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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News



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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... . IN a journal, largely identified with the Drama, con siderable prominence must necessarily he given to Music; which has been one of the most attractive adjuncts of the Drama from the dawn of dramatic history to the present day. It will not be necessary to establish this fact by references to the classic lore of Greece and Rome. We need only turn to the plays of Shakspeare. Who can think of ...

The Drama

... STfjc JBrama. Owing to pressure on our space a great portion of our Dramatic Intelligence has been necessarily held ocer till next week. ALTHOUGH the attractions of tho pantomimes at Covent Garden and Drury Lane have been far from exhausted, and enhanced as they have been during the last two or three weeks by the production, at the former of the melo drama of Rip Van Winkle, in which Mr. ...


... Provincial Drama.-- -We must apologise for the brevity of our Provincial correspondence tins week, which we have had to compress within close limits owing to the pressure of more im portant matter. ...


... . THIS elegant house, over tho fortunes of which Mr. Henry Neville so worthily presides, has been associated in past years with more than one success in the direc tion of the legitimate drama and the present lessee has, therefore, only followed tho laudable example of his prede cessors in seeking to revive the classic memories of his theatre by the production of Shakspeare's inimitable play of ...


... . THE third concert of this Society attracted a large attend ance-- a circumstance which it is gratifying to notice. There have been few musical undertakings so well worthy of national support. The orchestra, numbering 75 per formers, is composed of the cream of British artists, and includes an array of solo players whoso names are world- famous. Original works by British composers are brought ...


... Re&tefos. MAGAZINES. Town and Country for March contains several smartly written tales, the conventional page of verse, and the continuation of the serial story Hugh Haslip which is appearing monthly in this magazine. Undine, a water side fragment as it is called, furnishes the subject of the only illustration, which is about one of the worst specimens both of drawing and engraving we have ...


... fHustr. Music intended for notice in the Monthly Review Qf K eir Hi'.sic, in the last Saturday of each month, must be sent on or boTore the prcricus Saturday. Benefit Concerts will not (as a rule) bo noticed, unless previously ad vertised in our columns. THE RIVAL OPERAS. ON Tuesday next Her Majesty's Opera will open at Drury Lane, and a fortnight later the Royal Italian Opera will open at ...

The Drama

... Uijc Brama. THE Adelphi re-opened for the season under tho lessee ship of Mr. Chatterton, on Saturday evening, when varied programme was presented, comprising an amusin and bustling farce by Mr. John Oxenford, under tho title of A Waltz by Arditi, followed by a revival of the old fashioned melodrama of Elizabeth, or the Exiles of Siberia and concluding with a ballot divertissement for Miss Kat ...


... THE COURT THEATRE. THE BLUE-LEGGED LADY. THE piece of absurdity, as it was appropriately styled on the preliminary announcements, produced here on Wednesday evening last week, under the whimsical title of The Blue-legged Lady, turned out a practical joke, or, on the first night at least, a dramatic sell, and has since been so designated in the advertisements. It belongs to the same class ...

The Drama

... i &\)c Drama. THERE is comparatively little to record in the theatri cal world since our last, the only variations taking place being at the central houses, the Haymarket and Olympic. At the former Mr. Gilbert's Charity was played for the last time on Saturday, and was superseded on Monday evening by Tom Taylor's Overland Route, with the same cast with which it was represented here recently, ...


... . THE first night of the Opera season is an event of no slight importance. It not only marks the commencement of the musical season, but is also indicative of the open ing of that fashionable season which brings to London the créme de la créme of what is called society. Her Majesty's Opera commenced operations on Tuesday last with a most successful performance of Rossini's Sem iram die. ...


... . The Conquest of the Sea, by Henry Siebe. (Chatto and Windus, London.) This book, which, under a captivating title and profusely illustrated, professes to deal with divers and diving, and to elaborate all the known facts concerning the mysteries which lie hidden within the depths of the ocean, is one which will especially commend itself to all earnest students, and more particularly youthful ...