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Morning Chronicle


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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... Mva.-iy ElU O'~QN and ki STI, Vi'~ll 5A, TT ~ f~ -1 COTT:-1.~'GE siuoted stwtinial re-tair, *ni I contpili.t on h.foe pair ~of Y.tairs thttee ?? rm witih tlotes andtI lttpti; lainli'. ..f ?? In firior, ini:'g room an,! p ir1 o~r, ( i tlt chklti, ~ontv~i~eb.lvkiicwije l, Iit~ il vlt, c r&e'4-r anl 4iwTvei,' p ?? ie I( X i- (L 'Jr, a i s .e~ co 4ivecuble inl~o. r'tiblen anĀ¶rge'l_-Oi'$dU drip t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6A EAS bY AlICTAO'N E 11't1t I isol.1l roriture -tB Mfar. J-~MTRS 1)hNl ta. isit AuaQisn Rom, Chuarles-'karetIcreL -sue, THIS *DAY, at 17. rTIF,1TE fasehion aahsI alisd xcellent HMO iSEHOLD FORI'II\ -UPR77, 0 imie. ?? r' Grecian Lasts, cshsina, Gis-q, piatedl Artcleiei. ibi octher vAmlstte- Oflfeda; mms'tsgsing t'ws, elegait fottr' poic hs-ct ,nl, wt s hit In hit ltpit fi,43;, cottaie saml ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION . I :Valuable Colledlion of Anti it anid Moderlei Engliih and ?? | the .reign ioks, including two smalli tirarics Irom the countryl . and tlie; I ibre.lry of a Clergyi 'In -ly 37r. SA.'DI ,K :t h!1.t his Greit Itoom, No. i,1., `icot-stret., iru ' Moniny ncxt and! chir . fivefollowing d.tys, at a- ari'ng lti li -ire, , . -o T: FOI~iO-'4ltA F~M's''I3kRJrtk SFT GC L LT- inal Ij ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DO'MVILLE, MiAiYoUn. A COMMO!Nl COUNCIL, holden in the ChIamber t ofia t t Oil dhull of thc City of London, on Tuesday the 7th' day of Deceulwr, 1g13, 1to30LVZV UNANnmOUsLY-r-hat an hubtle, dutiful, and' ?? Adlreso lie ?? to his Royal -Highness the Prince Regent, to congratulate his Royal Hl-liglhtess oh the-happ; state of affairs, occasioiedh by the late Revolution in Holland, where- by a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? HEA`TRF-R0YAL, Co. .11A1 ri'ZI ?? M9i -tW oili b~i!. perfirormei a fiola thein opns(tiso h nwt-S i.!1i 01' a~n~l modvrn; in whkici i'iss Stepsn i ,~.ti~re As I'IcdEJesir-) 1'iiiOrgies,' ' Lot me want- sei ice ~ ' ?? eirery soclal tic, with Asir.UI ~ ijso sing 'l'Totai eeltIpse, i if you1 ~ ',' ant'I 'Marnmion. \'lts. Sa-M It ,1I~ot. illYfi'~~ *Vitinsa' CSet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOK(S PUBLISHEID THIS PA.Y. ,ln two vols. 8vo. price.tJ. 6s. btards,the second eoition,greatly itnproved, correeed anid enlarged, of A TOUTRin ICELAND.' By W. J. HOOKI X ERt, Esq. F.R.S. and F.L.S. Coknprjihig, in addit on to the :coji'tents of the first ed'flton, ttlree IJ Vlps, and a g~reat quan- tity of fresh original information; 'particularlyr elative to the Trade and burning Iounealna ...


... - r TJURTON and RISP respeafally acqnaimn the t B 'Publr'tbe; 'COPSYHOLD !t31l)DUNCE, itsiputed atc Marniosdswortth, near .3ongfrrd, advertised to be Sold k-y a Alrlion at Garraway's, on Friday 2dllst. is DiSPOSED OF by t Private Corrtradl. . , t Ieempton ?? and well -conditioned Materials of. the T spacious Mlansitrn 'House .andt ffice;, erec1ed within a few a Years, at an Immense expence. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NT-'GTOLJT~f, Ilato P illcq' .IDnIV'eil I Itt ill cootllwli ?? Wtvll thec wisels tif ?? AC'ilDv.\Y ftl DANCING, in . rswiih iistl ?? Ii 1t iSPrinciple, all wvll ?? rst Satuirday i-i i'Dccmohcr, nod..will iseeay id Sttuday.Prnher partiulwar, of ishscltttifl fitf le O~~iid tuersonal apcilica- cc- t~c~ p ii at Pt - sinaA gitolinita residence, ?? ~~6d.-Ihis i-Q ) ill thfei. Pt eli-- of it i~ \rii- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERLOO SUBSCRIPTION, TUATCi; fHOVSV lTAVLRN, ST. JAMFS:-STastsr. ilis Royal Ilivilnesn the Dluke ofCYOItK, Chairman. The TRlUF.iSUllETlS have reported, linat 2Q.800l. 17' 6d. it) the Flhree per Cent. liedpced, 28.0001. os. Ad. Tlhree per Celit. Coiolq 59,c1ol. Qs. od. Exchequer Billa, -tad !ieets invetated. Avttuut of Sgbscriptioni ?? advertised . -i00 62 8 Tlitie lrinter ofthePub- -lii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKlS PUBLISHED THIS DAY. P in 3 vol;. r2nim. price r6s. 6. f MONT1 at BRUSSELS; a Satirical Novel. , .A - 13y the Authnr of a Month in Town,- Rejedled Odei61 in Oenerid Post orsg,,8&c.&c. i Dificile est satiram non scribere.-JUVCNAL. Pubikheil by Mr. Iley, No. r, Sonmermet-street, Portnan. c square, andsnilt by Shterwood, Neely, and Jones, PaternosterC row, anJ all tother Booukellers. Price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEMIPLE, CHAMRF.RS. 15th Julv, 18X6 A T a MEETING of the COMMIT1TEE of the AASSOCIATYON fir the ItcLIPF of the IMANUFA5C_ TURING and LAIBOU RING POOR,l His Grace the Duke of RUTLANI), K G. in the Chair, It was resolved, That It is highly expelient undler the present circumstances of the Country, to renew the coure,- which had been adopted, with such extensive benefit, in the year 18tz. That a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 717R. WEST'S PICTURE' of CHRiSTRE 3 TBfTEf)-'l1anj-.La-lies -tal Gentlemnaf amnungst thec -thiu seod- who have seetn thi- Pi~nre, having expressed at vish to i-n- infornmed vlitn it. was 4r. W~est's intention of, publishltg ?? front it, tn riauthorizej-, respadrudly toi acqusint tliem an,! rt Pulilici gpunenral, that a Dratwing is now finished Isre- paral(:ry to that t-bjedt, av&I placel ...