assortment in London, all -L the latest improvements, self-closing, snap-actions, with under or top lover, or side lever, rebounding- locks, EXTRA CLOSE-SHOOTING PLAIN OR REST GUNS. Increased pattern and ...


... T B. CEAMER and CO. '6 Music and J Musical Instrument Warehouse.-- Music sent at half price and post-free. Music Circulating1 Library, two to live guineas per annum. Musical Boxes, Guitars, Zithers, Concertinas, Metronomes, Digitoriuuis, &c. 201, Regent-street, W. PIANOFORTES and HARMONIUMS A ON EASY TEEMS OF FUKCHASE.-- Pianos from 2^ gs. per Quarter Harmoniums from 12s. per Month. A ...